I copied the [Immortality] skill from the skeletonized hero, and by resetting and reducing it, I succeeded in obtaining a large number of skill points.

According to Letty, [Immortality] is a rare skill, so there must be very few people who can do such a trick.

"This is going to make Alec so much stronger!"

Serina, innocently happy, didn't seem to imagine that she and I would have to fight over our differences. That's okay, I guess.

"As expected, master!"

Meena clenched her fists and praised me strongly, but it was more of a coincidence than my ability.

"I wish I had that [Skill Copy] skill"

Letty is jealous of me, but the first skill I got in the browser game was a winner.

I gathered everyone in my room at the inn and said.

"Don't tell anyone about this. Okay?"

I don't want them to be wary or jealous of me talking about it to everyone around me. There might even be skills to steal skill points.

"Oh, yeah, it's probably best if I don't say anything."

"Yes, you're right."

"All right, Master. No matter how they torture you, ......!"

"I don't care. It's none of my business."

Everyone nodded and seemed to agree.

Now that I've got a lot of points, I don't want to use them up too quickly.

I don't want to regret leaving it behind..................when I'm in a tight spot.

But I'll take what I can get for the adventure.

『Party Common Skills』

【Rare Item Probability Increased Lv4】 

Points required for next level 500

【Increased Experience Points Lv2】 

Points required to raise to Lv5 is 1420

【Increased Skills Points Lv5】 

It already seems to be Max. This one is gray in color and doesn't show any points.

【Party Skill Reset Lv2】

Points required to raise to Lv5 is 840

These are the skills around here.

【Rare Item Probability Increased Lv5】 Lv up!

【Increased Experience Points Lv5】     Lv up!

【Party Skill Reset Lv5】 Lv up!

This left me with 37,240 points.

In addition, I decided to pick a good party skill and take a new one.

【Increased Chance of First Strike Lv5】 890 Points needed.

【Back Attack Reduction Lv5】 305 Points needed.

Now I have 36045 points left.

Now it's time for my personal skills.

The first thing I need to do is to level up the skills I already have.

Not all of them, just the ones I think I'll need.

Points required to raise to Lv5

【Skill Copy Lv1】 1240

【Blow Resistance L1】 42

【Dexterity UP Lv2】 56

【Agility UP Lv3】 48

【Appraisal Lv4】 16

【Guts Lv2】 84

【Description Lv1】 60

【Premonition Lv2】 90

【Athleticism Lv3】 120

【Dynamic Vision Lv3】 120

【Situational Judgment Lv1】 90

【Bargain Lv1】 150

【Talking Technique Lv1】 120

【Auto Mapping Lv2】 60

【Skill Concealment Lv2】 90

【Stealthy Footsteps Lv1】 60

【Choke Sleeper Lv1】 60

【Waterfowl Swordmanship Lv3】 240

【Arrow Flick Lv1】56

【Matsuka Kuzushi Lv1】 90

Total 2892 points

32153 points remaining.

Next is the new skills to take.

First, resistance to poison and instant death.

【Poison Resistance Lv5】 New!

【Paralysis Resistance Lv5】 New!

【Mental Resistance Lv5】 New!

【Petrification Resistance Lv2】 New!

【Instant Death Resistance Lv1】 New!

The petrification resistance and instant death resistance cost a lot of points. I don't have enough points for those, so I don't have them maxed out at the moment.

Total: 16900 points

Remaining 16253 points

Next, Attacks skill.

Now, that [Dimensional Slash] that I saw on a browser game site is a piece of cake.

I thought it was .......

"Huh? There's no candidate for the [Dimensional Slash]?"

"Ah, the one you couldn't get because it costs 5000 points even at level 1?"

It seems that Serina also remembered.

"Damn, can't I get it as a Waterfowl Swordsman?"

My current job is 'Waterfowl Swordsman', but it seems I need to be a higher class than that.

"Isn't that like a magic swordsman?"

"Hmm. So, uh, Ione, is there a guild for Magic Swordsman?"

I asked Ione, who seemed to know a lot about swordsman.

"No, I've never heard of such a thing. Self-taught magicians or those who have changed jobs from magician might use it, but swords and armor make it harder to use magic. ......"

"Well, yeah. Magicians don't usually carry swords, and they can't carve complicated runes or marks."

