I bought the Flame Sword at a low price of 700,000 gold.

When I returned to the inn and told everyone about it after dinner, most of them were happy, but some were worried.

"I wondered if I could trust Janatha's acquaintance."

Serina was worried about whether or not the goods would be delivered properly.

"Don't worry, I haven't paid for it yet, and I have [Appraisal] skills. You don't have to worry about getting a fake."

"Hmm, well, be careful, okay?"


"But I don't like the fact that the information was leaked to this Janatha guy. Who was the idiot who told him?"

Saki glared around at everyone in the room, but they all shook their heads in panic.

"It wasn't me."

"I didn't talk either!"

"Hawawa, I didn't tell anyone!"

"Tsk, I didn't know it was worth the money, I missed the sale..."

"Letty, if you talk, you'll be expelled from this party."

"Oh, that's lie! I'm just kidding! No way I'll do that."

She laughed and tried to cover it up, but I think she just mumbled something pretty serious.

Then there was a knock at the door, and it was Clyde, the gloomy-looking squad leader of the second team, who came in. I didn't tell the second team guys, but some of them might have been eavesdropping at the door.

――No, I have an extra-large soundproof magical device in my room, so the sound of talking doesn't leak out. So unless you've got your ear to the door all the time, it's impossible to eavesdrop.

I'm sure the guys on the Clan know exactly what will happen if they piss me off, so it's unlikely.

"Um, Alec-san, there's a very scary man downstairs, and he's telling me to get your head..."

Clyde said with a troubled expression.

"Hou? Is it just one person?"

"Yes. But he's a big guy, and he looks like he's been working out a lot."

"You want me to go check on him?"

Serina is trying to play it safe.

"No, I'll go. I think I know what's going on. Clyde, did you say anything rude to that man?"

"No, I didn't, but some of the people nearby said, 'Whoa, a monster.'"

"That's it. Next time you see that monster, don't say anything. I know that guy."

"I understand. But... no, it's nothing."

"Don't worry, it's not a weird relationship. It's an adventurous relationship."


Clyde looks relieved, but that's just an unnecessary gesture.

"Who's that?"

"Well, we'll find out when we get down there."

I went down to the first floor of the inn, with Serina and the others in tow, to find Doria, a gay adventurer in an unflattering outfit, sitting cross-legged in a chair.

The Clan guys were surrounding Doria with their swords drawn in a battle stance, and some of them were struggling with oeehs and oeehhs. (TLN: someone who want to vomit?)

I was starting to feel nauseous too, but damn! He's like Medusa.

This place is a deal breaker, can you get by with your skill tolerance?

【Gloom Resistance Lv5】 New!

Hmm, I've managed to get a good look at him. But I don't want to see this guy.

I wouldn't have minded if he was in a library uniform, but he was dressed in a very revealing women's outfit and even wore heavy makeup.

"Oh, here he is, Alec, you've got no discipline for your minions."

"I apologize for their rudeness, but can you not dress a little better?"

"Oh, I don't care what I look like, it's my business. If you let yourself go, you'll know what this feels like."

"Hey, hey, hey! The next time you come here dressed like that, ...... No, I like your serious uniform. And the natural makeup."

"Oh, my. You have a fetish for uniforms. Oh my god, you should have said that before. All right, I'll go for the natural uniform look next time, Fufu."

I got a wink, but hey, my HP, MP, and TP just got drained, didn't they?

"Then, Alec, let's go to the tavern. The Bard is waiting for us."

Doria, who was in a good mood, said.

"By the way..., does Bard have the same hobby as you?"

If it's just one guy, I can live with it, but if it's a bunch of guys, I'm not so sure.

"No, he's a straightforward person with no hidden agendas."

"I'm relieved to hear that."

The destination was not "Bar Morodassi" but an ordinary tavern.

Bard had specified it, and he seemed like a decent guy.

I took Meena, Saki, and Serina along with me.

"Look, it's Alec."

"Did that thing defeated the 'Calamity'?"

"I've heard that even A-ranked parties had trouble with it."

"He looks like a normal guy. There's no aura to it."

"You idiot, the Black Cat of the Wind is well equipped, and has more than one or two teams, it's a full-fledged Clan."

"At first I thought they were just a bunch of rookies, but you never know."

The guys who were drinking in the tavern saw me and started talking, but it seems I've really made a name for myself.

"I think it's better to talk about a business deal like this in a place where people can't hear, but he doesn't care about that at all."

"I see."

But this place is also full of laughter and shouting, and the noise makes it hard to hear the voices at the tables far away, so it's probably safer.

"It's the dwarf at the far end."

I'd heard he was retired, but there's a dwarf in iron armor and a Viking helmet slurping down a mug of liquor.

"Oh, customer, I'm sorry, we're full right now, could you please wait a moment or share a table?"

The waitress looks at me and says that,

"Don't worry, he's with me."

