Yumi, the girl from the merchant guild who is trying to get into my life.

According to my appraisal skills, she seems to be quite ambitious, but I like her face and personality, so I decide to taste her with her consent.

"Alec-sama, would you like something to drink? Ah!"

I pushed her down on the bed as she mumbled.

"No thanks. There's only one thing to do in the break room. Let's get on with it."

"Y, yes."

As expected of a virgin, Yumi tensed when I touched her.

"Yeah? What's that, a raised bottom? ......"

I thought her breasts were there, but when I touched them, I saw that she had thick fabric wraps around her breasts.

It looks like it even gathered up the flesh of the back, this is.

"I'm sorry. ......"

"Oh, well, I prefer the smaller ones. Remember that."

"Okay. Mmm."

Holding her from behind, I kneaded her tiny nipples, testing their shape and elasticity.

She's trembling and shaking, but I think her reaction might be fake. Either way, it doesn't matter.

I licked her neck and tried to bring her into a kiss, but she turned her face away to the other side.

Then I turned my face from the other side, but she turned her face away again.

I'm sure she has already figured out that I'm trying to kiss her.

"Does this job force you to work for the organization and do you actually have a lover you like?"

I asked.

That would mean I'd have to stop playing, which I didn't want to do.

"No, it's my decision. Peros kept reminding me to keep you in a good mood, but it was up to me to decide what I wanted to do."

Yumi answered.

"Then why do you hate kissing?"

"It's because ...... I have aspirations to make money as a merchant, not as a prostitute."

"Your ambition is admirable, but you chose it as a means to an end, and now it's too late. Well, if you come with me, I'll make you a fortune."

"Haa, Nnh!"

She turns her head away again.

"You're lying, aren't you?"

"I-I'm sorry. It's just my physiology."

That's even more annoying.

"Then don't say anything suggestive in the first place and say no, stupid. As punishment for what you deserve, you're going to get a deep kiss."


I forcibly took her lips and inserted my tongue.

If you really can't stand it, you might want to pull it off, but Yumi just shrugged and endured.

I sucked her tongue firmly, and then licked her nipples as well.


"You don't like this one either?"

"No, I mean, I don't like this one, but this one..."

You can put up with it.

Then let her work hard for her own ambition.

"Nnhh, Aahnn, Aahhh, Kuhh……"

As for me, I'll enjoy it.

"I'll put it in."

"Y, yes."

"You don't want to kiss me, but doing this is okay? I don't understand you."

"That's ......."

I guess she don't know well herself.

"It's too late to say no after I've put it in. Also, no more cooling off or no more cancellation."

"Yes, I'm prepared for it. In return, I'd like to thank you for your continued support."

"I know. I understand. Let's make a long-lasting relationship with each other, shall we? Fufufu."

I thought it sounded like something a villain would say, but I unbuckled my belt and inserted myself into Yumi.


"Relax a little. Okay, good."

"Nnahh, Aahh! Aahhnn!"

"Are you okay?"

"Y, yeah, I'm fine."

It didn't seem to hurt that much and Yumi turned her body around so it was easy to move.

This world has excellent birth control pills, so I let it out inside without hesitation.


After I was done, I wiped myself off and put my clothes back on.

"Alec-sama, I'll still need some time to change, so you can leave the store first."

Yumi, who was still lying on the bed, said. It seemed she's to be unable to move due to the lingering effects of her come.

"I'll do that then."

It's not like we're lovers, so it might be uncomfortable for Yumi if I'm not careful.

"Please deduct the store's fee from the selling price of the jewel."

"No, let it be my treat this time."

It's a way of entertaining a client. Well, if Yumi says so, I'll let her buy me a drink.

I opened the door and went down the hallway.

Just as I reached the corridor that led to the private dining room, a man with three women came from the other side, so I made way for him.

"Ya, ya, yaa, sorry about that."

The guy smiled at me in a friendly way, but he was staggering and looked very drunk. He was going to the break room with the girls supporting him.

I don't know how he can handle three girls like that. Well, I don't really care.

However, the white priest's attire bothered me a little, so I stopped and looked at him as he passed by.

"Erwin-sama, this way please."

