We checked the location with the innkeeper, who told us that there was an adventurer's guild in the middle of the main street.

We spotted the sign for Shoes and Wings and headed for the large building.

"Wow, that's a lot of adventurers!"

Lily said as we walked in, the place was packed with people armed with swords and armor, probably more than a hundred people.

It's much bigger than the guild in Erlandt, and the reception desk has about ten employees lined up next to it, but even so, there was a line of people waiting for their turn.

"Tch, I shouldn't have come in the morning. They all look so bored."

I don't like to be kept waiting at places like this, so I curse.

"Hey, I'm sure they're all busy with requests and stuff."

"Hmph, they're usually--"

I was about to argue with Serina when I heard a buzz behind me.

What is it?

"Look, it's bastard Janata."

"Tch, it's bad luck to run into a guy like that in the morning."

"Let's go. It's no fun messing with him."

The adventurer cleared the way, but a skinny man with a shaved head appeared behind them.

His armor was black and of fine equipment, and he was accompanied by two large men who looked like slaves.

This is, of course, an appraisal.  

【Name】 Rick

【Age】 25

【 L v】 27

【Class】 Slave Trader

【 Race 】 Human 

【 Gender 】 Male

【 H P 】 152/152

【Status】 Happy


A drifter.

He is a hard worker and is very active.

He is the leader of the clan "White Dog".


Your browsing has been partially blocked by a skill.

Slavers, huh? I was going to come there, but you saved me the trouble. Well, they might not take me if I don't cash in my jewels first.

Anyway, I decided to call out to him.

"Rick, I need to talk to you."


Rick paused, his brow furrowed and a slightly surprised expression on his face.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't you dare talk to Janata-sama like that."

"That's right, that's right. You even got his name wrong. You're not from here, are you?"

The two slaves came at me with angry shoulders.

"Oh, Janata-san. My bad."

He was using a false name, but he didn't mean to offend. I don't care about Janata's past.

"So, what do you want from me?"

"No, I just want you to sell me a slave."

"Then why don't you show up at the store, asshole! You're not even a good customer. Are you kidding me!?"

"Shut up. You're disrespecting our guests."

"It huuurrrrttts! I-I'm sorry, boss."

The man who had lunged at him, seemingly having activated his slave crest, became teary-eyed.

"Just tell me where the store is and I'll come to you later."

"Yeah, I'll tell you, but first, we only deal in cheap battle slaves. Is that okay with you?"

"Hmm. Do you have women?"

"Well, we have some, but none as beautiful as the one you have with you."

Well, then, that's no.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry to interrupt you."

"Don't be."

"Kehh! you fucking prick."

"Don't you ever show that face again. Ouch! Sorry, boss!"

The slave he was carrying had a bad character, but he was a man who could be understood. Well, if you don't have a pretty face, I have no use for him.

"Geez. After all, that's not what you're here for."

Serina folded her arms and puffed out her cheeks.

"You don't mind a slave of such bad character coming into our party?"

"No, I don't think so. I think I'd prefer a girl."


I regained my composure and tried to line up at the counter, but several men stood in front of me.

"Heh heh heh."

What's with these guys?

"You're a stranger with a big face. You should know the rules here, right?"

"That's right."

One of them has an iron breastplate, the others have leather armor. Rags to riches.

It's not necessary to appraise their level.

"Get out of my way."

"Ohh? Did you say something?"

"I can't hear you."

They look like a bunch of idiots. However, I don't want to stand out here either.

I think I'll go with [Threat Lv1] here.

"Unless you want to die, get lost."

"Yeah? You, we're the white――ugahh!!?"

He came up to me with a stinky face, so I hit him normally.

This wouldn't have happened to me on Earth, but I've been summoned, and I've raised my basic ability value and level.

"F-fuck. He did it."

"Hey, is he okay?"

"He looks like a stranger. ...... Poor guy."

I was a little concerned about the reaction of the other adventurers around me, but there's no point in shying away from these people.

"Y-you think you can get away with this for free?!"

"That's my line here! I won't let you touch my master!"

Meena punched the other one. The man was blown up with a flourish. It's okay, let's finish what we started.

"That's right, it's these guys who are at fault, so it's judgement!"

Serina also chopped.


"Don't be naughty."

Ione also gave him a backhanded fist, and now they've all been taken care of.

"S-shit, remember this!"

The men who were involved screamed and ran away without any tricks.

"Weak! Why did they fight with us?"

Lily tilted her head, but I guess they were asking for help from the numbers.

I think I'll check out the "White Dog" later.

We lined up nicely at the counter and it was finally our turn.

"You guys, huh ......"

The man with the bitter look on his face must have thought I was a nuisance because of the trouble I had just been in.

But you're paid by the guild, so you'll have to work for your paycheck.

"Does this adventurer card work here too?"

I hold out my adventurer card to the counter.

"Yes, you're Alec-san, right? Rank D, right?"

The staff member looks at the card and at me.

"How is it?"

"Yes, you can use it. However, rank D adventurers will not be able to enter the 『Labyrinth of No Return』."


"Oops, Don't be violent, okay? This is also a rule for adventurers, you know. The quality of the treasure there is good, but the level of difficulty is also high. If amateurs like you dive in, it's like going to die. Please start from another dungeon."

"Then have us take the C-level exam."

"Fuu~, There's an exam fee of three hundred gold. If you fail, there will be no refund, so I'm sorry." 

"That's fine. That's enough for three people."

I'll give him one silver coin.

Since Serina is rank B and Ione is rank C, me, Meena, and Lily can take it.

"That's fine. Here's your change. I'll call you later, so please wait."

"And how much does this sell?"

I put the jewel on the counter, but the color of the staff's eyes changed.

"Hou~. Wait a minute. Well, there was a quest here ......, here it is. It's a small jewel, 15,000."

The price is a little better, but I'd still prefer an auction. I think I'll stop by the merchant guild here.

"Then, I won't sell it here."

"Is that so. Then wait over there. I'll call for you."

I was made to wait for a while, and then I was made to have a sword fight with the examiner in the courtyard.

"Hou~, that makes good sense. All right, you're a rank C as of today."

That was easy.

There was a Pirorin♪ sound, and the window opened.

『Job【Adventurer】is now level 2』

『I've got the title of 【Fledgling Adventurer】』

What good are these jobs and titles if I raise them? Well, they're going up on their own, so let's leave them alone for now.

"From rank B, you need to break through a dungeon. In the 『Labyrinth of No Return』, you only need to clear the fourth layer. However, you can't cheat and join a higher ranked party."

The first step is to enter the 『Labyrinth of No Return』.

We then went to the merchants guild.