A week later we parted amicably, shaking hands with Elisa's party.

Elisa looked apologetic the whole time, so this might have been a pulse.

As promised, I received 500,000 gold, a mithril shortsword, and a slave girl as a reward from the king.

A week later, I received a call from the royal castle, so Luka and I went there again.

We met with the king in the same bleak reception room as before.

He told us that they were able to confirm the identity of the fake Erwin, whose real name is Andre.

"Hmm, Luka, are you saying that Andre is no longer in your custody?"

The king said, and Luka nodded.

"Yes, if he is wanted in another country, there must be other people who have a grudge against him, so please hand him over to them. If you're going to jail him anyway, I'm fine with that."

Luka's mind seemed to have cleared up now that his crime had been clarified and he had been thrown in jail. It's not like the fake Erwin did anything to me either, so I'm fine with it.

"Yeah, well, he's the one who did the PK. His whole party should be charged with death penalty. We will not hand him over to another country, because his crime is more serious."

The king said with a friendly smile, but what he was saying was quite harsh.

"Is that so? That's fine."

Luka nodded easily. I'm sure there are other things, like identity theft and perjury against the king, and well, it's just rust on the body.

It's because he's using a fake name to fool the heroes and do PK.

"It's settled then. Alec, what about Saki?"

『Saki』 is the name of the female slave that the king gave me as one of my rewards. When I heard her name, I wondered if it was possible, but then again, Saki was a person from another world, a Japanese high school student.

"Yeah, we've known each other for a week, but we're getting along great."

"I'm glad to hear that. I thought you'd get along since you have the same bright personality and dark hair, but I guess I was right to choose her."

"I guess so."

"Well, I guess we're done here. Is there anything else you two need?"

"No, nothing."

"Nothing, sir."

"Then I'll buy you dinner at the tavern."

Asking the king to buy you dinner at a tavern is a delicate thing. I'd rather eat royal palace food anyway.

"You can't do that, Your Majesty. There will be a lunch party with the nobility."

The embarrassed, white-haired minister said.

"Zenon, can't you postpone or cancel it a little?"

"No, we can't. This is also a noble duty as a king."

"It can't be helped. That's why you guys can leave. We'll have dinner another time. Thank you for your time."

"Yes, sir."

As I headed for the gate to leave the castle, a girl with black hair came running up to me and hugged me.

It was Saki.

She's a former high school girl with a short cut, a little on the small side, but she seems to have a lot of energy.

She was called to this world as a hero a year ago, but lost a gambling and became a slave.

"Darling! I've missed you!"

"You just came to see me off, didn't you?"

"Yes, but..."

Saki's liking for me has been at its maximum right after we met. I don't know why.

"Where's Your Majesty? He's not with you?"

"No, he said he has a lunch party with the nobles."

"Aahh, too bad, I missed out on the free food. Zenon's old man got in the way, didn't he? That old man pretends to be a hard man, but he's really a black-hearted dirty man, isn't he? The first thing he said to me with a straight face was, 'Lick me'."

"Well... that's because you were a slave."

"Well, that's true, but you usually ask my name first."

"You're right."

"I'm sure Luka would agree."


"So, do you want to have lunch at the inn? I think I'll have katsudon."

In this world, there are many people from other worlds ――people who have been called from Earth to come here, so they can eat Japanese food.

"Hmm, I guess I'll do that."

"Deal! Then, after eating, we'll have lovemaking sex!"

"You're talking too loud. Also, I told you not to call out sex in front of the party members."

I say to Saki, who winks at me.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but Luka is just a mercenary, right? Are you after Alec?"

"N-no, not really, but ...... I'm going first!"

Luka has gone running. I'm going to have to be very careful here.

"Saki, that wasn't very nice. She's a mercenary, but she's a rank above the Black Cat Clan, she's almost like a regular member."

"Yeah, I know. That's why I was agitated. Alec has a hope, so if you want to drop her, now's the time."

"Yeah? We're not on bad terms, but ......"

"You have to push her. She's waiting to be approached, and if she doesn't, she'll lose her confidence as a woman and start hating men."

"That's not good. I'll talk to her later. Lightly."

"Yeah, good luck"

After eating katsudon and having lovemaking sex with Saki, I asked Meena to invite Luka to my room.

"Alec, what do you want? Ugh!"

Luka freezes when she sees that I'm naked. 

"Oh, I'm sorry I'm dressed like this, Luka."

