We decided to go to the neighboring country, the Grandsword, but first we had to get our traveling gear ready.

Ione had never been away from home before, so we decided to consult Welbard-sensei at the Kenjutsu Dojo.

He had traveled around various place during his training as a warrior in his youth.

"Sir, I'm sorry to bring your daughter along and ask you for this kind of advice. ......"

"Don't worry about it, Alec. It's much better than she's being taken away without consultation. But, Ione, I thought you were going to tell me about this."

"I'm sorry, but I made up my mind after we defeated the Mad Orc in the tower today. I wanted to gain some experience."

"Hmm, you defeated one too? I have fought them with my friends in the past, but it was a tough fight for someone in their level 20. You guys have grown up a lot."

"Thanks, Dad. So, .......

"I know. I'll tell you everything I know about traveling tips and the Grandsword."

The most important tips for the trip were water and food. You can get them by killing nuts and food monsters in the open field, but you need to be extra careful in areas where this is difficult.

To avoid getting lost, he's recommend taking the city streets or using the regular horse-drawn carriages, but this can be a target for bandits depending on the location, so it is important to gather information about the area.

He also said that a cloak is essential because it doubles as a sleeping bag.

The day ended with him teaching us all the details.

"Sensei, today's practice is over."

"You guys are slacking off too much!"

Fritz and Billy came into the dojo room.

"It's not like I've been slacking off. I had a properly morning training."

"Hmm. Fritz, I heard that Alec's party will be leaving to Grandsword soon."


"Is that so. ...... Well, they are adventurers, aren't they? And Ione too?"

Billy was surprised, but Fritz did not panic, as if he had already foreseen this.

"Yes. I'm coming with them too."

"I see. Good luck."


"C-come on, that's it!? Isn't there anything more you can do, Fritz?"

"Even if you say so. I'm sure she'll be back."

"Well, that was a quick change. Ione, this guy is going out with Bianca."

"Ehh, Is that so?

"O-Oi, Billy, don't call it switching. I got along with Bianca, but that's all."

Fritz turned away from her, looking a little embarrassed, but I guess it's better to have a woman close to you than to live in unrequited love.

"Well, Fritz, thank you for your help."

"Yes, you too."

It was a firm handshake of friendship between a man and a man, and we both decided to be cool about it.

"Hey, Alec, I'd like to take a look at the Grand Sword too."

"No, you can't. This is not a child's game. And can you pay for the trip?"

"Uggh, I'll just pay it forward."

He's a funny guy. Well, Billy will be able to make enough money to do that, but it would be a bad idea to take him with me, since his parents must have sent him here with high expectations.

"Billy, you can't get a promotion until you're on your own here first."

The teacher also smiled and said.

"Tch, You're on your own now. Ah! Yeah, Alec, you should play me!"


"And if you lose, you can take me with you. Okay?"

"Fumu. Sir?"

"All right, I'll allow it. Let's see what you can do, Alec."

"I undersatnd. Well then, Billy, it's only one serious fight. If you lose this one, you'll have to devote yourself to your training here. It's a man to man deal."

"Oh, yeah! Heh, I'll show you the difference between being a D-class fighter and being beaten by a guy who just became an E-class fighter! Well, Alec, if you get down on your knees, I'll make you my apprentice."

"Stop messing around and get your ass in gear."

I'm not wearing any armor right now, and I'm sure Billy won't complain about this. I grabbed a wooden sword from the dojo.

"Damn, you're getting cocky. I'm going to knock your guts out!"

Billy also grabbed a wooden sword.

"Billy's a real smooth talker.

"That's right."

Ione and Fritz also look dumbfounded.

We both took our stances and bowed first, then I got into position and waited for Billy to strike.

"Oh? You're not coming, Alec? In swordsmanship, the first one to move has the advantage. First move, first victory! Remember that!"

Billy took a big swing, broke the mold, and launched a diagonal attack.

I followed it closely with my eyes and dodged it just in time.


Billy's stance collapses because his kata is out of place.

I give him a wooden sword to his empty ass in the manner of an ass-butt.

"It's hurts!"

"One point! That's it! Billy, that was terrible."

"W-wait a minute, Sensei, that was different. I let my guard down! One more time, just one more time!

"Billy, I told you it was serious. If that was a blow from a strong monster, you'd be dead. There isn't going to be another one."

I say with a straight face.

"Kughh, Damn! Alec! Come back again! If you do, we'll settle this one."

"Fine. I'll deal with you when I get back."

"Okay! That's a promise!"

"All right, all right.

"Kehh! That was just a fluke. Stupid, stupid, I'm gonna spank your ass, Bleehh!"



I put my hand on the handle and he saw it and quickly ran away.

"I'm sorry, Alec. That thing still needs some coaching."

"So it seems."

"But I'm surprised. ...... He's definitely moving better than the last time I saw him. Sir, isn't Alec already a rank C?"

Fritz says.

"Fumu, then, Fritz, you'll have to take him on. Then we will judge."

As a matter of fact, I'll spend 30 skill points to raise my [Swordsmanship Lv1] by two levels.

