As we left Janatha's store, Meena looked left and right to make sure we were safe, then turned to me.

"Master, stop the bleeding."


Meena pulled out a cord and tied my cut right arm around my shoulder.

The bleeding finally stopped, and the pain finally started to come out, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been because of how sharp Mitsurugi's sword was.

I just wonder if it's going to stick...?

In Japan, I'd be able to get by with surgery. ......

"Quickly to the temple."


With Meena pulling on my remaining left hand, we hurried to the temple.

"He's seriously injured! Please, please, please let us through!"

There was a soldier there as well, but they must have been struck by Meena's desperate plea, because they quickly cleared the way for us.

Damn, I'm starting to catch my breath. I checked my HP in the status window, but it was still around 100 points, and I still had some HP left.

I gulped down a potion, but the recovery was poor and the recovery amount didn't even reach 20 points.

I don't think I'm going to die soon, but I need to do something about the injury on my arm to fully recover.

"He's seriously injured! I have plenty of money!"

Meena said as soon as we entered the temple. Well, temple officials in this world are all about money.

"This way."

"Oh, this is terrible."

A couple of priests came out and gave me a difficult look, but it doesn't look like an easy wound to heal.

Well, I knew what to expect.

Still, I can make it as a Magician, so I'm not that grim.

"Put him down on that bed over there."

The high priest with the long eyebrows came out and gave the order, and Meena got down on her knees in tears.

"I beg you! You may cut off my arm. Please, please restore my master's arm!"

"Don't be absurd. Of course, we'll do what we can. Just watch over him quietly and pray to God for now."

"Yes, ......"

Meena closed her eyes and started mumbling her prayers, but I had no intention of asking God for help.

What's the best way to recover in this condition?

I'll have to think about that.

I'm sure that the surgeon, Kojima, has already been called by Serina.

However, it would take several days by carriage from here, so I can't rely on him.

And unlike modern Japan, we don't have surgical instruments and equipment.

If that's the case, I looked at my main skill list, but the only thing I saw was an increase in [Heal].

That's where I've become a sage, so you could do me a little more service, but the recovery system is as dull as ever.

Of course, I took it right away and raised it to the max level of 【Heal Lv5】.

As I held my left hand over my right shoulder to use the heal spell, the priest roughly flipped my hand away.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you going to do? A low-grade recovery spell will only half-heal the wound, but it won't restore your arm."

"Oh, I see..."

The high priest is watching my arm very carefully, but I guess that's necessary for higher level magic.

"Alec, are you okay?"

Lily came over to me. I thought she was going to make fun of me, but she has a serious expression.

"Well, it won't kill me, but it's tough on my arm."

"Yeah. ......"

"How's it going over there?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Serina and Saki did a good job explaining to the soldiers, and we were able to avoid being caught. But they said they would ask us about it later."

"Well, I guess so."

"What can I do?"

"Go tell the others that I'm okay. And send someone with recovery skills to ......."

"Oh, that's right. I'll see what I can do. But that's a lot of people here."

"I'm one of the best users in the country, with rare skills. Trust me."

"Tsk. Rare."

"Oh, I can't use it."

"It's a shame..."

"What the hell! You're out of luck.."

The old man got angry, but I meant that if it was a normal skill, I could have copied it and leveled it up.

I think this old man is enough for restorative magic.

"Go and get Letty."

"That's ...... she suddenly ran off somewhere. Didn't she come here?"

"I don't think Letty's here."

Meena sniffed and said.

I thought that her knowledge of magic could help. It's not like she ran away or anything.

I'll wait a little longer.

"Alec! Where's Alec!?"

She's here. It's Letty.

"I'm here!"

"Oh, there you are. Here you go."

Letty offers me a pile of black geckos, red geckos, and green geckos.

And they're all alive, that's disgusting.

"What are you going to do with them? Keep them away from me."

"Geez, It's skill, skill."

"Oh, I see."

