Volume 10 - Prologue

The Cacoo Empire has collapsed.

Naturally, the coins were never redeemed, and there were many victims.

The King cracked down on the coins as illegal and notified the White Dog to return the full amount, but most of the executives has escaped.

Now we don't know if they planned to flee all along, or if they did so because they failed.

As for us, we'll just go on with our adventures as usual.

We were at the sixth layer of the Labyrinth of No Return.

It's a natural cave-like area, but we've already mapped it out and there's only the boss room left.

"Be careful. The boss isn't always a behemoth."

""" I understand """

We've reached a large, wide cavern, but It's there.

The tingling tension in the air. An overwhelming sense of presence.

"Letty, I don't care, we have to make the first move. Let's hit it with your most awesome spell."

"Does it matter what it is?"

"Yeah, anything is fine."

"Yes, sir! ――Stars, Fall!

"Oh, no, not the meteor strike."

"You just said anything's fine."

"Idiot. Not anything that'll make this place collapse."

"Hmm, then――I desire a weapon of flame, a flame that will burn for a time and for eternity. Like the sun rising in the west, it will overcome the trials of contradiction and bring everything together. And it knows not the time of its end. Fulfill with understanding the Eternal flames, Crystals,and Death Swords!"

Everyone's weapons are now light sabers.

"Okay, let's go!"


The giant boar roars, scraping the ground with its feet.

"Ugh, it's bigger than the one I saw before...!"

Luka looked up and was confused, but I guess it's a special edition boss for us. That's a problem.

"Don't take a direct hit."


Its starts to lunge, but that's enough to cause an earthquake.

"Starlight Attack!"

Slashing in from the side, Serina's special move hit the Behemoth's torso.


How's that?

The behemoth's huge body glows thinly and then turns into smoke. *fwump*.


"That was amazing, Serina!"

"Hey, hey, What's a with that blow?"

"That's the boss?"

Everyone was surprised, but it's better to win anyway.

【Infinite Strength Lv.5】 New!

A new skill has been added.

I'll use [Appraisal] here....

『Infinite Strenght Lv.5』


The owner of this skill will have 100,000 extra HP.

Wounds will heal faster, and you will gain a time recovery effect.

The effect is permanent.

Hmm, I guess I can have all the sex I want.

The drop came out with a tough green full plate armor.

"This is the one I want to use."

"Hmm, looks like it'll increase the defense, but it's not good for me to have trouble moving."

"I don't need it because I want to be first in line for the Starlight Attack."

Both Jouga and Serina looked at each other delicately and did not raise their hands.

Originally, our party doesn't have a heavy warrior like a tank position. I'll ask Matheus of the legion about it later.

"I'll take care of it then."

I'll put it in the item storage.

We had enough time to spare, so we went straight to the seventh layer.

The natural cave is the same as the one above, but here there is lava flowing below.

"It's hot. ......"

I'm sure there will be a lot of enemies with the fire attribute anyway, so I'm going to take [Fire Resistance].

【Fire Resistance Lv5】 New!

I've got less than 10,000 points left, so I'm going to save them until I get the next batch of points.

"Master, there's an enemy."


Meena said, but I can already see the enemy.

It's a red lizard about two meters long.

"It's a Red Lizard. It breathes fire, so be careful."

Luka said, and immediately ran into it.

You're in bikini armor, so don't be reckless.

"Cover me!"

"Yes, sir!"

"I understand"

Meena and Serina immediately slashed at it, and although the Red Lizard spat fire, it was quickly defeated.

"That's great, this party. Maybe, just maybe, it's stronger than Hannah's party."

Luka said.

The 'Silver Scorpion'. Well, it's a B-rank party.

We're better than them.

I got 【Flame Breath Lv3】 from Copy Skill, but I don't need it since I can use Fireball.

I'll reset it and return it to skills points.

The reduction was 4,000 points, which is quite a bit for a skill of this caliber, but I doubt there are many adventurers who would take this skill.

It's too inefficient to train as a skill.

When I returned to the surface and rested at the inn, the innkeeper (Ada) called out to me.

"Alec, I think you have a guest."


I went out to the corridor and found a rather petite girl with short-cut black hair standing there.

"You want to see me?"


"What do you want?"




"You know..."


"Go home."

"Um, Alec-san, she wants to join us."

Nene said she was passing by, but if it weren't for her, I wouldn't have been able to communicate with her. Damn it.

"What kind of weapons can you use?"

She seems to be an adventurer, though, since she's wearing leather armor.

She took a bow from her back, put an arrow in it, and shot it at me.


"Ah, Alec-san, hawawa, are you okay!?"

"I'm fine, but what does that mean?"


"I'm showing you a weapon I can use."

"Why don't you just show it to me, like you normally would! Don't attack my friends."


She nodded her head, so she understood, but she's a strange guy.

"You, you're going to have s――Ahem, we're going to have a friendly competition and you're going to get stronger."

Serina was just passing by, so I decided not to ask her to have sex with me.

"Who's that girl?"

"She's the new archer. What's your name?"


I was thinking of calling her "Hmm", but she said her name correctly.

I tried to appraise her, but she wasn't even hero. There was nothing else strange about her, and her level was 34, which was pretty strong. Well, defeating the behemoth has raised our level, too, and we're at that level.

"Is that so. Then, come on, Mare. I'm going to teach you all the important things to know about our clan. But didn't you have anywhere else to go?"



Well, I guess we'll just have to let Serina take care of her.


"Landlady, breakfast."

I'll take a seat at the table.

"I'll have two gold pieces for lunch."

"Tsk, that's breakfast for me."

"Yes, yes. Thanks again. So you're sure you want soup?"


"Hey, landlady, can you do the checkout after Alec?"

Murphy, another guest, comes in and says.

"Oya, Murphy, are you going back to your country?"

"Don't be ridiculous, we're doing well in the fifth layer, we've been promoted to B rank, why should we leave?"

"If that's the case, I don't see why you need to leave."

"I was thinking of switching to a cheaper inn. It's only one gold per night."

"Ehh? Well, if you don't mind a rundown place, I won't stop you."

"Tsk, tsk, that's a normal house. Come and see it later, Ada. You'd be surprised."

"I wonder. I have a feeling there's more to this than meets the eye."

"There's nothing to it. "Ren Hau." It's a new system."

"You mean rental houses?"

"That's it."

"Amateurs renting out their houses? Don't expect much service."

"It's not much of a service here anyway. Right, Alec."


"That's rude. Well, I'm not going to stop you if that's what you want. Suit yourself."

It's a great way to cut costs, but our clan has a lot of enemies, and with security in mind, this is the best place for us.

With Ada, a former A-rank lvl 39 and an ogre, most of the bad guys would run away before they could get in.

I drank my soup, not paying attention to what he said.