The remaining points are 51.

【Swordsmanship Lv3】 New!

Holding the wooden sword, we bowed to each other.

Unlike Billy, I take a kata-like stance. Fritz, on the other hand, has the exact same stance.

We glare at each other, and time stopped.

Now, How are you coming?

But Fritz doesn't make the slightest move. It's not like he's going to move. ......

Then I guess I'll have to go first.

I'll wait for Fritz to exhale.


A straightforward swing down from the upper level. Fritz was about to move a little, but he seemed to have made a decision midway through that he couldn't dodge, so he readied his wooden sword to catch it.

I saw this, and the next thing I knew, I was going to make a cleave attack from the right side, which would be difficult to catch. Of course, I used all my strength.

But Fritz, who had successfully folded his elbows and lowered his wooden sword, was able to catch it with a turn of his body.

Bashin! With a loud bang, the wooden swords of both sides creaked as they clashed.

A contest of strength. Interesting! This is the place to show off the muscle power of a resetting hero.

I clenched my hands tightly and pressed the wooden sword with all my might.

And then Fritz suddenly relaxed.


I lost my balance and wasn't sure if I should just push in or pull back and hit him.

Fritz didn't miss the moment.

He stepped forward at once and thrust the wooden sword at my throat.

I lifted my hips so that Meena could jump on me at any time,.......

"Yeah, I give up."

"Until then, one point! Alec, that was a little too soon to give up."

The teacher says.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, you can dodge with your upper body."

Fritz told me.


However, I'm not sure I'd be willing to try it if the situation was that decisive. Especially in a real battle.

"But it's okay. I know it's a little early, but you've skipped rank D, and as of today, you're rank C, C rank swordsman. Congratulations. You've become a full-fledged swordsman in less than a month."

"Thank you very much. Thanks to your guidance and, well, your skills."

"Hmm. But raising your level is part of your ability. After all, adventurers grow up fast."

However, what I learned here was also very useful. If it's a small fish monster, you can easily hit it.

If you have a beautiful form, there is no need to waste movement.

"And for the rest, Ione. You'll have to teach him"

"Yes, father."

"Of course, you have to be diligent too."

"Of course."

Ione nodded broadly.

"Well, that's about it's."


Ione nodded, as if taking a breath.

I'll let Ione take care of the rest. I'm sure she'll be staying here today because of the preparations.

"Oh, yes, Alec, take care of my daughter's good luck charm, I'll give you this as a parting gift."

Then Sensei opened a sliding door at the back of the dojo room. There, on what appeared to be a shelf, were two swords and another black box. He opened the lid of the black box and handed me two pieces of paper from inside.

"You too, Meena."


"What's this?"

"Fufu, It's called the Tiger Scroll. Well, try it."

"Use it, how?"

"Just read it out loud."

Fritz said, so I read it out loud.

""A waterfowl sword is like walking on water, and your footsteps are like kicking water.""

Then the paper in my hand glowed and disappeared without a trace. I heard a Pirorin♪ sound and the window opened.

『【Swordmanship Lv3】has been upgraded into 【Waterfowl Swordmanship Lv3】』

『Job【Swordman】has been changed to 【Waterfowl Swordman】』

『I've earned the title of【Waterfowl Swordman】』


"Now you should be able to grasp the movements of the Waterfowl Sword. Well, it should be useful for learning other sword techniques."

""Thank you very much, Sensei.""

"Mmm. But don't tell Billy. If he finds out, he won't want to train with me."

"You're right."

"The secret book of swordsmanship is very expensive. Don't disappoint your teacher, Alec, Meena."

Fritz said.

"You understand?"


Next, he takes the sword.

"The sword was just hammered by the blacksmith the other day. I'm glad I was able to get it to you before you left."

"Did you do it for us, by any chance?"

"Yes. In this dojo, when you become a full-fledged member, we give you the sword."

"But that's not profitable. ......"

"You don't have to worry about that, because we can get more money for advanced students. And although it is made of steel, it's not a great sword. It's easy to use because it's tailored to your needs. When you don't need it anymore, you can sell it."


"Swords are not to be kept, they are mean to be used up."

Fritz said, so I took it as such and pulled it out of its sheath.

The clean blade looked like a work of art.

I will appraised it.

【Name】   Unsigned Short Sword+2

【Type】   Sword

【Material】   Steel, Tamahagane

【Attack Power】  62 

【Hit Power】  78

【Weight】   2


An item made by a master craftsman. Because it is customized to fit the holder, Alec, its ability is reduced when handled by others.

"Well, sir, this is a great sword."

"Hou~, you have a good eye for swords. I had a blacksmith friend of mine make it for me, and he said he had just the right materials and motivation to make it. You guys are lucky."

I'm sure the 【Rare Item Probability Increase Lv4】 and 【Bargain Lv1】 skills, as well as Meena's high level of luck, came in handy.

I thanked sensei and Meena and I left the Welbard Kenjutsu Dojo.

Looking back, we had chosen a good dojo.

I'm sure I'll ask my sensei to teach me again soon.