We received a total of 500,000 gold from the King of Grandsword as a reward for a successful request (quest).

We rented out a restaurant and had an all-you-can-eat party, feeling a bit rich.

However, since the number of members had increased, the amount would be less than 10% of the total if we divided it among the party, and it would only amount to a little over 40,000.

No, it would be extravagant to say that I only have a handful of adventurers in the world who can earn 10,000 gold in a week.

However, if you want to get good equipment, you have to make a lot of money.

To make a profit with Ka-boom.......

The arena.

"Damn, what a promising new star. You made me lose a lot of money."

I felt sorry for myself. I have no talent for gambling.

No, there is no such thing as talent in gambling. The only thing that exists is the will power to get out when you are winning.

However, losing 10,000 gold in the arena was painful.

No, I started out with a hundred gold, and then carefully doubled it.

I'd won three games in a row, and I'd hit the jackpot, up to five thousand gold, fifty times.

That beginner's luck was not good.

I thought that I might be able to make a lot of money.

I bet big and lost even more trying to make up for my losses.

Anyway, I'll never gamble again.

On my way back from the arena, where I had made my vow for the second time, I realized that I hadn't eaten lunch, so I went into a restaurant I often visited.

"Oh, darling, over here, over here!"

Saki and Nene were eating bread at a table.

They were a black-haired Japanese and a brown-haired dog-eared, but they were eating side by side so well that they looked like sisters.

"Oh, is that lunch now?"

I asked as I sat down across from them.

"Hmm, just an early snack..."

"I see. I'll have the same bread and milk as these guys. And a plate of fried chicken."

I ordered from the waitress who came over and took a bite of the bread that Nene offered me.

"Eat me. Bite me some more."

"Shut up, Nene"

"Ah, I'm sorry."

I can't eat bread if it has a heart.

"Sis, one more piece of cheese bread, please!"

Saki raised her hand and called the waitress.

"You're a fast eater."

"I'm pretty confident in my ability to eat quickly. But this country doesn't have any fast-eating contests, and there's nothing good about it. It's so sad that the bread runs out so quickly."

"I've already given you enough money for that."

"No, no, no, no. I have to improve my equipment and become regulars. You like strong women, don't you, darling?"

"No, it's not that."

"Is that so? But the slaves you have in your service are all someone who can fight."

"Well, I don't have that much money to spare. When I save up some more money, I'll get a pet."

"Uwahh, pets are so slutty, aren't they? A pet human female. Or a white cat from 'Maria Rouge'?"

"Well, I want that white cat girl too. Maria says she won't sell it, and I don't have enough money."

There are still 290,000 in debt. It's not good to be a leader if you don't have any money on hand, so I've asked Serina to wait until after the distribution to pay her back, and I've only given her a little.

When I told her I was going to stop by Maria Rouge's store, she gave me a bewitching look and returned the sarcasm, but she accepted. She's a good woman.

Of course, the store was just for chilling out and not buying any new slaves.

"I'm sorry. When our equipment is ready, I'll pay you back."

"I appreciate it, but I'll earn my own money."

"Yah, darling, you're so cool!"

"You're acting like a couple, so stop it."

The waitress brought me a plate, but she's looking at me and giggling funny.

"Oh, yeah, speaking of earning money, did you hear? A refrigerator was sold for 10 million gold."

"Yeah, there was a guy talking about it in the arena."

"My darling, you have surprisingly quick ears. I thought I was going to give you a gift of information."

"I'll just take your sentiment. Keep gathering information."

"Aye aye sir! But if I could sell it for that much money, I'd go home and bring out the refrigerator."

"Don't even think about going back and forth about it. If there were people coming and going, there'd be home appliances everywhere."

"That's true, too. It's tough without cell phones, computers, and bathrooms."


And a kotatsu.

Well, we have fireplaces over here, and except for the fourth layer, it's warm season now and we don't need such things.

"I wonder if there are any items like Doraemon somewhere."

Saki is still pining for it.

"Stop it. That's not an item. ...... Anyway, it would be weird if it really appeared."

"Is that so? I don't care if it's on my phone."

Then just get a smart phone. I don't want it.

"Oh, Alec-san, you're in the right place."

"Hmm? Oh, the tool store."

"Yes, sir, we have all the lumber for the log house you ordered."

"I assume it's ready for assembly? I don't care how much it costs, just make sure you get the measurements right and everything."

"That's the most important thing, okay? We're risking our lives to build this thing, and we're in a race against time. Of course, we understand what you want. I've had the carpenters temporarily assemble it, and I've seen it with my own eyes, so there's really no problem."

"I see. Well then, this is half of the money I promised. I'll pay you the rest when it's finished."

"Yes, I'm looking forward to that time."


I'm running low on gold again.

I tried to set up a cot on the third layer, but it's slightly useless since other adventurers will use it too.

So I'm planning to build a lockable log house on the fourth layer and put the bed there as well.

If a specter gets into the house, it will be very difficult to use, but I've discussed this with the temple staff and prepared a protection charm to ward off evil.

In the fourth layer, there is a danger of getting lost for those who cannot use the auto-mapping skill, and there are areas where visibility is blocked by snowstorms.

We may even be able to run an inn there in the future.

"Sis, more bread!"

"Sorry, we're out of cheese bread."

"What!? No way. ......"

Saki stared at my right hand resentfully, so I broke it in half and handed it to her.

"Oh, darling, you're the best! I'll never stop following you."

"Half a loaf of bread, you're a cheap woman."

"Say what you want. My connoisseur thinks that Darling'll get half the world."

"Not the whole world?"

"Well, you can if you want to, but there are some people in this world who just don't like it."

Moderation is the way to go.

"It seems that this world is much bigger than the earth, and besides, if we conquer the world in such a big way, we'll only be able to see my darling once a year or so. It's full of women."

"I see. Well, don't worry, it won't be that big."

"No, no, no, I don't know. If you underestimate my expectations, you'll get hurt, ahaha"

"Great Demon King, Great Demon King...."

I'm a hero, Nene. Oh, well.