I finally understood Letty's intentions, and checked the skill list.

【Stick to Wall Lv5】New!

【Stick to Ceiling Lv5】New!

【Optical Camouflage Lv2】New!

【Lizard Tail Cut Lv4】New!

【Regrowth Lv2】New!

"Letty, I'll give you a thousand skill points."


I quickly deleted [Lizard Tail Cut] and raised the level of [Regrowth] to level 5.

I try to use it.

The shoulder swelled up and a tiny finger appeared there, but it was red.

"Oeee! That's disgusting!"

"Master's finger, master's finger, master's finger, ugh ......"

"Does it work? Can you move it? Just move it a little."

Uwahh, I don't want to see it myself.

"Nuh-uh! That's it! Well, it must have been a Demon Slash wound! This is an oversight! I'll cleanse it right away."

"No, old man, there's no need to do anything else."

"It's a demon, for crying out loud! Come on! Quickly, bring me the Holy Silver Knife!"

"High Priest, here!"

"Oh, what a disaster! The devil's in the wound."

"Gather the men now! It will materialize!"

"No, like I said,  wait."

"No, sir, this is the master's secret power."

"Oh, no! It's a demon of its own!"

"He's not a demon."

"I'm a human being. What are you doing, stop it! Ow! Ow!"

"You can't!"

"Get out of the way! Take him down!"

"He's getting away!"

"We must find him! Do not let him escape!"

[Stick to the Ceiling Lv.5]

"There he is! Up there! O-On the ceiling!"


"H-He's stuck on the ceiling!"

"Eeekk! Demon!"

"Oh, God. ......"

"Do not be dismayed! All of you."

"I told you I'm human! This is s-ki-ll!"

"Oh, you still think you're human, you evil being! Eat this, Ultimate Holy Buster!"

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!"

"Look at him! He's in pain. It's a demon after all!"

"That's ridiculous! Anyone would suffer if they got hit by that!"

"Ah, geez, I'll do it! ――Ask the owner of the Seven Keys of the Hill, I am a claimant under the Blood Pact of Ages. Come forth, tower of the sun, press down and blast! Art is an Explosion!"

※ Please wait for a moment.

"Letty, you've gone too far."

I was disgusted to see the collapsed walls and the fallen priests.

It's good that things have quieted down, but how am I supposed to fix this?

"No, because this is the only way."

"It's better to get out of here as soon as possible."

Lily said.

"No, they already know our names."

"So, what do you say we just kill them all?"

"No, Letty, don't do that either. I have an idea. Make the story fit."

"Yes, Master!"

"Well, okay, but"

"We'll wake them all up with a medicine."

I'll cast a healing spell on the badly injured, and let them sniff the medicine.

"Ha! What am I doing?"

"Thank you very much, High Priest, for successfully exterminating the demon, and look at my arm!"

I showed him my fully grown arm and bowed politely.

"Oh, it's healed."

"As expected of you, High Priest."

"Hmm? How could it have recovered that much in just one day?"

"I agree.! However, no, I was really surprised by your power, High Priest. Your eyebrows were quivering louder than usual, and I felt that something was different today. This is truly a divine miracle!"

[Speaking Lv5]

"As expected of the High Priest!"

"That's right, isn't it amazing? Your eyebrows are amazing, more amazing than usual, yes, yes, miracle, miracle."

"You could say you're genius."

"No, you're right, my eyebrows are ...... Umu, as expected of me. And I'm sure God blessed me."

"It's a miracle. And now for the charity: ......"

"Oh, yeah, a hundred gold is fine."


"In exchange, you'll tell everyone exactly what happened here."

"Yes, sir. I'll tell all the bards I know about the high priest's exploits."

"Hmm. This is also God's guidance, hohohoho."

I got hurt badly, but it was only a small price to pay for the treatment.

But I'll have to think about where I'm going to use the [Regrowth].

Also, we should consult with Yumi and the king about what to do with the remnants of the White Dog.