Letty, the mage, nodded.

But a magic swordsman seems to be possible. I want to have it.

"I wonder if Welbard-sensei knows about it?"

"I don't know. I'll write to my father and ask him."

"Please do that."

I'll keep the 5,000 points and see what I can do with it next.

【Job Change Lv1】 60 points required for the next level.

This is a skill that I took at the beginning and left it as I thought it was a "has-been" skill. ......

But even if it's not, two-thirds of the points will come back when the skill is reset, so I'll give it a try.

The first thing I did was to raise the level of the skill by one level and then try to appraise it.

『Job Change Lv2』


You can change your profession (job).

However, Lv.2 is only available once a year.

You can only change jobs if you meet the requirements.

You will not lose your knowledge and experience after changing jobs.

Previously, it was 'only once in a lifetime,' so I guess the pattern will be to increase the frequency at which you can change.

Once a month for Lv3, once a day for Lv4, that sort of thing.

Since it's not a skill I'll use often, raising it to Lv4 will be enough for practical use.

【Job Change Lv4】 Lv up!

16073 points remaining

I'll quickly make a list of possible job change candidates.









I don't want to be a "Playboy".

I've already decided on the job I'm going to do.

But first, let's check it.

【Fireball】 3 points required for Lv2.

The spell Fireball now costs three points.

And do this――

『Job Change to 【Magician】!

Only 12 hours left until the next job change is unlocked.』

I'm not sure if this will change the way I spend my points: ......

【Fireball Lv1】 Points needed for Lv2 is 3 points

【Fireball Lv1】 Points needed for Lv2 3

"Hmm, I missed my guess."

"What's wrong?"

"I thought if I changed my job to a magician and then took a skill, the number of points would change."

"Oh, you mean the magic skills would be cheaper?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't seem to change."

"Changing jobs will expand the range of skills you can take."

Letty taught me that, but that doesn't sound very good to me, as I had a few candidates for magical skills before I changed jobs.

That may be an all-around ability that is limited to the Heroes.

"Then, I'll give you a special present at the end."

"What? I don't need erotic clothes. ......"

Serina was already alarmed, but I guess she need to increase her gratitude and loyalty to the leader.

Of course, as long as you're a member of my party, I'm going to give you some erotic clothes as well.

"Don't worry, it's even better for you. All of you, check your status to see what your skill points are now."

"Zero points. So?

"I've given you 1,000 points each. Check it now."

I have acquired a new [Point Giving Lv5] for 31 points.

"Ah, awesome, it's true."

"Ah, it's increasing, Master."

"So much? Is it okay? ......"

"Oho, Ohohoho, uhehehe."

"Oh, ......, I-it's amazing. Fuee~."

1000 points each for Serina, Meena, Ione, Lily and Nene.

This will greatly enhance the skills of the party members.

The remaining points are 11042 points.

There's still plenty of time to take the Dimensional Slash, and it'll be a piece of cake if I copy the skills of the big spenders from now on.

"Uhm, ...... I was there, and I'm not sure if I saved your life, but I think I helped you defeat the enemy. ......"

Letty makes a modest appeal, but I'm not going to sugarcoat it.

This is a reward for the party members.

"I've already paid for it with silver coins. Besides, no matter how many skeletons you kill on your own, you won't get any points, Letty. This is entirely thanks to my skills. And yet, don't you think it's a bit generous to ask me to give you a hundred levels of points?"

I'm going to use the "Talking Technique Lv5" as well to talk her into it.

"Ugh, I'm sure you're right, ....... But what is this bewildering feeling that I have ....... Then tell me more about that [Skill Copy] and the Heroes."

"For free?"

"No, that's ......."

"Isn't it fine, for something like that."

Serina said that, but.

"No. I'm the leader of the party and I'm telling you not to tell anyone, okay?"

"Ah, yeah, ...... you're right, I'm sorry, Letty."

"Well, I guess it can't be helped. I'm going to try to figure it out on my own. I'm a genius mage, I can do it!"

Well, good luck with that. Maybe a genius mage can do it.

After Letty returned to her house, I thought about how to earn skill points.

[Skill Copy Lv5] is a great skill that allows me to copy my opponent's skills without leveling down.

With this, if I copy a powerful and expensive skill, I can get even more skill points.

In order to do this, I need to encounter strong enemies.