We had already obtained a total of eight jewels, but we still had a few days before the auction date, so we continued our capture on the West Tower.

I've already decided to buy a new slave, but my goal has changed a bit.

Serina was also anxious in bed, but how will we survive in the future?

It won't be all heroes who will doing PK, but I want to raise my level as soon as possible.

I'm especially wary of the other heroes because they're likely to be resetting and have good rare skills. This was also confirmed by Serina. She said she also did a bonus point allocation on that same site I found. She said she got 99 points the second time, which pissed me off so much that I gave her a slap on the head.

"Then, we're going to the Mad Orc today."

I say.

I've already mapped out 20 floors of the tower and taken all the treasure chests.

I hadn't raised my level from 26. The other enemies were already easy to beat, and I wasn't gaining much experience.

All that remained was the boss.

"Yes, master."

"What does it's look like?"

"A normal Orc is a pig-like monster."

"Don't they look like a fatter version of Alec? And it's mad!"

Anyway, we'll find out when we get there.

The usual formation, Meena with her nose at the front, Serina and Ione on the left and right of the second row, Lily with her flying gear in the middle, and me at the back.


Serina says, checking the place that hasn't been filled yet with auto-mapping.

There is a sturdy-looking wooden door reinforced with iron and hung with a latch.

It looks like the boss won't be able to come out from inside.

"Then, when I say retreat, WeI'll be back here immediately."

"""Roger that."""

We'll just see how it goes today.

After that, I plan to take countermeasures and take the necessary skills.

I opened the door and went inside.

Beyond the door was a straight passage of about five meters, which seemed to lead to a hall.

"We're at the end of the hall."

Meena said, but there was no smell of pigs.

The walls of the passage were lit with candlesticks at regular intervals, so we didn't have to worry about lights here.

I proceeded cautiously.

As I stepped into the hall, I heard a crash sound(・・・・) from behind me, and I had a bad feeling.

"Everyone stop. Lily, get back there right now and see if you can get the door open."

"Okay, got it."

Waiting for Lily to check the door.

"No, someone's taking down the latch!"


I wasn't expecting this. Who was the idiot who closed the door?

Or maybe it was a magic door that closed automatically, but it was a mistake.

In a (・・・・) world like this, it wouldn't have been surprising if there were one-way places and boss rooms that you couldn't escape from.

"Oh well, I'm sure we can beat it."

Unless it's a powerful enemy that no one has ever beaten, the bosses here are said to be beaten once every few years. The recommended level is 25, so no problem.

I walked forward, exited the passage and entered the hall.


There was a table at the far end of the hall, where the Mad Orcs seemed to be eating.

There was a large plate of what looked like grilled rice on it, and they were just chomping away at it.

He was spilling rice out of his mouth.

"Looks good. ......"

The other members of the group were a little surprised when Lily let out such an impression.

"""Ehh! """

"I'm going to order you some proper, delicious grilled rice later, Lily."


In spite of our conversation, the Mad Orc continued to eat in a single-minded manner.

He is a vicious looking orange pig man.

"I should have brought an archer or a mage with me..."

I could have attacked the Mar Orc first from this position and had the advantage.

"I'll try to attack." Lily said and held up her sling. It's not going to do a lot of damage, but it's the first move.

"Okay, everyone, prioritize defense and evasion until you get a feel for it's attack patterns. Understood?"

"""Got it!"""

The first shot missed, but Lily hit the orc in the face with the second shot.


The enraged orc picked up a large hammer he had left on the floor and came at us swinging it.

"Avoid that thing."

It'll crush your steel armor if you take a serious hit.

"I know!"

"Got it!"

Serina and Ione bravely rush in. Meena still doesn't move, as if she's supposed to be my escort.



The two of them slashed at the Mad Orc from both sides. They hit the target without difficulty.

"Puggy! Puggy!"

The orc, even angrier now that he was cut, shuddered and raised his great hammer.

The target, Serina, was alarmed and quickly retreated to the left.

In the opposite direction, Ione, who took the back of the orc, slashed again.


