Somehow, we ended up in a fight with Elisa's party, the one we were supposed to be guarding.

This is the worst thing that could have happened.


[Turtle Shell Binding].

I thought it was a good skill to have in that situation, but it's completely backfiring.

"Relax, Elisa. Those twins are assassins."

I'm going to tell her what's going on and try to persuade her again.

"How do you know? What have they done to you?"

Elisa, who is confronting me with her sword in her hand, asks back.

"No, but the source informations is solid.."

"Isn't that source of information wrong? They're just children, both of them."

"But they're supposed to be heroes."

"I don't know what you're talking about. Hey, knight-sama, let's kill that guy!"

"You're so full of shit!"

"That's right, Elisa, don't hesitate. Don't listen to the slavers!"


But I'm in trouble. If I honestly say that it's the king's request and she doesn't trust my words, then this situation won't be settled.

Oh, that's too much trouble. Forget it.

"Abort the order! I don't care if you kill one or two people, except for Elisa. We'll survive this."

"Yes, sir!"

If that's the case, I'll start with the weakest one, Marin. She's just confronting Ione, so there's an opening.

"Meena, buy me some time."

"Yes, master!"

I left Elisa to her own devices and approached Marin from behind.

【Turtle Shell Binding!】


One down.

"Marin! you bastard!"

As expected, it's impossible to tie up the other members who are moving well.

But now that I've disabled one of them, I should have a slight advantage.

Just when I thought that, Elisa's skill exploded.

【Holy Mark(Holy)・Evil Destruction(Destroy)!】



"I-I'm very sorry, master. ......Agh!"

This is bad, she's dying.

"Damn it! I give up. Fianna, Howell, please heal her."

I dropped my sword and offered to surrender. Elisa's character would not take my life.

"Fine, I'll accept your surrender. Heal her."

"Hey, you're too quick to give up just because one of your slaves was killed. I don't want Elisa to accept your surrender so easily, you know."

"What? Edgar, what are you saying ......Kuhh!"

Edgar slashed Elisa from behind, but she reacted quickly and caught him with her own sword.

"I knew it you were good. I'm not going to let you get away with this. Come on, Howell, we're giving up, too."

"I knew you were good. I've got no chance. Come on, Howell, We're giving up, too."

"Is that so?"

Howell, who was pointing his rod at Abel, released his stance, but this guy was also a Privy council, wasn't he? That's dangerous.

"What does it mean, I don't see what you're talking about."

"Elisa-sama ......"

Marin and Abel look troubled, but they're on pope sect, aren't they?

"In other words, Howell and I were secretly ordered by Lord Verzon, the boss of the Privy Council, to disqualify you. We could have assassinated you if we wanted to, but it would have been inconvenient if it had been discovered that it was the work of the Privy Council. I acted as a follower there."

Edgar, who had surrendered, gave a thorough explanation.

"W-what the hell..."

"However, Lord Verzon's work is very messy. I'm not sure if they're a good assassin or not, but they're got to be better than that. There, you guys, don't think you can get away with this, okay? They know our face and our name."

"That's right. We can't have you running away, Ufufu"

"Hyaaa! Auu, Auu!"

The twins, who were trying to sneak out of the hut without any help, were interrupted by Ione and stopped.

"Mmm, it was also true that the twins were assassins. ......"

"So, Edgar, you've turned to the pope faction, is that correct?"

I'll confirm.

"Yeah, well, it would be fine if the pope faction would accept me easily, but I doubt it. My family is in the middle of the Cardinal faction. So I'll just pretend I'm dead here and become an adventurer."

"I'm sorry Edgar-san, but my family background is fine, so I'm going to turn to the Pope faction, so please take care of me, Elisa-sama."

Howell asks with a smiling face. 

"Yeah, but I don't know what I'd do if you asked me."

"It's easy. All you have to do is to send a letter to your superior, Archpriest Kabrar, describing the situation. The high priest asked me to join him originally."

"I see. Then will you both swear not to do anything crazy in the future?"

"Of course."

"Well, if you want me to swear, I will, but I won't complain if you and your assassin get your heads cut off right here."

"Eeekk, help! We were only hired for money."

"Then let us repent to God and change our way of life."

"Yes, I'll become a devout member of Falbas."

"Next is...."

Elisa looks at us.

This is the place to attack.

I'm going to go all the way with [Speaking Lv. 5], okay?

"*ahem*, *cough*、*ehem*! Kaahh, pehh! Elisa-dono, You attacked the heroes of the Kingdom of Vernia, who were trying to save you from the clutches of assassins, without any reason at all, you didn't listen to my repeated explanations, you slandered me as an outsider slave trader, and then you went to the extreme of putting your hands on my beloved lover. Isn't there any difference so far?"

"No, I'm sorry, I misunderstood. Not once, but twice: ......"

"If we could just apologize, we wouldn't need the Inquisition or jail! Do you have any idea how we feel when we're thrown in jail for a crime we didn't commit!?"


"Hey, you don't have to be so stubborn, Elisa's misunderstanding is inevitable. You don't have to rehash anything."

Serina started to defend her, but it was still too early.

"You promised me absolute command authority to do whatever I want, and I'm going to use it here, Serina. Defend me with everything you've got."

"Eehh!? Kuhh, I don't know, this disgusting feeling, I feel like I'm being forced to sell my whole heart and soul to the devil..."

"Tsk, yeah, then, Meena."

"Yes, Master, Master has done nothing wrong, and this is a terrible way to treat him."

As expected, Meena. I'm going to take good care of you for the rest of your life. I'm glad to hear that your injuries have healed.

"...Uhm, I'm sorry to hear that, but Elisa-sama didn't mean anything bad..."

"Marin, you can laugh it off the first time. But can you acquit a man who put Elisa-sama in jail twice for a crime she didn't commit, and then slashed her and seriously injured her? If you say yes, then I'm going to do it to Elisa now, okay?"

"Eh! Well, that's ......"

"Please wait, I am the one who should be punished. I'm the one who made fun of you as a slaver, and I'm the one who made you suspect something. Not Elisa-sama."

"That's very noble of you, Abel. Then I'll let you off with the punishment of silence in this place."

"No, that's..."

"That old man is so creepy!"

The twins say it all together.

"You guys, even if Elisa forgives you, the charges against me are a different story. I'll charge you with attempted assassination at the castle and the guild. If you want, I'll put a bounty on your heads."

"Uuhh, Hahaaa! Please don't do that."

"Okay. But, well, I'm not a demon either. I've lost a lot of money and felt threatened, but I've got a heart bigger than the ocean. All you have to do is keep the information that I am a hero secret, and promise to cooperate for a week, which is your apology for last time, and you will be sincere. Then we can let bygones be bygones."

"Ohh, I'm grateful, Alec-dono."


Some of them are looking at me like they've been hit by a pigeon with a peashooter, but Abel and Marin are going to put up a hell of a fight if I try to force Elisa to give me her virginity. That's where I'm going with the math.

"However, the twin assassins there will be taken into custody for rehabilitation and education. I can't allow anyone to use PK... An adventurer I was friends with lost his life PKed. He was a good guy."

I shake my head and strike a pose of grief.

"What? Who is it?"

"Was there someone like that?"

Serina and Lily are tilting their heads, but it's Dill something.

Good, Fianna depressed with a huff. This must make a good impression on me.

"Oh, ......, okay. As for your friend, I'm sorry for your loss."

That almost completes the King's quest.

I'll have to check with Edgar, but now that he's given up and turned, there shouldn't be any other assassins left.