Two days later.

I had dinner with Clyde and his party in the dining room of the Dragon's Dwelling, and it seemed that Clyde's party had also run into that black-haired female swordsman.

"Listen, boss. She seemed to be alone, so I called out to her, but she said, 'Don't talk to me!' and she swung her sword at me."

At the next table, "Cloud Team Warrior A" explained with gestures.

"That's why, I'm not your boss. Don't ever call me "boss" again."

"So, can I call you 'brother'?"

"Why can't you call me Alec-sama, you guys?"

"Maybe it's because you have a bad guy face?"

Lily says, but I definitely don't have a bad guy face.

"Hey, fufu, that's pathetic. Alec may be ugly, but he's not a bad guy."

"Serina, you're expelled from the party for today."

"Eh!? Why!?"

Because you dissed me.

"The swordsman you saw, whose name is Luka, was just in a temper after being betrayed by her friends. Next time you see her, don't call out to her. Okay?"

"""Got it"""

"Hmm? I don't think she mentioned her own name, but Alec, did you know her?"

Jouga asks me, but it's too much trouble to explain the [Appraisal].

"Jouga, I'll give you some meat. It's a bonus for working today."

"Oh! Seriously! Yummy, meat, yummy. From now on, I'll call you "brother"!"

That's why ...... do what you want.

"Speaking of Luka, isn't she the girl who was teamed up with Hannah, the twin-sworded girl, in the B-rank party, I think ...... the party name was 'Silver Scorpions'?"

The landlady, who had brought more food, said as she set down the plates.

B rank, huh. If they are at the same level as us and have that rank, then we should be able to get up to B rank.

"But it seems that her friends betrayed her."

Serina said.

"I don't see how a well-known party can betray its own people. It just doesn't make sense. Betrayals and fights are not uncommon here, though."

I'll have to be very selective about the official members. The slaves, Clyde and his friends, don't often work with me, and they're bound by slave crests, so they won't be a problem. ......

After all, it has to be a trusted friend.

"So, Letty, it's time for you to graduate from our party, okay?"

I glanced to the side and said to the pointy hat. The guy who wears a hat at dinner.

"Wha! I'm a teacher with an advance payment and Nene-chan is not ready to be a mage yet! I'm a licensed mage and I need to take care of her!"

She's saying very auspicious and caring things, but this guy is probably trying to stay here because she can get free food. I've heard you say before that you have your own house.

"Geez, you're worrying too much, Alec. Letty's doing what she's supposed to do. She's not going to attack the moneybags."

Serina said, but she had a point.


"Gold-bank, *drool* ...... Ha!"

I think Letty just had a weird realization when she saw me. ......

I have a chill that if we're alone, I'm going to be hit from behind with a fireball.

The next day.

I woke up a little after eleven, asked the landlady to make me a late breakfast, and slowly started preparing for my adventure.

From the third layer onward, I would be staying overnight, so there was no need to leave first thing in the morning.

I plan to dive into the dungeon from noon and return three days later as usual.

"Alec, everyone is ready."

"Okay. All right then, let's go."

"Have a safe trip!"

The proprietress of the inn saw me off, and just as I was about to leave the inn to "Go to the Labyrinth," I was interrupted.

It was a woman.

"Do you have a minute? I've been told there's a man here named Alec-san."

She's Luka, the brown amazoness from yesterday.

Why are you looking for me?

Despite the fact that I'm right in front of her, Luka doesn't seem to have noticed me. She doesn't seem to know my face at this point.

Has she heard my name from someone else?

Then .......

"What businees do you have with Alec-sama?" 

I decided to pretend to be someone else and ask her what she wanted. "What?" Serina furrowed her brows next to me, but I didn't care.

"Do I have to tell you?"

This guy, like the last time I saw her, doesn't have much of a personality. She has a nice face and body, but she's not the best. ......

"There is. If you want to get through to Alec-sama, you'll have to go through me."

"Are you sure?"

Luka looked at me scornfully, then checked with the people around her with her eyes.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"I'll tell you what, I need to get my sword and armor repaired, and I think I can get by with selling some of the rare items, but I don't want to, so I heard there's a good guy here who might be able to help me."

You're talking out of your ass. You're a gal, aren't you?

"Hmm, so you're saying that you're running out of money and you need my help to continue your adventure. You came here because you heard I was taking care of the slaves, right?"

"No, I've heard about you, but I don't need your help."

"I don't think so. Because I'm actually Alec."


"No, his name is John. He's a mumbler――"

"Lily, don't make jokes like that. It'll complicate things."

"There is no doubt that this person is Alec-san."

Nice work, Serina, Ione.

"Oh, really? I'm level 28 and I'm pretty confident with my sword."

"Hmm. ......"

"It is no problem, isn't it? Alec. If she's as good as we are, she'll be useful.

I think so too, but ――shut up for a second, Serina.

I give her a signal with my eyes.

"Luka, let me tell you something, I'm not taking care of them for charity. This is a business."

"Hmm? Business?"

"Yes, business. It's a business deal. I'll pay for their lodging and equipment for the time being, and they'll earn money in the dungeon. It's that kind of give and take."

"Then it's easy to talk about. You can hire me too."

"I can't say that about everyone. I'm also in debt right now. I want to help you, but I'm also in a difficult situation, and I have to take care of other people, so you need to show me that you're prepared to do the same. Do you understand me so far?"

"Yeah, well, I'll do my best ......, even if it's dangerous. I don't mind become the vanguard."

"Good idea, but we have plenty of vanguards. Isn't that right?"

I turn around and ask everyone.

"Well, that's a lot of vanguards."

"All vanguards, those guys."

"There's one magician and one archer."

"Shut up, Letty."

"Yes, Master! They're all vanguards! They're all vanguards, whether they're archer or not!"

"Good, Meena. That's why. There are people whose level is higher than ours. If you're going to break in, it's going to be as narrow as the ice age. Luka, you're going to need to show me that you're an added bonus, that you're a deal for me, okay?"

"Even if you say so, ...... what is the Ice Age, by the way?"

"Don't worry about it. It was a long time ago. From the looks of it, ...... Luke, you have a really nice body, don't you?"

I gave her a good licking from top to bottom.


Confused, Luka covered her breasts with her hands in disgust. This guy has a certain amount of knowledge, but I saw that she is a virgin.

"Uwahh, you're disgusting, erotic oldman."

"Brother, You know, you're out of your mind, right?"

"Oh, God, ...... punish this wretched man."

A few of the members voiced their dissatisfaction, but I'm the leader.

I'm not giving up.

"Hey. Then I'll hire you with my own money. You don't have to depend on Alec."

"Ahh, Serina, you... ......"

"Thank you! I owe you."

If she pays her, I have nothing to do.

Well, I don't really want to embrace Luka that much, so I got Serina to pay, exchanged her equipment, and let her join my party as a trial.

I'm worried about mixing her in with Clyde and the others out of the blue. I'm afraid they'll get into a fight with Luka.