I saw a white robed priest in this store who tried to PK Luka by deceiving her.

It's completely irrelevant to Yumi, the merchant, so I can cover it up.

Well, let me explain. It's not a trick I'm going to hide.

"I just saw a guy here who set up a friend of mine."

There is still a low probability that he is not the same person, if his name and clothes are a coincidence. But even so, it would be easy for Luka to find out if they met face to face.

No problem.

"Huh? Uhm, wait, wait. Roughing it here is, well, a bad idea."

Yumi looked around from side to side and panicked a little. This is a classy place, reserved for the aristocracy. It's not like any other bar in the area.

"I know that. Don't worry, I'll just check to see if he's still in the room. I'll do the rest outside."

"By the way, what is his name? Is he a nobleman?"

"No, he's a priest using an alias, so he's not a great man."

In this world where the status system seems to be strict, it is fatal if you do not check if the person is a nobleman or not.

"Is that so. Well, then let me help you."

"No, Yumi, I don't need your help. you can go back first."

I don't mean to doubt her, but it's going to cost me a lot of money if I ask for her help.

"I understand. Now, if you'll excuse me. ――Oh, did you forget something?"

The waiter came over with a drink, and Yumi thoughtfully put on a little show.

"Yes. Yumi, you don't have to do this. Just go home."

Yes, sir. After you."

I waited for the waiter to pass by, and then went to the corridor where the fake Erwin had just gone.

Now, it seems that there are four rooms in this corridor.

The doors are evenly spaced, all facing north.

In front of the third door, there is a knight in full plate armor standing there, probably an escort.

With all that equipment, the only people in the room are nobles having fun.

One of the three remaining doors would be the correct answer, but what to do now?

"Nnhh~, Aahnn♪... ahh!"

I can hear the woman's charming voice from the room at the very front, but I can't hear Erwin's voice.

There's only one voice, so I'll put this behind for now. He had three women with him, you know.

Let's move on.

As I headed for the second door, the knight guarding me drew his sword, blatantly warning me.

I raise my hands to show that I'm not hostile and say.

"Hey, hey, I'm just a free guest."

"If so, then why are you armed?"

"Well, I'm an adventurer. My name's Alec. I'm based out of a place called the Dragon's Dwelling Tree Residence"

"I've heard of you. I heard that he's a rookie who got into trouble with Janatha and bought a bunch of slaves."

"That's right. I didn't get into any trouble with him. I just dealt with him like a gentleman."

"Hmm, whatever. Anyway, you adventurers stay away from here."

I think I made a mistake. If I make a bad move, I'll have to deal with these motivated guards as well, since they are armed as well.

That would mean that even if we won, we'd be causing trouble in this store.

So, I decided to ask him honestly.

"Hey, did you see a white priest come over here?"

"Why do you ask? Where's your girl?"

"No, I'm waiting for her. I'm just making small talk to pass the time, that's all."


It's useless, I think I just made him even more cautious.

Shut up, you're useless. At any rate, you should put that sword away.

"I'll check it out."

I decided to turn back.

"Thank you for your patience, Alec-sama."

It seemed that Yumi hadn't left yet. She was probably worried about what I would do and was watching the situation here.

"Oh, here she comes. That's her, my companion."


Finally, the knight guarding put away his sword.

"The second or the fourth room."

I whispered to Yumi.

"All right. Then I'll pretend to be wrong and open it myself."

I confer with Yumi and have her open the second door.

"Aahnn, Zenon-sama, you're amazing."

She's wrong.

"Hey, Yumi, you're in the wrong room."

"I'm sorry."

"It's the last one. Go check it out."


"Woman, stay away from this door."

The knight guarding the door drew his sword to warn her. You're completely irrelevant, so I want you to go through it.

Erwin shouldn't be at the third door.

"Yes, I know. because It's the other door."

Yumi also distanced herself from the guards, showing that she didn't have anything in her hands, and went to the back of the corridor, just by the wall.

Yumi opened the door, peeked inside, and came back.

"It's seems different here as well."

"Well, it's that corridor over there. Well, I'm sorry to disturb you."

"Hmph! You should at least check with the clerk about that!"

The escort sniffed unhappily, but we left without a care in the world.

"Yumi, how was it?"

"Yes, I saw a room at the far end, with a white robe folded up. The man is naked and asleep and there are three women."