He holds up his pinky finger and says that.

"Oh, I see."

"Doria, stop saying that with your pinky up. You'll get the wrong idea."

I'll be careful.

"Ara, Isn't it okay. I've got a lot of beautiful people here. I don't mind. I don't mind."

"I'm the one who cares."

"Geez, I don't have a choice anymore. I understand."

"Let's see, what do you want me to do, Alec? Should I sit in on this? Or should I just wait?"

Serina, who was following me, asked.

"It's okay. The table is empty, and he's not the type to be bothered by that."

Doria said. Bard seems to have a rough personality.

"I'll sit with you then."

"Okay, sister, one ale and four wines. Which do you want Anego?"

Saki ordered from the waitress and asked Doria. What do you mean, "Anego"? 

"I'll have tequila."

"Okay, then."


Me, Meena, Serina, Saki, and Doria sat across the table from each other.

"Bard, I've brought him here."

"Oh. You're the guy who defeated the Immortal King and the Calamity."

Bard, the dwarf, asks me, placing his mug on the table. I think he's a big dwarf, but he's a lot shorter than me.

I answered Bard's confirmation.

"I didn't defeat the Immortal King. I just got rid of him. He was also level 86, you know. It said it'll get its revenge in another three hundred years or so."

"Hah, If it's that far in the future, it would be the same if I said you defeated it. I won't be alive, and neither will you."

"You're right."

"Well, have a drink. Hey! More booze!"

"Bard, I've already ordered. Oh, here it comes."

"Here you go, sir."

Waitress puts down the wine and ale.

"Drink up."

Bard recommends it, so I take a sip. It's a business meeting, so I don't want to get too drunk.

"Kkehh, you're a boring drinker. If you're a man, you should drink more."

"It's Aruhara*, Bard. Human children can't drink that much." (TLN: Aruhara = forcing people who can't drink alcohol to drink alcohol)

"Hmph, you can drink, can't you?"

"Of course there are people who can drink. Besides, you said you'd give me that sword for a good price."

"Oh, they want to buy the Flame Sword that I have."

Bard seemed to have lowered his voice a bit, but his voice was so loud that the people at the table around him stopped talking.

I guess the story leaked out from this guy. Well, there's no point in worrying about it now.

"That's right."

"That's fine. I'm not going to use it anymore anyway. Here, I'll sell it to you at your price."

When he said that, Bard placed the Flame Sword carelessly on the table.

It is one size larger than the one Frenian has.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, of course. Dolga asked me to do his a favor, and I'm not a loudmouth merchant."

"I'm Doria. I'm telling you, I changed my name to Doria."

"I don't care which one."

"So, Bard, as a favor to your friend there, how about 700,000? I'm going to buy another Flame Sword, too, and I don't have much time to spare right now. Sorry."

I apologize, but I'm just being honest.

"So, you're taking two swords with you? Are you in the fifth or fourth layer?"

"I'm having trouble with the boss of the fifth layer."

"A snowman. Huh, not much of an arm. Despite being rich."

"Don't say that. I'm sorry, but our party had a really hard time with money, and Bard's a little upset."

Doria smiles and apologizes, but it's not unusual.

"Shut up. Who's going to be upset?"

"No. It's only recently that I've gotten rich, too. Well, thank you, Bard. I'll take the check here."

"You idiot, if you tell me that you let your junior buy you a drink, the name of the [Impregnable Tank] Bard will cry."

"[Impregnable Tank]!?"

"I've heard that before."

"Of course you have, He's the leader of the Fortress, the only S-rank in this country."

"That legendary party!"

"They say he's stopped the Behemoth's charge head-on."

"Seriously ......"

There was an immediate commotion around me, and I realized that Doria was a member of an S-rank party. No wonder he has good items.

"That was a long time ago. We're retired, you know."

"Oh, right."

I put the Flame Sword in the item storage and quietly left the tavern.

Now, here's the real part of the deal.

"Serina, Saki, you guys split up and go around in a proper circle to spread the tail."

I instructed the two of them.

"I got it."


A little digging will reveal our lodgings, but it would be better to spread out those who are just a little bit on the spur of the moment here.

That's why I brought Serina and the others.

"Meena, how it is?"

"Two of them are coming after us."

"Let's get them a little closer."

We'll go into the back streets and look for a dead-end alley.

"Is it a battle? Master."

"No, we don't want any trouble. We'll just scatter them."

Using [Auto-Mapping], I walk toward the back of the passage surrounded by high walls. Okay, it's a dead end.

We're here.

"Meena, give me your hand."

"Yes, sir."

I grabbed Meena's hand and used [Instantaneous Movement] to move behind the wall.

Now, the people who were chasing us will lose sight of us.

"How it is?"

"They're not following us."

"All right, then. Let's go back to the inn."

"Yes, Master!"