I found a teacher to teach Nene some magic.

We went back to the inn and asked her to sign the contract, as it would be no fun if she changed her mind right away.

As expected, Letty was very careful when writing her own signature, and checked the contents of the contract several times, but when she felt her stomach growl, she said, "Oh! Slave or not, do what you want!" She quickly signed the contract.

It wasn't a slave contract, though.

I bought her lunch, and when she had settled down, we went over her guidance plan.

"So, you're a complete beginner, and you've only raised your level through power leveling. I see, that makes sense."

She seemed to be convinced that Nene was letting her hit the enemy with her wand.

"What kind of Magician do you want to be, Nene?"

Letty, the teacher, immediately asked.

"Let's see ......."

Nene looked at me with a troubled look on her face.

"First of all, as the rear guard of our party, you should be able to attack and assist to some extent. It's a Blind Fall, I think, or a spell that keeps the enemy in the dark and in check or something like that."

I reply.

"Hmmm, so you want a battle magician, but you also want an item smith and a mobility magician."

"What kind of movement spells are there?"

"The most popular is this one.――'Be a piece of the stars and light my way, Light'!"

Letty waved the rod and the ceiling of the room lit up.

"Oh. I don't need that because I have the Lantern Magic tool."

"Right. Okay, I'm going to teach you Fireball and Blindfall."

"Yes, please."

"Well, I'm going to show you what Nene can do, so don't resist."


Nene tilted her head as if she didn't know the word.

"It means 'resistance'. You can weaken the power of magic if you consciously try to prevent it. Especially with mental magic, you can block its effects just by thinking, 'I don't like it'."

"Hee~It's good to know! I didn't know that. ......"

"I'll tell you more about that later. Show me your skills here! Analyze!"

Mmm, I felt Letty's gaze on me, but the magic of appraisal, including me, was targeted at multiple people?

"Hmm, your magic is low. This ring can raise your magic a little bit, so I'll lend it to you."

"Eh, you're sure?"

"It's okay, it's okay. The spell won't work if you don't have it at first, and it'll take some time getting used to."

"I-I'll do my best."

"Oh, that's good enthusiasm. Then, let's practice here in the backyard of the inn."

"Yes, teacher."

"Un, by the way, ......, why do you have such a great skill as [Immortality]?"

Letty looks at me.

"Hmm? Me?"

"Yeah. You didn't notice?"

"No, I don't remember taking it. ......"

I'll check my status.

【Immortality Lv1】New!

It's true.

So it's a skill copy.

"Oh, you copied it from that skeleton hero."

"Hee~, the [Skill Copy] it is? This is also great. I've heard rumors about the rare skill of [Skill Robbery], but is it similar to that?"

"Well, yes, but [Skill Copy] is doesn't nullify their skills. It's just duplicate them."

"I see. Then, let me see how it works."

Then Letty took out a knife and suddenly tried to stab me in the chest.

Meena quickly grabbed her hand.

"What are you doing!?"

"Ehh? Because if you don't kill him, you'll never know if he's really immortal, right?"

"Stop it, asshole. What if it doesn't work?"

"Hmm, well, that's the result of my research, ehehe?"

She hadn't thought of that. she seems to have a mad scientist's temperament, so I'll keep an eye out for her.

"Why don't you just look at your skills through appraisal?"

I'll use [Appraisal].

『Immortality Lv1』


You will lose your lifespan and become immortal.

However, at Lv.1, aging is inevitable.

Gradually regenerates, even after it suffers a fatal wound.

Reduces the pain of injuries.

Some diseases are nullified.

Eliminates the need to eat and sleep.

I read out the contents of the window to her.

"I wonder........what will he end up looking like as he grow senile?"

Serina questioned.

"Skin and bones, skeletons, I think."

Letty said disgustedly.

"'It's still too delicate for a low skill level. If it hurts, it's going to be hard to kill."

"How many points do you have to spend to get to the next level?"

I took a look and found out that 100,000 points are needed for Lv2.

Impossible, absolutely impossible. I can't take this.

"100,000 point."



Everyone's stunned.

"W-we can live a long time, so let's be positive!"

Serina smiled tightly.

"Master, I'll follow you for the rest of my life."

Meena cried.

"If you have any problems, please let me know."

Ione smiles and holds my hand.

"You can have my cheese today."

Lily says in a whisper.


Nene looks worried.

"Even skeletons can be fun!"

Letty says.

