
I was robbed.

The rare drop treasure that I had obtained was robbed.

I must admit, But, I was caught off guard by her loli attribute.


Here I have Meena, a dog girl with a [Sharp Sense of Smell ☆ lv4]

"Can you follow her, Meena?"

"I can do it, Master."

Meena nodded vigorously at my question.

She is a dependable slave.

"That child hasn't bathed in a week, and she smells bad. It looks like she went through some rotting garbage today."

"Y-yeah. That's a bit pitiful, too. ......"

Serina says that she feels sorry for her, but that doesn't mean that she can interfere with my slave harem plan.

I'll punish her with plenty of [Spanking Lv2]. I learned it earlier.

Relying on the lights of the city, we make our way through the alleys at night.

The only sound in the area was the sound of our armor as we walked past the noise of the bar and into the back alley, where the residents were already asleep.

"We're close."

Meena turns around and whispers.

"All right, let's be careful from here."

"Ehh. There's only one enemy."

Serina said, but this woman seems to have some kind of skill to search for signs.

That little kid should have plenty of room to maneuver.

In front of us, there is one rough house with a collapsed roof that looks abandoned, separated from the rest of the houses.

We snuck in through the backyard of the house, which must have been quite nice in the past, and ducked behind a wall to catch our breath.

"Aaah~, easy peasy~! I didn't expect him to have the jewel, that dull old man is quite good. Well, he wasn't paying attention at all, and having valuables in your hip pocket is just plain dumb, Ahahaha."

Say, the kid.

I signaled with my eyes to Serina and went to hold the front doorway.

"Can I buy a bed with this? No, I have to take care of the leak first. Also, I need to wash up my body. ......"

I thought, "Oh no," but he said "Wash Up" instead of "bath". It seems that only the upper class takes a bath here, and even Serina is complaining about it.

Well, I don't care about that.

I'm sure she's got the front door covered by now.

"Let's go, Meena."


I let Meena, who is more athletic than me, go first, and I follow her behind.

"Who is it!?"

She seemed to have noticed a presence, but it was too late.

Meena easily knocked her down with her footwork, pinned her on her back and took away her knife.

"Okay, good job, Meena. Serina, that's enough."

"Yeah. That was easy."

This child doesn't seem to have any friends, and with Serina who can look for signs and Meena who has a keen sense of smell, we won't be taken by surprise.

"Now, give me back what you stole from me."

I said, flipping up the hood. The candlelight makes it look suspiciously, but she look like a child with pink hair. There are blue-haired people in this world, but I had never seen pink haired yet.

"What are you talking about? Ughh!?"

I punched her in the face for being so nonchalant at this point.

"Come on, Alec. She's a girl, you know?"

Serina blamed me.

"So what? It's a gender equality punch."

"Huh? Are you really a hero ......?"

"It's not what I want. It's just the way it is."

"Honestly. leaving that aside. You can't steal something that doesn't belong to you. Give it back."

"Hmph, What's wrong with stealing for a living?"

No remorse, huh?


"No, you're not. You're still able to move around properlu, and if you gather some herbs outside the city, you should be able to make a living." I say.

"You're talking about someone with an adventurer card. I don't have one."

"Why not?" Serina asks.

"That's ......."

"Most likely, she has committed crimes in the past or failed in her requests. She got what she deserved."


She bit her lip in frustration when I said it, but I guess it wasn't too far off.

"Come on, give it back. I'll let you off with a your virginity and a spanking."



Aside from Serina, even Meena's face became reluctant. I have no choice.

"I'll forgive you if you return it anyway. Now, give it back."

"Hmm, I don't have it anymore."

"Ahh? Tch. Meena, take her clothes off."


Meena ripped off her robe, but this girl didn't resist. But she doesn't wear panties. She should at least do something about her underwear.

She was so flabby and not at all attractive.

"Well, if you want to check it out, feel free. I've already spent it, so I can't return it."

Damn it! You spent it!

I was tempted to kick her in the stomach, but that wouldn't bring back the treasure. I'll probably find at least one more when I hunt again tomorrow anyway.

I gave up and asked her.

"What's your name?"

"Lilliana-von-Valencia. It's too long. You can just call me, Lily."

