While the upper echelons of the Kingdom of Grandsword were in a state of turmoil, Sarah and I were indulging ourselves at the brothel inn.

"Ahaha, Ahnn, Noo."

Sarah's blond hair was shaking wildly, and she seemed to be enjoying herself. I slide my fingers over her pale soft skin and enjoy the feel of her skin.

Her slender, well-proportioned body was supple and delicious.

"You look like you can handle it. Let me give you something interesting."

"Whaat? I'm not going to be surprised by a few things, okay?"


I smile wryly at Sarah and take [Super Fast Tongue] from my skill list.

【Super Fast Tongue Lv5】New!

"*lick*, *lick*, *lick*, *lick*, *lick*, *lick*, *lick*, *lick*, *lick*, *lick*, *slurp*, *lick*, *lick*! Alright!"

"Uwahh, what is that, your tongue is weird! Ahaha!"

My tongue moved around, even producing afterimages.

I used my tongue to perform cunnilingus on Sarah's lower abdomen.


Ascend to heaven all at once. A hundred fists of cunnilingus――your leeway is dead!

"Are you ready?"

"Y-yeah, okay, come. ......"

If she's not a virgin, I'll put it in, in the Doggy Style.

"Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Kkuhh, harder, poke me harder!"

The mood changed, and as Sarah went crazy with desire, I thrust inside her as hard as she wanted.

"Aah! I can't do it anymore!"

I let it out a lot inside.


"Woo, sex, awesome ......, my head is so fluffy ......."

The limp Sarah mumbled such thoughts with a loose face, though.

"That's good to know. Is this your first time, by any chance?

"Yes, it is?"

"Well, tell me that first. I thought you were used to it, so I just did it."

"That's okay, it felt good. But you have to do it again."


I lay back on the bed and enjoyed the aftermath.

Sarah seems content to hug me, though.


No, this is not the time to do this.

Unless we do something about that endlessly growing pork soup, Sarah and I won't be able to enjoy it any time soon.

I thought I could handle it if I just left it alone, but I'm being summoned by the king again today.

There must be something I can do about it.

In any case, that pork soup came out because I wished for it.

If the infinite wishing device is a drop from the treasure chest, can't I overwrite it with my new wish?

There are other skills as well.

"It's a possibility. ......"

"Hmm, what is it? Alec."

"No, I'm talking about this."

As I put on my clothes, I checked my skill list.

One of the skills I had was [Job Change Lv4].

I had a hunch that it might be a job change, so I checked the available jobs.









Slave Trader

Sage New! 

I knew it.

I knew it. After having sex, I felt a sense of clarity and calmness.

This is the wise man's time, and now I've completely fulfilled the requirements for changing jobs.

And for every infinite desire, there is a counterpart of nothingness.

I'm going to override my appetite for pork soup with a lofty desire for nothingness, or the desire to save the world, and transform my infinite desire device.

If you wish for nothingness, that wishing device will surely be transformed into nothingness.

I know how to do it.

"I'll be back in a bit."

"Have a good day!"

After changing my job to a Sage, I headed to the Labyrinth of No Return.

It may not go well.

But I couldn't just sit back and watch the world fill up with pork soup.

I am a hero after all.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

The aboveground entrance to the [Labyrinth of No Return] looked like a battlefield.

"Give priority to the transport team! If there's a traffic jam, the people down there will die!"

"Hey, where's the one who can eat! Raise your hands if you're hungry!"

Soldiers and adventurers run around with clay pots in their hands.

Everyone has a desperate look on their face.

"Damn it, I can't do it anymore. ...... Oh, Ueekkk!"

"Jack! Hold on! Do you have any idea what will happen to you if you reverse out of here? The kingdom of Grandsword, no, the world, will end!"

"Oh, right. Sorry."

"You don't have to eat. At least go somewhere where I can't see you."

"Yeah, I'll go first. Sorry."

"Don't worry about it. I've always dreamed of eating enough food to kill me. I'm gonna eat for free. I'm gonna eat for the rest of my life."


An adventurer runs past me, holding his mouth.

"Captain! This is bad!"

"What's wrong?"

"The third group of eaters has been destroyed by the reverse! That place is ruined!"

"It's too soon. Then take them to the main street!"

"But that's where the nobles are."

"I don't care! I'm sure they won't complain about the taste. If they don't like it, tell them it's the king's order. No woman or child is to be spared! Let them eat."

"Captain ......, I understand."

"Out of my way."

I'm going down the entrance of the labyrinth with the transport team.

"Come here if you've been burned! Oh, Alec-san."