"Noisy. Don't be so nice to me all of a sudden."

"But that's weird. Isn't [Immortality] a rare skill that can't be obtained with [Skill Copy]?"

Serina twisted her head and seemed to be wondering.

"It seems It's not a rare skill. Because, there is no indication of ☆ on the skill name."

"What? That can't be. I have one as a candidate, but it's a million-point rarity."

Letty said. I see what you mean.

"Probably because the number of points needed to get one is different between me and Letty. There are different types."

There were also skills that seemed to be limited to the heroes. I guess each class is different.

"Uwahh, It's not fair." Lily says. 

You have a rare skill of [Noble Bloodline] that ordinary people can't have, Lily.

Anyway. Now there's a possibility that "Titles" and "Job Systems" could be important factors in acquiring skills.

It might be better to change your job to a Magician before you get a magician skill.

There is a possibility that the variety of skills will increase and the acquisition points will be cheaper that way.

I need to verify this.

"Let's change jobs and try various things later."


"Let me help you!"

Letty grabbed my hands with her sparkling eyes, but she looked like she'd found a good guinea pig.

"Uhm, master. ......"

"What's wrong, Meena?"

"No, I will follow you for the rest of my life, no matter what. ......!"

He glanced down at her and then said with a lot of energy.

"So what it is? I've always told you to say what's on your mind. There's something in the dungeon that only you are aware of, and it could mean the difference between life and death."

"Ah, Yeah......Then, I'll tell you what, though, there's a faint odor coming from Master's body."

"Mmm, tch, is it rotting?"


Hoshirina and Lily quickly moved away from me. I tried to smell my own hands, but they didn't smell like that. I guess it's still only dog-eared people can smell it.

"Would you like me to use my ice magic to cool you down?"

"No thanks. Don't treat me like I'm raw meat. Hmm, Don't underestimate me, if it's not a rare skill, it doesn't matter. I have [Skill Reset Lv1] and [Party Skill Reset Lv2].


Everyone was impressed.

"However, there's just one problem, when you delete [Immortality] skill, what state will your body be in?"

If you remove the [Immortality] skill, you die.

That's not a good thing.

"Oh, yeah, ......, but if it's still rotting, it's okay."

"It's not rotten yet. It's just starting to smell."

I don't like it when people talk about my body like that, so I'll correct them on a minor point.

"Ha! How's your breathing?"

Letty noticed something important.

"Yes, I'm doing it right. Hold your breath. ......"

I held my breath for almost a minute, but it didn't bother me at all.

I wonder if I'm dying .......

I was scared, so I took a deep breath and breathed normally the rest of the way.

"How's it going?"

"It's not painful."

"O-okay. then let's go to the temple. Maybe they can help us with the donation in case something happens."

Serina said.

"There's supposed to be no resurrection in this world."

"Yeah, ......, but it's better to be able to heal, right?"

"You're right."

There is a temple right next to the dungeon and we go inside.

"Aren't you in pain?"

"Don't talk about me like I'm an evil zombie. Now, let's erase it."

Half-hearted immortality is not good for me, and I'm not interested in immortality. I'd rather fuck around and die on my stomach than live a lazy life. I'll use [Reset Party Skills Lv2].

It's also a good deal to increase the amount of points that are returned to you after you've improved this Reset Skill, but I don't want my body to expire before then.

I'll use it as soon as possible.

『Do you want to reset the skill 【Immortality Lv1】?』


『Immortality Lv1』Deleted!

It beeped electronically and I was able to remove it without any problem.

Now, the reduction point is ......


The fraction of 22 was the points I originally had, so the increase was 40,000. The redemption points would be two thirds, so the points needed to acquire 【Immortality】 would be 60.000.

...... Fuuh~, I win.

I found myself feeling ...... a little hot and pulsating, but I wasn't in pain. In fact, I'm feeling better.

"It worked."

Everyone who had been looking at me with bated breath showed a relieved expression.

It's nice to have friends.

"Thank God. ...... I was afraid you'd die."

"Uuhhh, Master."

"I'm glad. really I'm so glad."

"Don't make me worry, you idiot."

"I-I'm so glad."

"...... Tch."

"Letty, what's with that tongue?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. I just thought you were become immortal."

"That's fine, but it didn't feel very good, right?"


Now, with all these points, I can spend them however I want, but how will I spend them?

I said to myself, "I'm going back to the inn." I walked with great enthusiasm and pride in my heart.