"Hmm? Are you noble?"

"Not exactly. Well, at least not yet."

It seems that she was really a noblewoman when she said that to herself. She've fallen a long way, Isn't she?"

"Hmm. Meena, go back first and have the innkeeper get the bath ready."

"Yes! Master!"

Meena nodded happily and ran off.

"Here's the deal, Lily. You come with me quietly, and I'll guarantee you a hot bath and food tomorrow."

"...... What are you going to make me do? I'm not gonna kill anybody."

"No, I'm just going to take you rabbit hunting. I'm gonna teach you how to make money, and you're gonna work your way back to me for 40,000 gold."

"40,000 is impossible. ......"

"It's not that hard. Well, I won't accept your veto anyway. Serina, bring her to our Inn."

"Yeah. Come on, let's go. You should run some hot water on yourself, you know. You're a girl."

"Ugh. ......"

I'm not sure if she was pessimistic about her situation, or if she was bonded by the kind words of Serina, but Lily's eyes were moist and she obediently followed us.

"Sir, if you want bring back a slave, please bring clean slave."

When I returned to the inn, the owner Inn complained, but I wanted to do the same.

"She's not a slave. Well, I'll be careful next time."

"I'm counting on you."

I waited in bed, a little nervous.

"Hey, what kind of skill is spanking?"

Serina, sitting next to me, asked.

"Then, I'll test on you. Take off your clothes."

"What? Now?"

"Yeah. It's gonna take them a while."

"Hmm. ...... O-okay."

Maybe it was because Meena had already seen her naked, but she didn't seem to resist.

"Nnhh, Ah, Ahnn."

At first, I touched and licked her breasts in a normal way, and after I relaxed her a little, I made her get down on all fours on the bed.

"Then I'll use it."

"Y-yeah, do it"

First, I lightly slapped her ass.


"That's a spanking."

"Oh, yeah..."

"What about you?"

I ask her if she likes it.


"Well, you won't know it if just once. I'll do a little more. Tell me when it hurts."

"I-I understand. Kyaa! Auuhh, H-Hold on, More gently. Ahnn!"

I'm not that excited about it, but the composition of having a spanking on her is a little fun.

"Come on, how is it? You feel it or you don't like it, You at least know what you're feeling."

"That's...., Aahnn! Kughh! It's humiliating, and I hate it, but this...Aaahhnnn!"

What, you like it?

"You're in high school student, that's not good. Tell your classmates that you like spanking and rape, and they'll all get really turned off."

"T-that's ....... I-I don't like it."

"Don't lie to me."



"You don't have to work hard at my party just because you got kicked out of the other party. You like it when I do this to you, so you won't leave."

"I-I'm not, it's because we're heroes. ...... Kyaa!"

I've also learned [Verbal Torture Lv1] and will use it.

"Tell me honestly, you like being bullied like this, don't you? You're a high school girl and a Hero, but you're such a pervert."

"Kughh……! Be-because, I can't help but get all thrilled and tingly in my stomach when you accuse me like this! Uwaaahnnn!"

"Don't cry, it's annoying. That's just another sex thing. Here, I'll fuck you from behind the way you like it, so raise your ass."

I use my [Rape Lv1] skill to insert myself into Serina, who does as she's told.

"Ahh, kuhh, this, really, is not good.……Ahnn!"

"How does it feel to have an old man you don't like poking you in the back and making loveless sex with you?"

"I-I can't tell you t-that, Ahhnn!"

"Don't be so happy with your face all red. Meena also said with a dumbfounded look on her face, she said 'I've never seen anyone so perverted'."

"Eehh? Y-you're lying, Aahnnn!"

Well, that's a lie.

"Here, tighten it up. I'm going to develop you so much that when we go back to Japan, I'm going to broadcast a live video of you spreading your legs and moaning. I'm sure your high school friends will be tweeting about it behind your back."

"Y-you absolutely can't do thaaaaaat!"

She seemed to have climaxed and was convulsing and shivering several times.

"Uhmm, Master, the bathing is over, but ......"

Meena reported to me slowly.

At the side of Meena was Lily, who was looking at me with her face bright red.