The next day, Frenian's messenger arrived in a carriage, and I lurched over to his house, assuming that the contract I had been waiting for was ready.

But Soil, the merchant, was not there and said he would bring the contract tomorrow.

The contract could have been prepared much sooner, but I guess the annoying Soil wanted to make sure that Frenian would have plenty of time to listen to my saga.

"Now, now, now, Alec-san, welcome. It's a torrential downpour of gratitude that you've accepted my invitation."

A fluttery-dressed Frenian greeted me, twirling and dancing in his room.

I know what he's trying to say, but he's a little off, isn't he? He's a little tone-deaf and his sense of rhythm is a little off. His feet staggered.

I guess the taste of the famous adventurer who donated the Flame Sword was off, too. Or maybe his predecessor was a decent man.

It's hard to believe that bardic talent is inherited. Either way, I don't really want to hang out with this guy.

It wouldn't be much fun if he changed his mind. For the sake of my second Flame Sword, I'll just bear with him and let me tell him about my adventures today.

"So, Frenian, today I'll tell you the story of my battle with the Shadow Immortal King."

"No, that can wait for another time. What do you think, Alec-sam? How about we dive into the dungeon now?"

"Hmm? You mean you're coming with me, Frenian?"

"Yes. Actually, I've prepared an escort. Hey!"

Frenian clapped his hands, and the four of them came strolling into the room. It was a party of adventurers: two warriors, a priest, and a magician.

Their equipment was plain steel, and from the looks of it, they were C-ranked.

"Have you ever dived into a dungeon before? Frenian."

I check with Frenian.

"No, never. My father against it, and Soil doesn't want me to."

"Then you'd better not. You're really risking your life."

"I know, I know! But I'm sure I'll be fine as long as I have a good escort. And Alec-san is here too!"

You're going to make me your escort too? I don't want to do that.

It's not safe for a level one or so, even against goblins.

"What level are you?"

I was going to reject him as soon as he answered level 1.

"Eight. That's pretty good, isn't it?"

That may be a good level for someone who hasn't been in a dungeon, but it's not a level to brag about.

"If you'd rather peek at the first layer and go home, I'll tag along."

"No way! The first layer is just a tutorial for beginners with only goblins! I'd like to take a look at the fourth layer, though. It's underground, but it's outdoors, isn't it?"

It's a pain in the ass. Maybe it's because I've been around a lot of adventurers, but I'm a man of knowledge.

"It's impossible. If you are at that level, you will lose your life even on the second layer. Even with an escort, I have to admit, it's going to be tough."

I'll just tell him the truth.

"Ehh? Then it can't be helped. How about we just take a quick peek at the second layer and go home?"

"If it means not going down the stairs, I'll go with you."

"It's settled!"

Frenian smiled brightly, but I wasn't keen on the idea.

The four guards looked relieved and smiled, but you guys should have told him that the fourth layer is absolutely impossible.

"So, let's get moving. Go to Hell in the dungeon! Yee-haw! Yeah!"

"Wait, Frenian, you need to get your gear in order first."

"Yeah? I'm fine, with just this."

It's a flimsy silk suit he's wearing. It's got like 1 defense.

"What are you saying? Some goblins have bowguns, you know."

"I'll dodge it. Hyu! something like that"

"No. ...... If you don't wear armor, we're not having this conversation."

"Hmmm, can O please not wear ...... iron armor? It's too heavy and hard to move in."

"Then a hard leather breastplate would be fine. It's not too heavy, and you won't have to worry about moving."

"I see. Then, Old man, prepare that for me."

"Yes, sir."

The butler immediately brought it from the next room, but Frenian complained that it looked tacky.

If I had a guy like this in my party, I'd be expelled him immediately, but I guess I'll just have to put up with it.

Okay, it's 【Speaking Lv5】. I'll talk him into it.

"Frenian, listen to me carefully. When you're a novice adventurer, you're always ridiculed for your equipment at first. I've been there."

In my case, I think they were jealous of my good equipment and called me an F rank, but I'll keep my mouth shut.

"Oh! That's for sure! Now, let's go put this on and get laughed at. It's called the adventurer's middle beauty!"

"A rite of passage. Who's the leader over there?"

I ask, looking at the party of four guards.

"It's me. Tread of the "Ice Shadow.""

One of the warriors stepped forward. I've never heard of this party before, but I guess that's what C-rank is for. The name is kind of cool, but it would be embarrassing for a fledgling F-rank to use such a name.

I guess being a C-ranked adventure, it's just barely acceptable.

"Geez~, that's why I told you not to use this name. I'm pretty sure they were all giggling inwardly."

"Well, don't say that, Maribel."

"I'm sure Alec-san didn't laugh at us."

"By the way, have you guys had that name since you started out?"

"No, we've recently reorganized our party, so we started at rank C."

The brown-haired tread says so, and scowls.

"I see. Any experience with escort quests?"

"Me and Bleach--the blond warrior and I each have. We've both taken it twice, both times successful."

It's good that they're successful and have experience, but it's not a lot, and the other two are inexperienced. The difficulty level is probably C or lower, and the fact that the party has recently been reassembled is also a bit subtle.

However, if it's the first layer, I don't think there will be any deaths with this group.

"All right, then, I'll leave the leader of that side to you. However, I'll be the ranger. You can give me orders, but I'll take the veto."

"Yes, of course. I'm honored to be in the company of Alec from 'Black Cat of the Wind'."

He's a polite leader, but he's probably from a noble family.

"For the formation, I'll go around to the back."

"Yes, that would be good. Please do."


I'd like to check who has the spying skills, and who has the recovery items.

"Alec-san, if it's a strategy, we can do it on the road. Let's go quickly!"

"Hm? Okay, okay."

I'm the type of person who makes decisions well in advance, but Frenian seems to have no patience.

Well, it's an entertainment play for this guy, so it would be a waste of time and effort to stiff him until he's in a bad mood.

And if it's a C-rank party, you don't need to be so specific.

We split up into two carriages and headed for the dungeon, but this meant that we couldn't all talk to each other.

Besides, Frenian was so chatty that he talked to us incessantly, so we couldn't really discuss our plan.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it. The first dungeon of my life! A dungeon! Hyahhoo!"

It's fine that he's in a good mood, but it's annoying that he seems like the type of person who's likely to die soon.

Well, I said only the first layer, and as long as we have a good escort on the second layer, we shouldn't be overtaken.