"Oh, yeah, God willing, we'll have plenty of fun. Let's all get along equally, Hicc."

Is that Erwin?

No, he's different.

I guess it's just a coincidence that they have the same name. The guy's face was completely different from the "hero" I knew. The only one same is that they have blond hair.

In addition, I'm using the appraisal.

【Name】 Andre

【Age】 23

【 L v】 24

【Class】 Priest

【 Race 】 Human

【 Gender 】 Male

【 H P 】 173/173

【Status】 Intoxication


A priest from Austin.

He is bold and rather active.

Wanted for marriage fraud. 

Man, that guy with the fake name again.

But why is he using Erwin's name as a fake name?

Did he just happen to use that alias because he's on the run for marriage fraud?

Well, I'm pretty sure he's a bad guy anyway.

His language is polite, and his features match those of the man who framed Luka. I'll let her know later.

I went back to the inn and immediately called Luka.

"What is it, Alec? What's the rush?"

Luka had already taken off her armor and changed into plain clothes, but she still had her sword at her hip like a swordsman.

"There was a man called Erwin in a store called 'Lady Tabitha'. He's a blond priest."

"Kuhh! That PK bastard!"

Luka's face turned grim and she was about to run out of the inn, so I stopped her.

"Wait, Luka! I'm sure he's still having fun and will be in that store for a while. I'll lend you a hand. You'll need a plan and some friends to make sure he doesn't escape through the back door."

I said, but I had another reason for wanting to do so. If we caused a ruckus in that store, Yumi could be in trouble. Anyone around there would know that Luka is with me, and Luka is a former celebrity of the B-rank party.

Of course, I'll help her catch Erwin, but I want to hold him down when he leaves the store.

"All right. I'm grateful."

"Yeah. I want you to call Ione and Serina. Meena, too.

A level 24 priest who is not a hero would have an easy win with this group. Andre was inebriated. I don't think he would struggle against one person.

I briefly explained the situation to the gathered members and decided on a strategy.

I got my gear ready and left the inn room to head for the store I had just visited.

"Oh, what's this? Are we going somewhere together? Take me with you, brother!"

Jouga is good at what he does, but he's noisy, so he's probably not the best choice for this mission.

"It's not a fun place. I've got some business to attend to, and I need you to stay here in case something happens. It's an important role, you know?"

"Oh? Oshi! I got it! I'll take care of it."

"Also, if you see Fianna, tell her to come to Lady Tabitha's store."

I'm sure the potion will be enough, but I'll call Fianna in case anyone gets hurt.

"All right! It's 'Lady Tabitha's' store, right?"

Me, Meena, Serina, Ione and Luka headed for the store.

"Alec, it's great that you're helping me, but when you find that bastard Erwin, you'll let me finish him off, right?"

Luka reminded me. It's only natural, since she was almost killed by a deceptive PK.

"Of course. You can rest assured that we won't interfere with you or take credit for your work. But don't cause any trouble in the store. You'll come after him when he leave the store."

"It's a bit of a hassle. I'd better do it before he run off."

"Well, don't say that. It's a nobleman's store. If you get the noblemen or their guards involved, you and I will be in trouble."

"......Yeah, I get it."

We arrived at the store in the middle of the main street.

"What to do?"

Serina asked as she peeked around the store.

"Let's go with the plan. First, I'll go into the store and check his room. Serina and Luka, go around the back and keep an eye on surrounding. Meena and Ione, you two wait out front here."

""I understand"" "Yes, Master" "Yeah"

I'm also armed with armor, so as I approached the entrance of the store, the gatekeeper in full plate armor braced himself.

I raise one hand lightly to disarm the gatekeeper's sense of caution.

"Hey, I forgot something, you remember my face right."

"Sure, go ahead."

Since I was a guest here a while ago, I was able to sneak in without difficulty. I kept my armor and sword on.

Considering the security of this store, they probably wouldn't let a first-time customer in right away, but I'm with Yumi, who belongs to the merchant guild.

I went straight to the back and headed for the rest room area.

Yumi came out of the room just in time to see me and gave me a suspicious look.

"Alec-sama? Why are you armed?"