The King of Grandsword was a man of understanding, and he sold me the Flame Sword and confiscated the money from Frenian.

However, The only problem is that If He take care of too much, because he's going to force me to do a lot of troublesome work.

"Okay, I guess we can beat the snowman now."

If we can't, we'll just have to figure out another way.

We had an agreement that the best weapon would be given to the first level of the Clan, so after asking Matheus, the axe-wielding dwarf, I gave the Flame Sword to Saki, who was second level 31, and the second one to Ione, who seemed to be able to show off her abilities.

We immediately set out to kill the boss of the fifth layer.

"Alright, I can do it!"

As I slashed at it with my Flame Sword, the snowman's wounds didn't seem to stick right away, nor did they seem to heal.

I succeeded in defeating it rather easily after having such a hard time in the previous battle.

"" Yay! ""

The drop item was an iron box that looked like a 50cm square safe, and when I opened it, cool air came out from inside.

"Hmm, a refrigerator magic tool?"

"Oh, that's nice. Maybe we can make ice cream or something?"

Serina says.

"Yeah, I guess so."

I was thinking of selling it off, but it would be nice to have some kind of reward for the members of the Clan. Besides, ice cream can be served to a lot of people.

"Okay, I'll bring it back."

""" Ooh! """

I couldn't get into the item storage as it was, so I raised my skills to max level 5. That's how it got in.

"That's right, I'm very proud of my work, and it's really delicious, right?."

The next day, Saki immediately made ice cream for me. There seemed to be two kinds, vanilla and chocolate.

I scooped it up with an iron spoon.

"Hmm, it's good."

"Mmm, really!"

"It's delicious!"

"It's cold!"

"YUM! What is this? It's melting in my mouth!"

"I don't really like ice cream, you know. ......Mmuhh!?? What is this delicious!?"

"Only a nobleman could eat something like this..."

""Sweet, sweet, sweet.""

Saki's skill was better than I expected, and it was quite good. Everyone had a happy smile on their faces.

"This kind of homemade food gets crunchy, but how did you do it?"

"Hm-hmm, I put potato starch in it."


"I also shaved it with my [Chopping] skills. Isn't it delicious?"

""" Yeah! """

"Okay, this might be good for business. Darling, can I sell it?"

"I don't mind if you do."

"Okay, I'll make a fortune! Letty, I'll pay you 10 gold an hour to help me."

"All right!"

That's cheap. Well, one night in a cheap hotel costs between 1,000 and 2,000 Japanese yen, so I guess it's reasonable.

After taking a week off from adventuring to relax for the opening of Saki's ice cream stall, we started our capture again.

As we were making our way through the first layer of passageways, we saw another party fighting a group of goblins.

"Hey! Frenian, what are you doing! Make sure you hit them hard!"

"I've never carried anything heavier than a lute before, so..."

"Aah? A lute? You battle slaves, stop your yammering and do as your masters tell you! I'll use the slave crest on you!"

"T-that's, I understand... Eii!"

"Tch, So put some effort into it! Power! I'll never get my money's worth out of this rental. I've got a real bum here."


It seems that Frenian, wearing tattered leather armor, did not end up in jail, but became a penniless slave of Janatha.

Well, do your best.

The first layer won't kill you.

Even if I were to pick you up, you'd probably have to fight in the vanguard.

"I don't care if he's a rented slave or not, that's terrible. I wonder if they can't do something about the equipment. ......"

As Serina says, it's all about the money after all.

I've been giving my guys free weapons that I've gotten from my adventures, but even so, I haven't been able to get them all.

But at the current pace, I'm sure they'll get it eventually. The more equipment we get, the better we'll be.

"Let's go."


We proceeded deeper into the labyrinth.

The sixth layer was a natural cave-like labyrinth with bare rocks surrounding it on both sides, unlike the stone walls we had seen before.

It was quite dimly lit.

"Luka, what kind of enemies that appear here?"

I ask Luka, who has experience. She's a veteran who has dived to the seventh layer.

