
She kicked me in the face and I got up and grabbed her little leg.

"L-let go of me!"

The pink-haired toddler's body is on full vine, though.

"That's enough, Lily. I thought you wanted to eat."

"Kuhh, Yes, but you take away my virginity in exchange with egg soup. ......!"

"You're the one who accepted the deal. If you want to resent, hate your own situation. If you weren't born in a noble family, you wouldn't care about it."

I can't afford to be kicked, so I use [Convince Lv1].

"That's not ...... yeah."

Lily, who had no way of knowing what it would have been like if she hadn't been noble, was worried.

In the meantime, I got off the bed.

"Then, let's go have breakfast, and then you can buy some clothes with Serina. Then you can come with me in the afternoon."

"*gulp*, Wh-what are you going to make me do?"

"Don't get your hopes up, idiot. It's just hunting. I'll teach you how to make some real money."

"What? Hunting is ......"

"It's better than scavenging garbage or pickpocketing dangerous people."

"Mm......Fuu, I understand."

I don't know if she learned her lesson from either of them, but she must have gotten tired of her way of life.

Also, you're going to have to work for the jewels to get them back. I don't do charity work, you know.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

When I went to the kenjutsu dojo, Ione showed up in good health.

"I'm sorry for worrying you."

"'No, I'm not particularly worried."

"Fufu! I see. It's a pity. Fritz nursed me through the night."

Ione smiles and says something like that, whether it's a sulking or a guess at me. Fritz is a little embarrassed next to me, but he's in no position.

"Then, You can thank Fritz for that. Can you move now?"

"Yes, I can swing a sword now. I'll see you again in the afternoon."


I was a little worried that Fritz would insist on coming with me, but he was swinging his sword single-mindedly, apparently intending to master swordsmanship. He was probably feeling inexperienced because Ione had been injured after falling behind the bandits, but he was serious.

Well, with his good face, he won't have any trouble with women. The freckled girl who is a student here is also following Fritz with her eyes. The girl does not seem to be under the influence of my【Charm☆ Lv3】. I'm not sure if it's because she's not my type, even though she's quite beautiful.

"Well then, Let's begin today's lesson."

"""Yes, sir!"""

Master Welbard said calmly, and the students' cheerful replies echoed in the training hall.

After a round of swinging and kata, Fritz, Ione, and the other advanced students began to fight in pairs, and Meena was assigned to that group.

I, on the other hand, was just swinging. I can't wait for it to be over.

"Alec, come here for a minute."

Hmm, I think I'll be scolded for my lack of seriousness. I relaxed a little too much.


"Let's try a little hand-to-hand combat with me."


It seems that Welbard is going to teach me directly, but I don't like it, because it attracts the attention of other students.

"The rest of you, give it a rest and watch."

""Yes, sir.""

"It's bad example, I'm sure."

Billy folded his arms and nodded to himself, shut up.

"Well then, Alec, you can start anywhere, hit me with everything you've got."

"Ha, Okay, then, I won't hesitate."

My level and ability should be no match for Welbard, so I'm going to take this seriously.

It would be dangerous if my sword fell out, and I would be laughed at, so I gripped the hilt tightly and struck first with all my might.

There was a nice metallic sound, and our sword was easily flicked away. Instead of going against it, I used its momentum to swing and land another blow. This time, I weakened it and aimed for a series of attacks.

But no matter where I hit, Welbard will always catch me, and thank goodness he's not an enemy. But if it is an enemy, I'll go for anything, blindfold it, trap it, or whatever.

"All right, I'll go from here then."

"Ehh? No, that's little..."

The sword Welbard is holding is a practice sword without a blade, but it's still steel, and if it hits you, you're screwed.

I thought, "That's not going to happen against my strength," but I fought back. A right, a right, an upper left, and then a right that went around.


Billy made a strange noise, but I guess he didn't expect me to succeed in catching Welbard sword. I was able to deal with the roundhouse blow because I knew it was coming.

But the final blow, a sharp thrust, left me helpless.

"I give up"

"Yes, well done, Alec. Have you been practicing on your own?"

"Huh? No, I didn't do anything like that."

"Then, maybe you got it from hunting monsters? Congratulations, you've been promoted to Swordsman Rank E today. I'm sorry I told you it would take six months, but I didn't expect you to grow so fast. To be honest, I'm surprised. You might be able to aim for a higher rank of swordsman."