"So that's it. That's enough. Let's leave the store."

I went out of the store normally, and I nodded to Meena and Ione, who were standing by, and let them continue their watch.

I also went to the back and told Serina and Luka that he was still asleep.

"I'm impatient. Meena's watching the front, right?"

Luka confirmed.

"Oh, don't worry, there's no mistake. Don't worry, there are only two ways in and out of this place, the front and the back."

"Yes, I'm sure of it, because I just went around and checked."

Serina affirmed.

"Then we'll wait here. Yumi, you can go home now."

Yumi, who was still attached to me, should be allowed to leave go home.

"I understand."

"What's with the red-haired girl?"

Serina asked me about Yumi.

"She is a merchant who happened to buy me a meal here. I've entrusted her with the transaction of the jewel."

"By chance, huh?"

Serina had a hunch, but that didn't matter now.

"But that Erwin, I didn't know he was still here."

Luka says he's a dumb guy, sure, but he should have been able to predict that if he didn't disappear when the PK failed, she'd either get revenge at him or be charged.

"That's true too ....... That's Ione!"

A whistle sounded, and the imposter Erwin seemed to have left the front entrance.

Luka ran and we followed her.


Luca shouted as soon as we got to the front street.

We're still a long way from him, so it's too early to make a move. The fact that the place is right in front of the store is not good, but anyway, this is outside the store. Yumi was not here either.

When he was called, Erwin, whose real name is "Andre", looked at her with a shocked look.

"Lu-Luka! You're alive?"

"Don't kill me without permission. It's the adventurer's way. I'll make you regret it in the afterlife for taking me for a fool! Get out of the way!"

"Whoa!" "Kyaa!"

Luka brandished her longsword, and passersby rushed to clear the way.

It's a bit of a mess, but the fake Erwin hasn't moved yet, though he's still bleeding.

Now it's all over.

I thought so.

Serina and Ione seemed to agree with me and stopped running in the middle of the road to watch Luka.

Meena stood right in front of me, which I guess was her way of protecting me.

"It's a misunderstanding!"

The fake Erwin shouted, throwing up his hands.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about now. You're the one who laughed at me and called me a PK."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about. Everyone! Call the soldiers right now!"

Murgh, this is bad.

"Luke, get it over with."

"Yeah, I know. Aahhh!"

Luka swung her sword down, but another sword came out from the side and blocked it.

"Get out of my way!"

"Wait! Please wait a moment. I don't know what's going on, but isn't it a violation of the law to lay hands on a man who hasn't even drawn his sword?"

A female knight in white armor with a strong arm intervened, but now we were in trouble.

It was a mistake to attack in a busy place. I've been following Erwin since the beginning of my plan, but I didn't make sure Luka knew that. That was my mistake.

It was rather natural that the bloodied Luka wouldn't choose the right place.

"That's right! My name is Erwin the Hero, a first-class graduate of the Royal Academy of Magic in Austin. If I had my way, I could take care of these outlaws in no time, but I don't want any collateral damage in a place like this with so many passersby."

"You're the bad guy, you know that!? Die!"

Luka doesn't care and slashes at him, Hmm, but the female knight in white armor seems to think she's completely evil. She turned her back on the fake Erwin and took cover behind her, standing againts Luka.

"Priest, I will protect you until the soldiers arrive. Woman, can't you at least tell me what's going on?"

"No need!

"Wait, wait, Luka. I have to explain. This guy was tricked by that self-proclaimed Erwin and was PKed in the Labyrinth of No Return."

I'll tell her what happened instead.

"Hmm? Is what he say is true?"

The female knight looked at Andre and questioned him.

"That's total bullshit! These people have been PKing me!"

O, Oioioi.

"Ugh, I'm losing track of the talk. ...... Anyway, Luka, you need to calm down."

"I can't calm down! This liar!"

Luka is slashing at him, but the female knight in white armor is calmly taking all of her attacks. It seems that the white knight is of a higher level. Her equipment is also overwhelming.

But the white knight doesn't seem to have any intention of attacking Luka, so I can watch them without worry.

"So, let's wait for the soldiers to arrive."

"Yeah, you're right."

Luka was still attacking, but Serina and I decided to put our swords away and wait.

Once the soldiers arrive and ask more about the situation, Andre's lie will come out. A lot of things.

It's a simple story.