
I'm not sure if I can eliminate Lily's skill, but I think I can manage it. I also have the [Premonition Lv1] skill.

"Meena, can you keep an eye on our surroundings?"

"Yes, Master."

It's not a good idea to have a discussion on the field.

There's always the possibility of being caught off guard by a monster.

However, Lily is about to run away, and it would be better to talk about it in detail here.

"First of all, the only way to be sure is for you to learn the [Skill Reset] skill, which will cost you 20 points."

"Hmm? I don't have that."

"I do have that skill, though."

Lily doesn't have it, but Serina seems to have it.

The skill should show up even if you are short on points, so this could be a lack of level, a problem with your profession, or perhaps it is a skill limited to heroes.

"Then I'll level up and get [Party Skill Reset Lv1] or [Party Skill Erase Lv1] to erase your skills."

Two skills come to mind right now. Erasing is cheaper at 30(Reset skill) and 20(Erase Skill) points respectively, but resetting would be a better deal because of the point rewards.

"Wait. But that means we have to use Alec's skill points, right?"

Lily looked at me suspiciously and asked me to confirm.

"Yeah, that's right."

I've already got [Skill Reset Lv1], which allows me to reset my skills, so I don't really need it.

"Then, why do you go so far......."

"Cause you're going to be hunting for me for a while. I'm not going to be able to sleep if your [Bad luck] skill kicks in and you die on the way."

On paper, yes, but this guy took my jewel. I'm not going to let her go until she works hard to pay me back.

"I-I see. ...... T-thank you ......, Ahh, Geez! It's nothing! Do what you want?."

Lily seemed to be embarrassed and stopped thanking me halfway through, but she's a so simple. I also have [Charm☆ Lv3], so I'll make sure to drop it.

Serina smiled at the embarrassed Lily.

"Fufu. But I don't have [Party Skill Reset]. It seems that the skills that people can take are different."

If you can't get the skill. Serina, who is a hero like me, then you might need to get the personal【Skill Reset】to get the derived skills. Well, it's enough if one person in the party learns it, and I'm afraid of making it to a higher level and having my skills disappear on their own.

"Then I'll just take it. Don't tell anyone about this, okay?"

I'll tell everybody.

"Yeah, I got it."

"All right."

"Yes! Master."


The rabbit didn't seem to be able to raise my level again, so we decided to go into the forest and hunt a monster called "Mount Ape".

According to Ione, this is the highest level monster in the area.

Lily, who is low level, is in danger, so I send her back to town and have her wait at the inn.

"There are two of them up there!"

Meena detects them with her [Sharp Sense of Smell], and everyone gets into a fighting stance.


One of them came down through the branches of the tree. It's a small gorilla. Its fur is gray.



Serina quickly cut in and did some damage. I shouted at her as she continued to push it.

"Wait, Serina! What's the point if I don't finish them off?"

"Ahh, I'm sorry, you're right."

They're going to prioritize my level to acquire skills. 

"Hah! Yaah!"

"Take this!"

The other one is being dealt with by Ione and Meena, but it looks like they have plenty of time.

"Uho, Uho, Uho!"

Mount Ape thumps his chest forcefully with both hands. What the hell? Are you trying to intimidate me?

"Please, be careful! He's calling their friends."

Ione said, but tsk, it's not good if we don't take them down early. I wish you had told me that in advance.


I threw a thrust, but it was easily avoided. I guess I'm not as good as Welbard-sensei. But when he tried to hit me, I quickly adjusted my stance and knocked him down with a counter. I can do it.


I heard Serina's scream behind me and turned around to see that she had been knocked to the ground and was in the mount position. So that's how she got her name.



Hou~. Mount Ape showing some pretty good hipwork.

"Don't mess with me, Starlight Attack!"

Serina used her special move and took him down with a single blow.

"Ugh, this guy is the worst."

"Did he put it in you?"

"No, he didn't put in me!"

"I hope so."

"That's not good. ......"

I killed the other one, and the three of us got 66 experience points. This is going to be a good way to earn experience.

"Starlight attack is prohibited, Serina. If you kill one in one hit, I won't earn experience."

As the leader of the team, I'll give her instructions. It's for a good reason.

"What? But I'll use it if it gets dangerous, okay?"

"Yeah, that's good, but only if your HP is in danger."

"Ugh, I get it."

Mount Ape is not an opponent that you can be careless about, so make sure to defeat them so that they do not increase in number.


"Noo! Alec, do it fast!"

"Yeah. But why are you always the one who gets mounted?"

"I don't know!"

She's going to be angry, and I'm going to end the hunt when my level is up.

Back at the inn in town, I quickly acquired a new skill.

【Machine Gun Vibes Lv.1】New!

【Party's Skill Reset Lv.1】 New!

The 【Machine Gun Vibe】 is Mount Ape's skill from earlier. I think I copied it again. I'll give it a try when I have sex.

I'll try to appraise my skills,.......

