[The Labyrinth of No Return], First Layer

I'm fighting a big worm, the Ultimate Mimic.

It's a much higher level opponent, but I'm not alone. If Elisa, a Templar Knight of the Holy Kingdom, is with me, we should be able to win. Fianna is also here to help with recovery.

It's hard to damage it with a sword, since it seems to be moving even when it's cut in half.

That's where magic comes in.

I've just changed jobs to a sage, so I wonder if there's any spells I can use?

"Elisa, I need you to buy me some time."

"I understand"

Elisa stepped forward to draw the enemy away from me.

In the meantime, I look at the candidates on my skill list.

【Ice Javelin】 New!

This is it. It's a spell that wasn't on the list until now. I guess the new skill was released after I gained a level and changed jobs to a sage.

I put my sword out in front of me and cast it.

"Spirit of Ice, drip and become a frozen spear! Pierce it! Ice Javelin!"

A thick Icicle, a little over a meter long, flew out with considerable force.

However, one hit is not enough to defeat an opponent of Lv 52.

So, I hit it repeatedly.

At the same time, I also used [Super Fast Tongue].

"Javeling, Javelin, Javelin, Jave, Jave, Jave, Jave, Ja, Ja, Ja, Ja, Ja, Ja, Ja, Ja, Ja, JaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJaJa!

It's okay if I don't chant, but that's just my mood. I'm not even sure how much MP I'll lose, so I also take 【MP Consumption Reduction Lv5】, 【MP Recovery Speed Increase Lv5】, 【Recovery Item Effect Increase Lv5】, and use Magic Potions as much as I can.

A super-fast barrage.

It's like playing a shooting game, with many ice spears going into the worm's mouth.


"T-That was amazing! I've never seen a spell sequence like that!

"What the heck is that guy!??"

The soldiers and adventurers behind me were surprised, but I guess there aren't many people who can chant this fast.

I took it completely for the erotic purpose, but no, I was planning to do this from the beginning, you know?

"Nice work, Alec. The enemy is freezing!"

Elisa says, but it looks like the bundle of icicles can't even fit in the worm's mouth anymore, and that's where the freezing started.

I hit the other torn worm with a series of Ice Javelins and showered it with them.

However, this is where I ran out of the all-important Magic Potion. I'd learned my lesson from the closed area in the fifth layer, so I'd been carrying around a lot of them.

"Somebody give me some magic potions!"

"Use this, Alec!"

It seems that Elisa had it. I caught the thrown well, but I was able to do so because I have raised my [Athleticism] and [Kinetic Vision] with my skills. The old me would have dropped it for sure.


"Way to go, Alec!"

"Keep it coming, keep it coming!"

"Shove that pork soup in there!"

It's not pork soup, it's a mimic, but that's okay.

A haze also rises from the worm, and ice covers the worm.

But the worm hadn't turned to smoke yet.

Stubborn bastard.

But I've won.

An icy object becomes brittle.

The softer the object, the worse it is.

"That's enough. Elisa, I need you to hit it with a big impact move."

"I know! Holy Mark(Holy) Evil Destruction(Destroy)!"

The worms that had been hit by Elisa's light sword blasts all turned into brown smoke as they shattered into bits of wood, leaving behind a momentary sparkle like glowing diamond dust.

Mission complete.

"Hooray! We won again the pork soup!"

"W-we're saved ......"

"I'm alive! I'm alive!"

There was a roar of cheers behind me, but everyone was smiling.

Elisa, who had put away her sword, stood in front of me with a smile on her face.

"Alec, I must have misunderstood you. It is very impressive that you are willing to take the risk and come alone. I will report the details to the high priest of the Holy Jurisdiction Kingdom and recommend you as a saint."

Elisa asked me to shake hands with her, but I said,

"No, I was just doing what any adventurer would do. Don't flatter me too much."

I brought this on myself in the first place, so I was indeed bothered when I was lifted up.

"...... Oh yeah, that's normal for an adventurer. Mm, it's good to be an adventurer."

"Ah. That's enough, Elisa. Get your hands off me."

"Ah, yeah, I'm sorry, I just..."

Elisa is a bit of a novice in this area, isn't she? 

I think I'll teach her a few manners for her own good here.

"I'm going to go to the castle now to report on the matter that was settled. Elisa, if you feel up to it, we can have a reconciliation dinner tonight. I'll reserve a table at Lady Tabitha's, and you can come alone."

"Okay. "Lady Tabitha" right?"


*scream*, [Reconciliation] is the key word. Elisa is a very serious person, so I'm sure she sensed that I was still holding a grudge against her.

She would always come to me, alone and unannounced, saying that she had been wronged.

Also, If I could get her drunk and attack her with sweet words like "I like you" and "I love you", she would fall in love with me.

I headed for the castle with light footsteps.