"Ah, Fianna."

The white-robed priest was there tending to the wounded and those with stomachaches, but it was Fianna.

"It's dangerous here, too."

"Have there been any deaths?"

"No, but a lot of people are having stomachaches and nightmeas, and they don't want to eat pork soup anymore..."

"That's tough, too. Oh, well, it'll be over soon."

"Ah, Alec-san!"

Further ahead, soldiers came running from the other side all at once.

"Retreat! Retreat! Bring the front line up to the ground! Don't come down. Get out on top. We can't hold them here!"

"They're coming! Pork soup!"


Something is coming up behind the soldiers, rising like a wave.

It was an earthenware pot, freshly made and filled with pork soup, and it was coming at us in large quantities.

This is stupid.

Don't get carried away with your food!

"Hey, Alec, get out of here! Can't you see that thing!?"

A familiar soldier walks by and shouts.

"I can see it. Go ahead. I'll hold them off here."

"What? No, you can't."

"Just go. You're distracting."

The earthenware pot, undulating like a living thing, is just around the corner.

I'll use 【Spirit Unification Lv5】.

I closed my eyes.


That's all I want.

Nothing else.

"Infinite Desire Device, return to nothingness!"

I reach out my hand and call out.

Nothing happens.

No good?

And then the waves of the earthenware pot dissipate. The entire contents of the pork soup disappear like a haze.

"Fuu~, that's it."

I wish I'd done this sooner.

I'll apologize to the king later.


"It's gone?"

"That's ridiculous."

"Where's Pork Soup?"

The soldiers were dumbfounded when they noticed behind me, but it's not a tight fit to kill Pork soup.

"No, that monster couldn't have disappeared so easily."

"That's right, it could be anywhere."

The soldiers are still suspicious, though.

"No, I took care of it. They're gone. ......!??"

I felt something move on the other side of me.

No way.

"There's something out there!"

"It's brown. It's probably pork soup."

"No, it's not. That's not pork soup. Look! It has fangs. What the hell is that!!?"

The thing that grew so big so fast looked like a worm with a big mouth.

Its mouth was covered with a myriad of fangs.


It barked. That's not pork soup by any stretch of the imagination.

I'll appraise it.

【Name】  Ultimate Mimic

【 L v】  52

【 H P 】  777/777

【Status】  Normal


A monster that mimics a treasure chest and attacks adventurers.

It was spawned by the Infinite Desire Device.

What's going on?

Is the Infinite Desire Device still alive?

Anyway, since it's attacking adventurers, we'll have to deal with it. I'll check afterwards.

"Level 52! Stay away from that if you don't want to die!"

I said, pulling out my sword and setting it up.

The difference in level is severe, but Fianna is here to heal me.

"I'll help you."

A knight in white armor stood beside me with her sword at the ready.

"Oh, Elisa, you've come to the right place."

"Yeah. If the opponent isn't human, there won't be any mistakes. I can do it without hesitation."

"Please do so."

The worm, which is about a meter thick, swells and threatens us as it approaches.

I tried to wish it away, but it was no use.

This thing seems to be the one that was born, not the main body.

"It's coming!"

Elisa shouted, jumping to the side.

I stepped back, but the worm opened its big mouth and jumped in.

After hitting the empty floor, the worm was bouncing with too much momentum, but it still seemed to be okay.

The labyrinth shook due to the impact, and pebbles began to fall. I don't want to take this power seriously.


Again, it opened its large mouth and roared. I don't know what to make of this huge creature, but just the fact that it's moving is intimidating.

I couldn't help but take a step back and brace myself.

――Shatter the darkness with the light of holy judgment! Divine Punishment!"

There, Elisa used divine magic and sent a bolt of light at the inside of the worm's mouth.



The worm shuddered and seemed to have taken some damage. It looks like he's not invincible.

"Okay, it's working. Continue, Elisa."


But the worm didn't seem to like the second blow, and twisted its body and turned its mouth away.

This time, we both slashed at the worm's body. 

"Holy Mark(Holy) Evil Destruction(Destroy)!"

Elisa made a great move and slashed it, and the worm was cut in half.


"We did it!"

"That's the knight of the Holy Kingdom!"

The soldiers behind us cheered, but Elisa and I were still bracing ourselves.

Of course, the monster isn't dead until it starts to smoke.


Just as I thought, the worm attacked while it was still split in two.


"Damn, this guy is tough."

Maybe it's because has large body, but it's tougher than its appraised HP.

Or maybe the torn off part isn't enough to cause damage.

If that's the case, using magic here is better.