"Master, it's another jewel!"

"Okay, three jewels in a row!"

I'm exploring the third layer, and the spider has dropped jewels continuously. I'm lucky.

"Oi, oi, oi, ......."

"Hmm? What's wrong, Luka? Are you going to the bathroom?"

"No! Don't you get it? Jouga, these guys are crazy."

"What? What do you mean, they're crazy?"

"I've never seen so many jewels is dropped. ...... It's a lie!"

Luka shakes her head. When she does that with her wild black hair, which she's grown out randomly, it kind of reminds me of a lion dance.

"Calm down. This is because a party skill, [Rare Item Probability Increase Lv5]."

I don't want to give away too many of my hands, but I don't want to disturb her concentration in battle, so I kindly told her.

"Oh, yeah. But is it okay to raise all those non-combat skills? No, it's okay because you have friends?"

Luka is convinced on her own, but even in terms of combat ability, I'm at a pretty good level. Well, I'm usually in the rear guard, so I don't stand out.

"Well, that's it for now, we're going home."

It was unexpected to find the Red Killer Bee, the boss, on the third layer, but we were able to clear it without difficulty.

I'd never seen a boss pop before, but Luka said she'd seen it once before, and she was sure it was the boss.

When I returned to the inn, I found Clyde and his friends playing card games at a table, just as the Black Cat of the Wind Clan was having a day off.

"Oh, boss, I'm glad you're okay."

"You're fired."


"It's Alec-sama, you idiot!"

"Ah, Alec-sama, I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! I've got a five-year-old daughter."

"Ah, okay, okay, I won't fire you, so don't keep nipping at me. And when you call me, you can call me Alec-san. I don't like it when unsavory men call me by my name."


"So, Clyde, no one dead, right?"

"No, sir. We're all doing pretty well on the second layer."

Clyde smiles gloomily, but that's okay as long as there are no major problems.

"Okay. Keep up the good work.""

"Yes, I'll do that."

I went back to my room, took off my gear, and filled the tub with hot water and took a dip in a tub.

I was relieved to be free from the tension of the dungeon, but I still wanted a bath.

Unfortunately, there is no bath in this inn.

After wiping my body and feeling refreshed, I went to ...... It's still too early to go to bed.

"Well, I guess I'll drop by the merchant's guild while I'm at it."

It was still daytime, so I took my sword and went outside by myself.

"Ah, Alec-sama, welcome to the Merchant's Guild."

I'm only wearing cloth clothes, but they already seem to remember my face and I pass the guild's gatekeeper by face.

The receptionist also came up to me with a smile.

"What can I do for you today?"

"Oh. The usual peropero, please."

She's used to it, so I tell her plainly.

Then the man nearby looked startled, swallowed his saliva and stared at me, but I told him "You misundestand me", and I told him the name.

"Peros, right, I'm sorry, but he's currently out peddling, and he's asked me, Yumi, to take his place."

"Hmm? I don't want to have to switch assignments every time."

I furrowed my brows.

In the merchant guild in Vernia, a merchant named Merlot was the only one who took care of me all the time, and I could trust him.

It was a hassle just to explain to the person in charge changed frequently.

But I thought merchants were good at dealing with adventurers who consistently bring in high-priced treasures, but I guess that's not the case here.

"You can rest assured that I will be in charge of Alec-sama from now on. Peros was also supposed to greet you to take over, but it was an urgent matter, so I am truly sorry."

"Well, I don't know when the adventurer's timing will be. That's alright. Just to confirm, you have a good track record in auction trading, right?"

From the looks of it, Yumi was still young. She must be sixteen or so. I was a little worried because she didn't have her turban on and she looked like a patsy in the merchant guild.

"Yes, of course. I know about your business dealings so far, Alec-sama."

I liked the fact that she didn't blatantly divulge the details of the transaction in public.

"All right. Can I leave it to you then?"

"Yes, please have a seat here."

She led me to the back, where I briefly confirmed the fee and handed over all the jewels. Four of them.

"That's four. Yes, sir. So, I have a few questions for you, Alec-sama. How did you get this jewel ......?"

Asking business partner where to get it is a sign that she doubts my trustworthiness. I wondered about that, but I guess that's why the odds of me bringing it in are so unusual.