『Party Skill Reset Lv1』


You can change the skills of your party members.

only one.

You can initialize one of your party members' skills with their consent.

The points returned will be halved.

However, at this Skill Lv.1, this can only be done once per member in a lifetime.

Rare skills and unique skills cannot be erased.

Also, high level skills are only leveled down.

I expected this to be the case to some extent, but at level 1, it's a tight limit. I need 60 points to get to the next level, and that's not going to happen anytime soon.

"Lily, I can only erase one for now. You choose which one you want to erase."

"Okay, ......, the skill with the "O" first in it."

"Well, that's fine. When I raise my levels six more times, I'll make two more disappear."


『Would you like to reset Lily's skill [Bedwetting Lv. 1]?』 (TLN: Bedwetting = Raw-->Onesho)


An electronic beep sounded in my brain. It's a different world, don't think too much about it.

"How it is, Lily?"

"Ah, It-it's really gone. ...... Horaaay! I'm so happy!"

"I'm so happy for you, Lily."

"Yes! T......thank you."

Lily's face turned red and she turned away, but I'll give her credit for saying thank you.

The other members had accumulated some skill points, so we discussed and took some new skills.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

(Author Note: That's it for this story.

The following is a list of all the skills that have been acquired so far.

So, I recommend skipping this section.

Please read only if you are interested.)

《Party-wide Skill》

【Increased Skill Point Lv5】 

【Increased Experience Point Lv2】 

【Rare Item Probability Increased Lv4】

《Alec's Personal Skills》

【Pickup Lv2】【Rape Lv1】【Intimidation Lv1】

【Peeping Tom Lv1】【Verbal Abuse Lv1】

【Unequaled Lv1】 【Sexual Harassment Lv1】【Convince Lv1】

【Spanking Lv2】

【Dexterity UP Lv2】【Agility UP Lv2】【Luck Lv5】

【Guts Lv2】【Situational Judgment Lv1】【Premonition Lv1】

【Appraisal Lv3】【Description Lv1】【Clock Lv Max】

【Skill Copy Lv1】【Skill Reset Lv1】【Job Change Lv1】

【Charm☆ Lv 3】

【Medicinal Herb Identification Lv2】【Medicinal Herb Collection Lv1】

【Sign Detection Lv2】

【Athleticism Lv1】【Dynamic Vision Lv1】

【Jump Lv1】

【Item Storage Lv1】

【Petting Lv1】【Slavemaster Lv1】【Counceling Lv1】

【Skill Party Sharing Lv1】

【View Party Status Lv Max】

【Swordmanship Lv1】

『Draw Sword Lv1』『Putting Sword Lv1』It has been integrated into Swordsmanship.

【Rob Lv1】

【Machine Gun Vibe Lv1】 New!

【Party Skill Reset Lv1】 New!

〈Current Skill Points〉4

《Meena's Personal Skills》

【Drink Up Lv1】【Begging Lv1】

【Sharp Sense of Smell☆ Lv4】

【Patience Lv4】【Clock Lv Max】

【Clean Lover Lv4】【Devoted Lv3】【Quiet Lv3】

【Courage Lv2】【Intuition Lv3】

【Athleticism Lv4】【Dynamic Vision Lv3】

【Sign Detection Lv3】

【Item Storage Lv1】

【Medicinal Herb Identification Lv1】【Medicinal Herb Collection Lv1】

【Insertion Lv1】【Swordmanship Lv1】

【Situation Judgment Lv3】 Lv up!

【Agility UP Lv3】 Lv up!

【Luck Lv5】    Lv up!

【Covering Lv1】   New!

【Fellatio Lv2】 Lv up!

〈Current Skill Points〉12

《Lily's Personal Skills》

【Luck Lv3】New!

【Garbage Scavenging Lv2】

【Rob Lv2】

【Escape Lv2】

【Selfishness Lv3】

【Bad Luck Lv1】

【Misfortune Lv1】

【Manners Lv1】

【Noble Bloodlines☆ Lv5】

『Bedwetting Lv1』  Deleted!

【Sling Lv3】  New!

【Item Storage Lv1】New!

【Evasion Lv2】      New!

【Hate Reduction Lv1】 New!

〈Current Skill Points〉2

《Ione's Personal Skills》

【Weapon Masturbation Lv4】

【Agility UP Lv3】

【Consideration Lv4】

【Kindness Lv4】

【Reason Lv2】

【Heart of Justice Lv2】

【Intuition Lv3】

【Reflexes Lv4】

【Athleticism Lv3】

【Sign Detection Lv3】

【Waterfowl Swordmanship Lv4】

【Insertion Lv3】

【Discernment Lv3】

【Counter Lv3】

【Item Storage Lv1】

【Luck Lv5】Lv up!

【Adventure Knowledge Lv1】New!

【Woman's Charm Lv1】New!

〈Current Skill Points〉0

《Serina's Personal Skills》


Your view has been blocked by a skill.