"T-That's okay, though."

She turns around and looks back at me.

I wonder what it is...I don't know.

"Luka, it doesn't matter if you say no to this, but if you're not busy, would you like to play with me?"

"Oh, playing.....what are we playing?"

"Well, if a man and a woman are going to play in bed, there's only one thing to do. What it is?"

"Eehh? With me?"

"Yeah. I'm not forcing you. Even if you refuse here, I'll let you join the party as usual. Well, don't worry, I'm not going to pester you."


If you don't say no, then you're probably interested in sex. One more push.

I'll see if I can find a list of pick-up skills I can use.


【Acquisition Lv5】 New!

One skill that wasn't there when I saw it this morning had been added.

The king of Grandsword also gave me a copy of 【Charisma Lv4】, but no, it might be that minister.

According to Saki, he's pretty black-hearted.

I'll have to try it out and see what it's like.

"Well, I'm sure you're not happy with me asking you to let me do it for free, because you're a good woman. How about a hundred gold?"

"Murgh, you're going to pay.......I-I get it. I'm a mercenary too, you know. I need to make money, and I need good equipment. It's not like I'm going to embraced by you because I like you."

"Okay, okay. Then,one hundred gold for today."

Let's make it ten gold next time and see if she still wants to come on board.


"Come on, then."

"Uuh...To be honest, I've never had sex with a man before..."

Luka is embarrassed, despite her wild body. Nice.

"Don't worry, I'll lead the way and so leave it to me. I'll make you like men."

"No, you don't have to do that, but just be normal, please."


I hugged Luka, who came to my side, and decided to start with a gentle kiss.

I feel like I'm going to blow up when I see her with black hair like a lion closing her eyes and shaking her head, but I don't think she's had her first kiss yet anyway. I'll take it seriously.

"Mmm ......"

"If there's anything you don't like, I'll change a few things, just tell me right away."

"It-It's okay."

"Well, be my guest."

I kissed her deeply, made her open her mouth and sucked her tongue. Luka, who had been left to her own devices at first, responded in kind.

I grasped her tight breasts.


"Did that hurt?"

"N, no, you just startled me a little."

"Then I'll do more."

"Eeh? No, not really, Ahh! Nnhh."

"If you don't, we can't move on. If you don't like your breasts touched, I can touched your ass."


Luka had always been a very revealing dresser, but was this not an invitation, or did she simply not know any men?

When I stroked her healthy belly, wheat-colored with damp sweat, she jerked and twitched her muscles and made a cute noise.

"You're better than I thought. You're so sexy."

I take off her clothes.

"Wha, d-don't say weird things, Aahnn! Aahhh! H-hey, I-It tickles, Aahhnnn!"

"Come on, don't run away. Open your legs."

"Hey, What, Aahh! Don't lick me at that place, Ah, Aahh!"

I caught Luka as she tried to escape and licked her up and blamed her.

"Kuhh! W-what is this, this is amazing! Alec, Aahhh! Aaaaahhhh!"

Luka froze with a look of pleasure and seemed to come lightly.

Let's put it in while I can.

Even though she was a virgin, she was drooling and waiting for me, and her bottom mouth swallowed mine smoothly.

It moved.

"Nnhh!? Ahh, Aahh, Aahnn, S-stop."

"Does it hurt?"

"No, not really, but t-this is, Nnh, Aahnn!"

"It's almost done. I'll take care of it. I'll make you feel even better."

"N-no, If it feels better than this, I'll..., Aahhhh!"

Yeah, that's a good voice. You've definitely developed a taste for men.

That's a good thing.

A week later, Serina came to my room with a scary look on her face.

"Hey. What's this, I hear about Luka getting into prostitution to you for only ten gold pieces?"

"What do you mean, "prostitution"? I'm the only one who's buying her."

"No, no, no. That's not the point. The ten gold is the big problem."

"You're free, you know that."

"Eh? Well, that would be the case, but..."

"Do you think someone who makes over a thousand gold per adventure would prostitute for money? I'm just using it as an excuse to have sex with her."

"Hmm, that's one way to put it."

She seemed to be convinced. She should think twice before getting angry.

"Hey, why don't you buy me for ten gold, too? Right now."

"Yeah, I'll buy you for one gold."

:Kuhh, why am I lower than Luka?"

"Somehow. What are you going to do now?"

"Ugh, well, just for today, I'll do you a big favor."

Serina took off her clothes and revealed her magnificent breasts.