Carry the lumber for the log cabin to the fourth layer.

It's a simple thing to do, but it's extremely difficult to do in a labyrinth full of monsters.

"Okay, let's move on to the next block."


Our "Black Cat of the Wind Clan" can carry you to the third layer. Of course, that's only if we have an Clan of our own to escort us. The fourth layer is indeed too dangerous for low-level people, so we're planning to hire mercenaries for that.

Right now, we're in the middle of carrying the wood that we once carried to the second layer to the front of the fourth layer.

We have stationed guards on the second layer, and have obtained permission from the merchant guild and the king to store the wood.

It's human nature to want to cut down a tree when it's there.

"Master, there's a spider coming from the right front!"

"Okay, Ione group, respond."

"Copy that!"

The trio of Ione, Nene, and Lily were the only ones to intercept the spider. The rest of us will stay scattered and guard the carriers.

Although we have prepared a cart and adjusted the length of the wood, it's not easy to move through the intricate labyrinth.


I was relieved when the battle ended without any problems, but now spiders were coming from the other side of the corridor.

"Alec's group will take care of it, the rest of you stand by! Stay where you are!"

"Don't move!"

Me, Meena, and Serina will handle it. The only mages we have are Nene and Letty, so if we split into three, we'd have one party without mages.

So we decided to add me and Serina, who can also use magic, so that our strength would be average.

"Uwahh, eight of them!"


It looks like we've hit a group with an unusually large number of enemies.

It's best to use magic sparingly here.

"I'll do it. ――The Four Great Spirits, in the name of Salamander, be a wall of fire with my mana offerings, Firewall!"

I chanted a spell, and flames filled the entire passage. My skill level is maxed out, so it's a fancy magic.

"A few of them escaped, but that's okay."

"Oh, now I just need to keep them from getting into our side. Okay, we're clear! Good one, Saki."

"All right, let's go!"

Saki gave the order, and the transport resumed.

"For the sake of the boss, Enya kora♪ Ehho, Ehho♪ Fusafusa, fusafusa♪"

"Hey, stop that song, you idiot!"

You're harassing me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you'd be happy."

It's you, Saki.

"I don't need the boss and the fusafusa."

"Ah, we're not the fusafusa ones, okay?"

"What? Who decided that? Tell me."

"It's L-Lily-san, Alec-san."

A man from the Clan answered with a tense face.

"Tch, When we get home, we need to talk, Lily."

"Yes. ......"

Oh no, you think, so I can lecture you later. I can't afford to lose my strength and focus right now.

I'll make you cry later.

"Darling, we're here!"

"Alright. then, now we're going to the final point. When this is over, we'll all take an hour break. Stay strong!"


Thirty-one wild voices responded, and the cart carrying the wood moved over the stone floor.

This time, there were no enemies, so it was an easy.

"Final point, arrived! Good job!"

"Hooray! We did it!"

Everyone in the Clan seemed to have a sense of accomplishment and was happy. Well, I've given them a special bonus and danger pay, so I guess that's part of the joy.

However, reaching the third layer is a sign of party rank E, and it's not a place that everyone can come to.

Because, It's a reach with an escort, so it doesn't raise the rank of the Black Cat Clan.

Nevertheless, today they had indeed accomplished their mission.

No one had ever done such a huge job as transporting materials for a log cabin before.

"Gentlemen, you have done well. You have done a perfect job. This is a big step forward for our log cabin project. If we succeed, we will have the privilege of sleeping in a bed in the dungeon. Moreover, it's a special one given only to the Black Cat of the Wind. You guys! I know you want to sleep in a bed!"


"Let's make the bed!"


"That's our bed!"


"Let's go to bed!"


"That's all. Get some rest."


I'm kind of impressed too.

It's Project L (log cabin).

"Hey, Alec, are you really going to let those guys use it too?"

Lily asks me.

"Of course. Our first team members will be going further and further into the dungeon. The second and third Clan need to go down to a certain extent to back them up, and my final plan is to make the dungeon capture a routine. I want everyone to be able to go back and forth to the last layer."

"I don't think that's possible, as expected. I mean, none of us have been to the bottom yet, have we?"

"Well, no. But we're going to devise a way that no one has done before, so just watch us."

"Yeah! But I don't want to sleep in the bed they used."

"Don't worry, it'll be our own for a while. We can't do anything until their levels and equipment improve."

"Oh, okay then."


The one who called out to me was a guy from my Clans. The leader of the fifth group came over with a smile.

"What is it, Zeed?"

"Could you do me a favor and let us take a quick peek at the fourth layer? We've never seen it before."

"I'm sorry. As I said at the inn, there are dangerous monsters like the Spectre out there. I can't allow anyone from the second Clan in there right now."

"I'll take care of that."

"Screw it. What's no good, is no good. If you want to see it, you'll have to get your level up to 28 and your gear above steel."

"That's tough. I don't care what level you are, we can't get steel equipment."

"We can't do that," Zido shrugged, as if to say.

"No, we're going to raise our income as well. I'm sure we'll find some expensive treasures as we move downstairs. We haven't gotten it yet, but this dungeon once yielded an armor worth 3.2 million gold."

"But Alec-san and the others will use it, and it won't come around to us, right?"

"It won't come around right away, but that's a matter of level. If you become the highest level in our Clans, we'll naturally give you the most powerful equipment."

"I wonder if that's true."

"Have I ever lied to you before?"


"Then do what you can for now, and get ready. If you're sick of it, you can retire. Yeah, you guys are slaves, so you'll have to earn your 10,000 gold before you can do that."

"Yeah, I get it. I'll be counting on you."

Zeed smiled and went back to his friends, but as for the equipment, the first Clan would inevitably take priority and it would be hard to believe the story.

Besides, our number one level is not us, the first Clan. I forgot about that.

"That's right... Matheus! Come here for a minute."

"What is it?"

A white-haired dwarf is coming.

"You're number one in terms of level. Your level is higher than us. I've asked you to stay in the second Clan because we need someone to organize the second Clan, but I thought it would be better to treat you better. I'll give you this mithril sword. It's the best sword."

"Hmm. I appreciate it, but dwarves are known for their axes. You'll have to give that to someone else."

"I see. Who was the second highest level?"

"Me! Me! I'm level 30!"

"Saki, huh? Okay, well, since Matheus declined, I'll give you this sword."

"Yay! Thank you, darling, and thank you, old man Matheus. Can I sell it?"

"Well, it's the most powerful sword in the Black Cat's Clan at the moment, and it's kind of a symbol, so don't sell it until you get a new weapon."

"Got it. If you want this sword, you'd better get to level 31, too!"

"We can get the best equipment for free? I'll give it a shot."

"Stop it, stop it. You can't do this.

"I don't know, man."

"Where's the best place to get experience?"

"I'd say the third layer."

"There's spiders on that floor."

The topic of leveling up seems to be getting a lot of attention, which is a good trend.

The best thing to do is to think about how to raise the level by thinking yourself.