I've been diving into the "Labyrinth of No Return" as usual.

There was some trouble when a member of our Clan lost his life, but since then everyone seems to have become more cautious and is quietly making money on the second layer.

On the other hand, the party I was leading continued to explore the third layer.

With Nene and Letty as our two magicians, we could quickly burn through the threads of the Big Spider, the most troublesome enemy on this floor. That's an enemy we can handle.

In addition to the silver coins we found in some of the chests, we also found one of those Aladdin-style lamps that give you skill points.

But after earning 40,000 points by skill reset, a hundred or so is not enough.

"That's annoying. Aren't there any enemies out there with more experience or skill points?"

"Then Alec, let's go down to the lower layers, go down."

Jouga says it with a winking smile, but when he says it, it kind of changes my mind.

"No, it's too early. Let's keep our heads up."

"What the hell is that? Hey, Alec!"

"Shut up. You're attracting the enemy. Walk quietly."

"The only monsters on this floor are spiders and slugs, and they don't care what you hear."

"Still, I won't change my mind."

"Keh, you're still a hard-ass."

"Call him stubborn, Jouga, but you can't be sure there won't be another enemy. We've fought enemies in the first layer that don't usually appear, so keep that in mind."

Serina said.

"Oh, you're talking about having an interacting with a skeleton? I've never met one, have I?"

I did not tell Jouga that the skeleton was a hero.

I have a hunch that the hero will (・・・・) be (・・・・) attracted to the heroes.

This is also true for Mitsurugi, the guard that Janatha had with him.

When I appraise him, the explanation is that he was summoned in the Gilan Empire,.......

This is a famous dungeon that attracts adventurers from all over the world, so it doesn't matter where they come from. But there are so many adventurers here.

The fact that we bumped into each other made me feel something like fate.

Correction: ...... Don't give me that fatal encounter with a bastard.

To be honest, I don't want to meet too many male heroes, since I just had a PK with Shin. There are also dangerous guys like Serina who are very skilled, so it's not like it's okay to be a woman.

"Master, I smell human."

Meena tells me in a small voice. Her loyalty to me is maxed out, so she takes care of a lot of things and does what I want her to do. She's a cute.

Sometimes I go too far and get cold feet from the other party members, but it's great to know that I can trust the dog-eared tribe when it comes to spotting enemies.

"Okay, you can say whatever you want, Jouga, Letty, so as not to raise suspicion of PK."

"It doesn't matter what you say, if they're going to PK you, it doesn't matter much."

"We'll take the first shot and get it over with."

Aside from Jouga, who talks too much, Letty, who picks up the brim of her pointy hat to dress up, is also a problem. 

"Don't say unnecessary things, asshole. I don't want them to get the wrong idea."

"Hauu, I'm starting to feel like I'm in trouble."

Nene starts to get upset, but she's also a coward at heart. It seems that even if you remove the [Fear] skill, it doesn't mean that you won't be afraid at all.

"Calm down."

"I think the other party are getting upset. Our party, despite its appearance, is a decent party."

As Serina says, In a party full of beautiful girls, if you're talking about looks, you're talking about me?

No, there was Jouga. He doesn't look like a roughneck, but he doesn't look serious either. If it's misunderstood, I'll blame it on Jouga.

"I know you're hiding in there. Please come out."

Ione said softly, but what about that shout in this situation?

"Kuhh! They're all over the place. ...... Okay, let's get the hell out of here."

A slightly husky woman's voice came from around the corner.

"Make way for them."

I didn't want to surround them and steal from them, so I instructed everyone to move back a bit to clear up their misunderstanding.

A swordsman in black bikini armor appeared from the other side. She's also beautiful.

She looks to be over twenty years old, but that's okay. Her slim body is very attractive.

With her carelessly grown out black hair and brown skin, she must be an orthodox Amazoness. No, I don't know if there is such a thing as orthodox.

She has green eyes, so she's not Japanese, but she's a female swordsman with a slightly mature air about her.

With her sword drawn, the female swordsman walks slowly and unguardedly, glaring at us. The tension is palpable.

"Wait, you don't have to be so careful, we won't attack you."

Serina said with a chuckle.

"I don't know about that, I don't feel like trusting your words because there are some priest in this dungeon who look like they wouldn't kill a bug"

Amazones said.

"It can't be."

Fianna murmurs, looking a little shocked, but I guess some of them are.

I let her be the apple of my eye as she saw fit. It would be a pity if I made her too cautious, so I looked around on the way, keeping a wary eye on my surroundings, but I made it through.

The Amazoness swordsman didn't turn her back to me as she passed, but instead backed away.

I'm a very careful watcher myself, but this guy is also very careful.

"What the hell, we're not the enemy."

Jouga was annoyed as well.

The other party is silent.

I was a little curious when she passed by completely.

"Hmm? Are you alone?"

" ......And? What?"

"No, I was just wondering what happened to you without your luggage."

She's got a wound on her left arm, but it doesn't look like she's had a lot of care.

"What's that got to do with you?"

"No, it doesn't. But I'm just asking because I'm curious. Just so you know, you're the (・・・・・) suspicious one who made me do it."

Let's just say that my question is a legitimate one.

"Hmm, no need to pry. I told you, there's a priest who's PK. I had the misfortune of working with that party. Do you understand?"

"I see."

So you got PKed, threw away your stuff and crawled away.

"Uwaahh, that's terrible. I'm so sorry to hear that. ......"

Serina said sympathetically.

"I can cast a healing spell on your arm, if you like."

Fianna offered.

"No, thank you. How do I know that it's not sleep magic?"

"That's ......."

Fianna couldn't answer that.

"Then, here, I'll give you some herbs. Take it with you."

"It could be a trap. I won't say thank you. And you guys can go first."

I felt a bit uncomfortable being suspected so much, but it was probably unavoidable right after the PK.

"All right. Let's go."

I knew from the appraisal that her level was the same as ours, so I didn't feel threatened and turned my back on her.

"Anyway, but if it's an ambush PK, or if it's a PK after we've teamed up, well, that's just awful. ......"

"That's right. Well, I guess we don't have to worry about that."

Aside from Clyde and the others, who are new to the group, this party of ours has been adventuring together for days.

"Huh. You don't doubt that I'm going to PK?"

Serina, huh?

"......... You're the exception, after all."

"H, hey!"

Serina made a pathetic sound, but this guy has a different philosophy of action than I do.

I'm sure she won't betray me for a second or two, but I have to be careful with the other heroes.