The Amazoness in bikini armor turns around and answers.

"The mooks are the Ogre and the Tsuchinoko, and the boss is the Behemoth. Well, the Ogre and Behemoth will be a challenge."

"I see."

"Master, there's something."

"Battle ready!"

Meena sniffed, and we drew our swords to brace ourselves.

I hear a shhhh, shhhh sound like some kind of air leaking, and a strange caracara, caracara... sound overlaps with it.

"Lily, turn up the lights. Letty, magic the lights."

"" Okay ""

As the light increased, I saw a group of "Tsuchinoko" crawling on the ground. They are brown, so it's hard to distinguish them from the ground.

They look like fat snakes, but .......

"Luka, are these guys poisonous?"

If they were poisonous, Luka would have said something about it, but just to be sure, I'll confirm.

"No, they just bite you. They're a fat , but they're pretty jumpy, so be careful."

As soon as Luka said that, some of them jumped and attacked.

"Uhyaa, its hurts! I was bitten!"

Hey, hey, hey, can they reach Lily in the middle guard? But their attack power doesn't seem to be big deal.

"Don't panic. Stay calm and take them out one at a time to avoid a friendly fire!"


"I'm on it!"


"Do it!"

The vanguard group was not flustered and was still very stable. Luka, Serina, Ione, and Jouga.

This is a wide passage, but if it's a narrow passage, some of the vanguards will end up playing around, so we'll have to start thinking about how to organize the party. And Saki can become a vanguard, too.


"Oh, I found the Jewel(medium)! It's a good start."

"Alright, if it's this strong and drops a (medium), We'll hunt it down."

"That's right!"

"Aye aye sir!"

We left the map search for later, and went back and forth through the corridors to hunt for the "Tsuchinoko".

However, it's not an easy hunt, as ogres sometimes appear.


A reddish-black muscular demon roars loudly and attacks.

"Kkuhh! Kyaaa!"

"Hey, Serina! Cover!"

Serina seemed to have tried to play the Ogre's punch with her sword, but she was clearly losing power.

Serina's sword pressure is quite strong, but from the looks of it, even our most muscular Jouga won't be able to do this.

"Everyone, evade without taking hit."

""" Okay! """

My instructions were to attack while evading, but that wasn't the trouble with the ogre.

"Tch, he's stubborn!"

"I got it! Eeeh!?"


Ione stabbed the Ogre in the back, but it still moved.

"They're tough. these guys. You don't want to go in there and try to kill them."

Luka said, but it's going to take a long time to take them down by cutting their HP.

"Fuu~, looks like it's my turn. ――Third Eye, open! The tingling left hand is the sign of the Chosen One! Fear me, for I have seen your shameful diary of the past, and my blood freezes as I sink into the darkness. Hold your breath, Death!"

When Letty chanted the spell, the ogre stopped moving and fell forward. And then, *bohun*.

"Wow, that was amazing. Is that an instant death spell?"

"I'm surprised. It looks like you're better than Lloyd to be able to use such a spell."

Everyone looks at Letty with admiring eyes.

"Fufu, praise me more, praise me more!"

"Let's see, third eye, open, tingling left hand is chosen ......"

Nene recites the spell, trying to remember it.

"Oh, Nene-chan, that's because it's not ready for you. You need a magic value, but you also need a contract with an evil god."

"Oh, I see, teach."

"Letty, do you have a contract with an evil god?"

I'm curious, so I ask.

"Sort of."

"I wonder if that's okay. ......"

Fianna worries about it, but it seems to be fine for now. She's a high-level mage for nothing.

"Alec, the drop gave an axe, but you can pick it up. I can't lift it, you know."

Lily said, but a large battle axe has fallen. I think I'll show this to Matheus the Dwarf. If he can't use it, there's no one else who can.

"I understand."

I pick up the axe, which looks like it weighs at least 30 kilos, and put it in the item storage.

"Okay, let's move on."

[[[ Ooh! ]]]

The sixth layer is going well, so far.