"I got it in a normal adventure. I have the [Rare Item Probability Increase Lv5] skill. It's not stolen, so don't worry. If you want, you can hire a mercenary to follow me around the dungeon."

"No, I didn't say it was stolen goods. There is no way that Alec-sama, a respectable adventurer, would do such a thing. I heard that you recently hired a mercenary from a former B-rank party."

It's about Luka, isn't it? I'm looking into it very carefully. This Yumi continues to say.

"However, It's just that with such a large quantity, you don't usually have it unless you're an aristocratic collector."

That's probably right.

"Please don't tell anyone about my skills."

"Yes, of course. Here is your deposit certificate."

It seems that she had already filled out the form except for the number of items, so Yumi quickly wrote them down on the certificate and handed it to me. She seemed competent and helpful.

"If there's anything else you need, I'm at your service."

"No, I'm just bringing this today."

"Well, I look forward to seeing you again."

Even if there is nothing to be done, Yumi's smiling and satisfied nodding gives the customer a sense of security.

"Oh. Well ......"

Who shall I take to bed with me today?

"Um, Alec-sama."

"What is it?"

"If you don't mind, would you like to join me for lunch?"

Yumi asks.


I look at her. She's a beautiful petite girl with red hair. There's something about her that makes me think she's sexy.

"Well, let's go then."

"Well, I have an reservation at [Lady Tabitha's] store. If there's nothing else you'd like, I'd like to go there."


I furrowed my brow. I hadn't told the merchant guild when I was scheduled to return, let alone the date of my return.

How does Yumi know this?

"Yes, ...... Excuse me, but one of the guests at the Dragon's Dwelling Tree Residence happens to be a friend of mine."

The guest's friend saw me return and informed Yumi. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but they might have had a guild employee stay on the Inn to keep me watch.

Would you normally go that far?

"Don't do anything too crazy."


"Well, it would be a shame to let all that food go to waste. This time, we'll have a feast."

"Yes, thank you very much."

The merchants' guild, of which Janatha is the executive, may be wary of me. It's not like he's going to suddenly poison me, either. If I die, the priests at the temple will look at me with suspicion, and if that happens, Janatha won't benefit from killing me.

It must be painful for Janatha just to have the recovery fee raised.

"Ah, by the way, Peros and I are not part of the White Dog clan, so don't worry."

"I see."

I was expecting her to ask about Janatha, but she just made small talk and Yumi didn't talk about work.

"It's quite a nice place, isn't it?

I sat down and looked around the store. The restaurant is decorated with lightly colored glassware, and the walls are lined with carved animal figures to delight the eyes of customers.

It seems to be a high-class restaurant for aristocrats, but I like the fact that I don't have to face other customers in the private rooms.

I guess it's a good place for secret talks. Maybe I'll get to use it sometime.

"I'm glad you like it and it was worth the trouble. I can call a prostitute to pour you a drink, if you like."

"Hmm? I don't need a prostitue, but by the way, can I buy a virgin?"

"Yes, they're expensive, but you can buy them."

Hohou~, It's a pretty nice world, isn't it?

"Hmm. ......"

I look at Yumi in front of me, cautiously. Her breasts are small, but she's young and looks smart.

"...... Would you like me, by any chance?"

"Oh, no, not at all, but what's the market rate here?"

"I've heard that the price for a virgin starts at one silver coin. By the way, for me, it's free."

"What? You know, I can tell when you're lying, so don't say anything too rash, okay?"

It's because there is "Appraisal Lv5".

Yumi, who is not afraid of new acquaintances, is probably not a virgin no matter how you look at it.

She's very sociable and seems to have a lot of experience.

I'm going to do a little appraisal.

【Name】 Yumi

【Age】 15

【 L v】 8

【Class】 Merchant

【 Race 】 Human

【 Gender 】 Female

【 H P 】 73/73

【Status】 Healthy


Merchant of Grandsword.

Belongs to the Merchant's Guild.

Her personality is ambitious, and she is quite active.

A virgin.

"Mmm, that's true."

"Are you using skills? You have good skills."

Yumi smiled at me. She seems to be planning to use me in some way, but she is a young, beautiful virgin.

So why don't I try to eat her?

"Then, as promised, I'll have you for free."

"Okay, then, please go to the break room."

I went to the break room with Yumi.