Hmm, a compliment. That's the thing, maybe I was able to copy the swordsmanship skill again.

I checked my status to make sure it was correct, and as I thought, I had acquired 【Swordsmanship Lv1】.

Unfortunately, my【Skill Copy Lv1】is not suitable for learning high-level skills, because the skills copied from the opponent will all drop to level 1.

If you want to become an advanced swordsman, you'll have to put a lot of skill points into upgrading your skills. I feel that's a bit masochistic.

"No, as I said before, all I need is your skill as an adventurer."

I don't want to get greedy and he's become a Spartan, so I'll just say that.

"Damn, Alec's so cool. You should aim to be a first-class swordsman!"

"Billy, you need to work on yourself first before you tell others what to do."

Ione said, and Welbard nodded.

"Yes, I agree. It is good for each of you to be inspired by the growth of others, but do not forget your own goals."

Goals. Okay, I'll save up a hundred thousand golds and go to the slave traders!

After the training, I went to the restaurant to have lunch, and found that Serina and Lily were also there.

"Oh, Alec. You see, I bought Lily some clothes."

"Yeah, it's a good deal."

It's a short-sleeved, cute cloth outfit. Underneath, she was wearing a mini-skirt for ease of movement.


Lily turned away in frustration, but if she hadn't run off, that was fine.

"Now let's go hunt some rabbits."

Ione joined me, and we hunted as a party of five: me, Meena, Serina, Ione, and Lily.

It's too easy and conversely inefficient to deal with a single rabbit, but if the members are spread out, the [Skills Party Sharing Lv1] and [Increase Rare Item Probability Lv4] won't be effective, so it can't be helped. I have a feeling that if I raise the level of this sharing skill, it will be okay, but I don't want to take any chances since it costs 50 points to make it Lv2.

I looked at Lily's status in [View Party Status Lv Max], but she was only level 3. I don't even want to go hunting with this.

Also, most of her skills are garbage, so I feel a little sorry for her.

Lily's Owned Skills

【Garbage Scavenging Lv2】

【Rob Lv2】

【Escape Lv2】

【Selfishness Lv3】

【Bad Luck Lv1】

【Misfortune Lv1】

【Bedwetting Lv1】

【Manners Lv1】

【Noble Bloodline☆ Lv5】

There are a level in bedwetting, but I'll keep that quiet from the guys in my party.

The problem is [Bad Luck Lv1].

I wish I could get her to take the [Luck] skill to counteract it. I can't let myself get caught up in bad luck.

I don't want it if the jewels don't come out well.

"Come on, get the last kill quickly. Let's keep moving."

"Uuhh, why am I doing this, Eii! Ow!"

A knife would still be difficult because of the lack of reach. But Lily doesn't have the muscle power to swing a sword, you know?

Besides, she only has 18 HP, so even a single blow from a rabbit is quite dangerous. We'll use herbs to heal her, and we'll surround the rabbit with a handful of attacks to set her up.

"I level up, but..."

"Okay, then, try to get the [Luck] skill. You know how to do that, right?"

"Yeah. Huh? I have so many skill points. Oh well."

It seems that Lily, who has closed her eyes, has taken the skill. I'll check here too.

【Garbage Scavenging Lv2】

【Rob Lv2】

【Escape Lv2】

【Selfishness Lv3】

【Bad Luck Lv1】

【Misfortune Lv1】

【Bedwetting Lv1】

【Manners Lv1】

【Noble Bloodline☆ Lv5】

【Luck Lv3】New!


It's good that she listened to me, but her [Bad Luck] skill hasn't been canceled out.

"Ah, [Bad Luck Lv1] hasn't disappeared."

Serina says, but this woman took [View Party Status], Isn't she?

Since She had 10 points to spend, I would have preferred for her to take something else if possible, but I guess I can't help what she took.

"Eh!? Hey, don't look at my skills!"

Lily's face turned red and she tried to run away, probably because she didn't want people to know about her [Bedwetting] skill.


I grab her.

"Let me go!"

"'Ah, I'm sorry, Lily-chan.''

Serina flutters her hands and apologizes with a wry smile. I glanced at Serina and then said.

"Lily, my level is almost gone up. If I do, I might be able to get rid of that skill."

"Eh? Really?"