We were heading to the stairs to the second layer in the shortest possible distance, but it took a lot longer than usual because of the different party and the escort quest.

Frenian wanted to take a break right away, and when I asked him if he wanted to turn back on the way, he stubbornly insisted on going to the second layer.

"Okay, we're here, Frenian. This is the entrance to the second layer, this stairs is."

"At last. ...... I wish we could use the carriage."

"Well, yeah."

I agree with you there. Frenian may be exhausted, but he's stopped singing his battle song.

"Okay, let's go downstairs."

"We just need to see the entrance, okay?"

I'll remind you of that.

"Eehh, and I also need to see the zombies."

Me and Tread shrug lightly and head down the stairs in formation to give the client what he wants.

"Did you see any zombies?"

"No, not over here."

"Maybe we should head over there."

"Let's go."

It's times like this when there are no zombies nearby.

"Isn't that strange?"

"Yes, it is. ......"

"What? I thought in the dungeons all enemies will attacking you, but it's suprisingly boring."

"No, Frenian, this kind of thing is rare on the contrary. They usually come out in "bang-bang" there.

"But they're not here."

"I guess so."

"I won't give up."

"All right, all right. Okay, we'll fight the zombies and then we'll go home."

"Yeah, I know."

"There they are!"

We finally find the zombies, and Tread and Bleach take care of them one by one. I'll check the rear, but we're clear.


"We're clear!"

"You happy now?"

"Awawawa, eekkk, I'm scared of zombies!"

Everyone smiles at Frenian, who is shaking and rattling.

"Well, they're scary the first time you see them, aren't they?"

"I guess so."

"I can't even physiologically handle them."

"I'd be a little nervous too if I were pressed."

"Alright, then, let's go home."

Just when I was relieved that the goal was finally in sight.

"Hurry up! Priority to the enemy!"

"Out of the way! It's urgent!"

"Oh, no, Bake! Bake!"

I heard a unpleasant voice coming from the other corridor. Someone's been seriously injured.

I'll check the map, but this point is the only way to the surface.

"Tread, I'll clear a path for you. Someone's seriously injured."


A warrior came running with a bleeding knight on his back, but his gait was suspicious.

Maybe it's because he's been running for a long time, or maybe the wounded man he's carrying is too heavy because of the armor he's wearing, but either way, it's a bad situation.

"Hey, throw away the injured man's armor."

I thought it was unnecessary, but I couldn't help but say it.

"That's not going to happen. This armor belonged to Bake's father."

"Then let him take it off and let someone else wear it."

"Oh, I see."

"Then I'll wear the armor."

"JJ, you're not big enough for this."

"No, I'll just carry it. Besides, my breastplate is the raggediest thing I've ever seen, and if I'm going to throw it away, this is the time."

"Yeah, right."

They set the wounded man down on the floor and begin to remove the armor, which I recognize by JJ's name as the party that just passed us.

"Be wary of the surrounding!"

Tread gave the order.

"Sorry about that."

The warrior from the other party thanked me.

"No, it's mutual."

"Hey, aren't those the guys from earlier?"

Frenian noticed this and smiled triumphantly.

I'll give you a sharp warning.

"Shut up, Frenian."

"But after making such a big show of it, well, it can't be helped with that equipment. If you're a beginner, why don't you do it on the first layer like a beginner?"

"Shut up! What the hell do you know about!?

"Come on, JJ, we're too early for the third layer."

"No, you're trying to earn money to buy better gear, that's why you decided to go to the third layer. There's nothing wrong with that. It was just bad luck."

"No, no, it's the difference in ability. The equipment is part of your strength, and from the looks of it, that warrior probably got hit in the side. Full plate wouldn't have done that."

"Ha! The second son of an ordinary low-ranking knight can't afford such expensive armor. The nobles don't understand."

"No, no, I'm not a noble."

"What? Hmph, a rich party, huh. I'm sure you've never earned a penny on your own."

"What's wrong with that? If you want to hate me, hate your poor parents."

"What the hell! You bastard ......!"

"Oi, I'm sorry. You're out of line, Frenian. Parents don't always get to choose what they want, you know?"

JJ is looking dangerously, so I'll apologize and tell Frenian off instead.

"Haa, but Alec-san, you don't have to apologize to someone like that. It's all their fault that this happened."

"Shut up."


"Okay! It's off!"

Come on, hurry up, He's bleeding badly."

"Let's go, JJ! We don't need to worry about those people."

"Tch. They're disgusting."

JJ's party was rushing down the aisle, but we had to be careful too.

We all spoke very little on the way back, but we still made it to the surface safely.

"Alright! We're finally clear! Honestly, this was hard: ......!"

"Aaah, I swear, I thought Frenian was going to die. I mean, I wanted him to die!"

"Me too, me too."

"I'll never take another quest this difficult again!"

Tread and the others were experiencing the greatest sense of freedom, but with a C-ranked party, they must have felt even more so.

"What are you talking about, you guys?"

"Don't worry about it, Frenian. It's what adventurers do."

"Is that so? I've never heard of such a custom."

"No wonder. It's a very recent fad. Anyway, let's go back to the mansion. Where's the carriage?"

I looked for the coachmen, but I couldn't find the carriage Frenian's house.

Fresnian had hired another attendant, so there was no problem, but he too was in a bad mood because of the servant's failure, and it was hard to calm him down.

We finally arrived at the mansion, but something was wrong.

A full plate knight was guarding the gate. And they weren't alone. There were many of them.

"Is there something wrong?"

"I don't know. Anyway, Ask them what happened."

"Yeah. Um, what's going on?"

Tread asked one of the knights.

"Who are you people!?"

"No, we're Frenian-san and his party of guards."

"There he is, his son! Get them!"

""" Ehh!? """

The opponent has already drawn their sword.

"Alec-san! What should we do!?"

"Wait a minute, I'll check it out with my skills, just stay on the defensive."

"Right, got it."

First of all, [Appraise].

These guys are clearly different from the robbers.

It's normal to think that this many full plate knights are the soldiers of some nobleman or king.

【Name】 Hawk-Dasim.

【Age】 28

【 L v】 24

【Class】 Knight

【 Race 】 Human

【 Gender 】 Male

【 H P 】 351/351

【Status】 Healthy


A low-ranking knight of the Grand Sword Guard.

His character is serious and very active.

"Ugh, directly under the king. Put down your swords! I yield!

"What, Alec you say? Wait! Stop the attack!"

It was already a slugfest, but both sides drew their swords, so no one was hurt.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were a friend of the king."

A burly knight captain came out and apologized to me, but I wanted to know what happened.

It seems that Frenian has been tied up and taken somewhere, and so have Tread and the others.

I'm the only one left.

"What on earth is the Guard here?"

"We've got evidence of tax evasion going on in the Merchants Guild. Now they're rounding up everyone involved."

"Ah, I see."

Fresnian's father probably belongs to the Merchant's Guild. Good riddance.

But then, it looks like I won't be able to get my hands on the Flame Sword. Good grief.

"What are you doing here, Alec-dono?"

"I am――"

I told him the whole story.

"I see, so it was an escort quest for a dungeon attack. That makes sense now. Then let's release the rest of the escorts after we hear what happened. Is that all right with you?"

"Yes. About the Flame Sword is....."

"I'll let His Majesty decide about that later. Please wait a little longer."

"I understand."

I had no choice but to wait as I watched the scrolls being brought out of the house.