The orc, who had fallen back, turned around and chased after Ione, this time to the right.

Then Serina approached from the left side and slashed the orc again from behind.

If you take turns slashing in a pincer attack like this,...... no damage?

"Hey, isn't he a total idiot?"

Lily said.

"Maybe. But don't let your guard down."

With that, I decided to wait and see.

No matter how many times the Mad Orc was slashed, it was still repeating its monotonous attacks.

Can we go on like this?

"Waterfowl Sword Secret Technique! Swan Leaves!"

Ione unleashed her inner strength. She ran past the Orc and slashed as she passed him.


The Orc slumped forward as the attack seemed to have taken effect.

"Did you kill it?"

But the Orc quickly got up and swung his hammer at her.

"There's no end to this. What's with his toughness?"

Lily said in disbelief, but it is indeed a has a lot of HP. I've tried to appraise it. ??? I'm not sure.

"Serina, use the Starlight Attack."

"Wait a little longer. I want to defeat it with normal techniques."

Thinking about the future, there may be some enemies for whom the Starlight Attack will not work.

In preparation for that, we are planning to increase the number of attack methods we can use.

Just defeat them when you can. That's the ironclad rule to avoid being attacked.

I was a little lost.

"That's fine. But if you feel any danger, use it immediately."

"Got it."

"Oh, it's getting weaker!

The Mad Orc breathed on his shoulder and slowed down.

It was time to finish it off. The wound is already deep.

"Then let me do it, Ione."

"Okay. Be careful."

"Yeah. Tei!! Take this!"

Serina switched to a series of attacks and pressed on.

The staggered Orc was about to fall.

"Almost there! Go!, Go!, Go! Serina!"

But the orc swung his hammer sideways (...) for the first time just as he was about to fall, and it hit the body of Serina with great force.


Serina was blown away.


"Damn it! Lily, keep him in check."


Meena and I run in to prevent the orcs from pursuing.

"Leave it to me."

Ione took over the role of attracting the Orcs and pulled him away. In the meantime, I rushed over to the fallen Serina.

"Are you okay, Serina?"

"A-Aghh, cough, cough, Y-yeah, Sorry, I got a little carried away."

"Fu, be careful. So, can you still go?"


"Use the Starlight Attack right away, okay?"

"Roger that."

From behind the orc, Serina used her Starlight Attack and the Orc turned into smoke.


It was not an unwinnable opponent, but it was a bit dangerous.

We went back to the inn and had a review meeting.

"I'm sorry for everything."

Serina bowed her head. Her armor was dented, but it was only in her stomach and she was not badly hurt. It needed to be repaired, but that was something that could be done.

"No, that's enough. It was a poor decision on my part."

"Then, tomorrow we'll go back to the tower to level up again, right?"

"No, it's better to know more about the enemy's attack patterns so that you can get more tactical experience. Let's head for a new dungeon."

"You're right."

There were no objections. We talked about where to go next.

"I think the neighboring country, the Grandsword is a good choice, as it has large dungeons and an arena. It's also a popular country for adventurers."

Ione suggested. A country where the first king was a swordsman?

"But does the king of this country think it's happy for us to go to another country?"

I've already heard that Erwin and Keiji have left this country. I don't know if they were interfered with or not, but the only heroes left who were called up for the summoning ceremony this year are me and Serina. Kojima has been holed up in the castle all this time, and he's probably treated more like a doctor or technician than a hero.

"I'm sure we'll be fine. It's common for adventurers to travel between countries, and there aren't many high-level adventurers in Vernia, since there are no dungeons."

Ione said.

"Wouldn't that be a win-win situation to keep summoning the heroes?"

"That's true. But even if you put them under surveillance, there is no use for them unless they become stronger, and if they become attached to the country and come back, isn't that what the country want?"

The Country didn't expect it from the beginning, do you?

Well, I suppose there is that. They only gave us a hundred gold and a single weapon, so it was a small price to pay.

This time, Kojima had medical knowledge, so the king might consider that as a plus.

"Alright, then, let's set off to Grandsword."

I said, and everyone nodded.