On the other side of the main street, just around the corner, was the Merchant's Guild.

Because I'm thinking buying another slaves, so I need to get some funds first.

I showed my adventurer card to the gatekeeper and went inside, where a turbaned merchant came rubbing his hands.

"Well, well, sir, what can I do for you?"

Perhaps it was because we were equipped with good steel, but he seemed to treat us well from the start.

"How much does this sell?"

I pulled a red jewels out of my sack.

"Oh, it's a jewel. How about twenty-five thousand, no, twenty-seven thousand?"

That's the market rate, I guess. But I want to sell it at a higher price.

"When is the next auction?"

"Two days from now, sir."

That's pretty good timing.

"Then bid on eight of these, either in bulk or in pieces."

"Yes, sir. I'm afraid, I'll charge you about 10% for commission, is that all right with you?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Then, I'll bring you your deposit slip, and you can take a seat on the sofa and wait."

I took the deposit slip and asked about the slavers.

"If that's the case, 'Maria Rouge' might be a good place for you. They don't have a lot of slaves, but they sell good quality slaves."

"I see. Also, just out of curiosity, do you know anything about 'White Dog'?"

The merchant nodded his head, his cheeks twitching.

"Yes, I know who they are. They are is a clan whose the executive are regular members of this guild, they have donated a lot of money to us."


Well, for now, "Maria Rouge" comes first.

As expected, a slave store is not likely to set up store on the main street even in this world, so the store was located on a back street.

It was a stylish white Western-style building that looked like a coffee shop or something.

I took Serina and the others and we went inside.

"Welcome to the store"

A slave with white cat ears girls comes in, bowing politely. It's not quite the same as wearing a bartender's outfit instead of a maid's outfit, but her face is passable.

"How much for you?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, sir, but I'm a receptionist, and I'm not for sale."

As I thought, receptionists don't sell.

"I'll take the white cat ears――."

"It's mage right."

Serina interrupted me from the side.

"Oh, yes, I know. But do you have mages with cat ears, right?"

"Well, yes, if you wait, we might have some in stock, but we don't currently have any mages with cat ears."

It's a shame.

"Do you know when they will arrive?"

"I'll ask the store manager. I'll bring you some tea. Please sit down and wait."


The white cat-eared girl retreated to the back, and the black dog-eared maid brought tea instead.

"The black dog-eared mage is fine too."

I'll tell her towards the back.

"Geez, stop it, it's embarrassing."

Serina said.

"But we have to make our preferences known. If you guys have any requests, let me know first."

"Even though it's called a request, ...... Is a child who can get along well with everyone?"

Serina said, looking around at the three of them, and they all nodded.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

A blonde woman in a black dress came out, also looking very sexy and mature.

Her cleavage and bra were slightly visible.

"No problem."

"I'm Maria, the manager. You want a mage with cat ears, right?"

"Yeah. By the way, can you fine one?"

"Fufu, how about a million gold for a one-night rental?"

Too expensive.

I'm sure they'll let you do it if you pay that much, but I don't think they have any intention of selling their own bodies.

"Alec, let's get down to business."

Serina rushed me.

"Ahh. I'm here to buy cat ears, no, it doesn't have to be cat ears, but I came here to buy a mage battle slave."

"What's your budget?"

"Well, I want another one besides the mage, so ......200,000 or so."

"You've got some pretty girls, but face is important too, isn't it?"

"Of course."

"Geez ......"

Serina looks unhappy, but I won't give up on that.

"Well, that makes it hard to get a high-level girl. What about the style?"

"It's considerably pretty. But no fat girls, okay?"

"Yeah, I understand. What about personality?"

"I think it's good enough to carry around as a party, but let me see the real thing first."

"Yes, that's true, too. Then, I'll go get some girls that might fit your criteria, so just wait a minute."

The manager retreated to the back.

"She's so beautiful. I thought slavers were all like Alec."

"Yeah, yeah! I thought so too!"


The manager brought in three people. Two of them have cat ears and one has dog ears.

"Hehe, I'm confident in my physical strength!"

This energetic cat-eared girl appeals with her shadow boxing and light footwork, but no matter how you look at her, she's probably a vanguard.

We already have the vanguard, don't we?

"I don't need her."

"Then, Nacchan, you're done here."

"Damn it, what's don't you like about me, you asshole!"

"Look, your language. I'm sorry, She haven't learned how to be polite yet."

"No problem."

The second one with cat ears. She also has a rod and is dressed like a mage. Hmm, a loli huh.

This one seems mature, though.

"Hmm, Fire."

"Uwahh! Ouch! Ouch!"

"Aahhh, Alec! Your head!"



Bastard! What have you done to my precious hair?

"I'm sorry okay, I guess Michiru was in a little bad mood."

"What do you mean, 'a little'? What's up with the discipline in this store!?"

As expected, I'd be pissed too.

"I'm so sorry. I'll give you this fluffy potion as an apology."

"What? Does it make me fluffy?"

"Yeah, not drastically, but ......"

"...... Well, in that case, I'll take it."

I quickly put it on my head.

"Nothing's changed."

"I knew it you worried about it. ......"

"Master ......"

"I don't mind at all."

"Shut up you there."

Let's get back on track and look at the third and final one. A chestnut-haired girl with short hair and dog ears. She had a pouty face with slightly droopy eyes.

I'm not sure if the previous exchange had frightened her, but she had teary eyes and was shrinking down to make her small body even smaller.

Well, if she's not attacking us, I guess I can use it.

I'll appraise it.

【Name】 Nene

【Age】 13

【 L v】 3

【Class】 Villagers

【 Race 】 Dog-Ear Tribe

【 Gender 】 Female

【 H P 】 15/15

【Status】 Fear


A slave from Portiana.

Her character is serious and non-active.

Her level is still low, and so is her HP.

Well, the level goes up quickly, and if I'm going to train her to be a rear guard, then low HP is fine.

I thought it would be a pity if she was frightened, so I used [Slave Master Lv5], [Pickup Lv2], and [Counseling Lv1].

"I'm not going to do anything. It's going to be okay."

"Ah, ......"

"Ara~, you're good with her. I'll give you 170,000 for that girl. She's got a nice face, but she's not really a fighter."

"How long before you get another one?"

"Well, ...... mages are few and far between, so we'll need a month to find one and three months to train them."

"Ahh, I can't wait that long. Then, I'll have the money for you in two days, so can I make a reservation?"

"Yeah, I think I can trust you, so you can take her home today."

"I see. Then, Nene, give me your left arm."

"Ah...... Yes."

After completing the ritual and formalities of switching slave crests, we took her back to the inn.

Maria's store had properly washed her body and dressed her in decent clothes, so I guess I only need to buy her new equipment.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

Nene's Skills

【Kindness Lv3】

【Fear Lv2】

【Negative Thinking Lv1】

【Dyskinetic Lv2】 (She's not good at moving her body)

【Empathy☆ Lv4】