After seeing Lunette off, Serina had just returned to the inn, so I gathered everyone there and headed to Maria Rouge's store.

It was to buy slaves. Of course, I'm buying a girl.

"Alec, it's fine to buy a girl, but you have to take good care of her, okay."

Serina reminded me.

"When did I ever act like a disposable, Serina?"

"You didn't do that, but ......"

"Then don't worry about strange things. The newcomers will misunderstand."

"Right. I'll be careful."

"So, what kind of slave do you want, Alec? It seems there are many types already."

Saki asked me.

"Anything is fine as long as she's cute."

I answered with a straight face.

"Wow. ......"

"As expected my Master!"

"Ehh? Meena, is that a compliment?"

"If you're going to buy Alec's toys, I don't think you need us to come with you."

"No, Letty, it's not just for that, you know. They're basically a battle slave for the party. And if it's a new comrade, you guys have your own likes and dislikes. If you don't like someone, just say so."

"So, we really have the right to refuse?"

"Yeah, if I don't like it that much."

"What If you like it?"

"Well, I'd take the better one over you."

"Uwaa, that's a useless veto! It's a trap!"

Letty is indignant and stomping on the ground, but you're the strongest magician in our party, so you have quite a bit of say, don't you?

I guess I'd better take care of her and raise her self-esteem a little more.

"Letty, it's Alec's joke. There's always more, and there's never a slave left behind."

"Oh... is that right?"

"That's right. And you're not a slave."

"Well, yeah."

I hired you for 10,000 gold up front and you're still here, but I'll be happy to negotiate with you next year when you insist on renewing your contract.

She's been coming to my bed for points, so I'm sure she's not unhappy with her current treatment.

As I entered the back street, I saw a trendy white Western-style building ahead.

It was Maria Rouge, a store that sold slaves.

I bought Nene here, and she's growing up to be a Magician just like I wanted, and she's obedient and loyal, so it must be a good place.

I opened the door and went inside.

"Welcome. Alec-sama."

A white cat-eared girl dressed as a bartender neatly puts her feet together and bows to me.

"How much are you?"

"I'm sorry, I think I've told you before, but I'm not for sale."

"I see. Then let's see the cat ears slaves. Any color is fine."

"Very well. The manager will be with you shortly, so please have a seat and wait."

We sit on the sofa and wait.

"I guess cat ears are good."

"Come to think of it, we only have dog ears."

Lily looks around, and it's true that there are no cat ears in our party yet.

Meena and Nene are the dog-eared ones.

"Welcome to my store!"

Maria, wearing a sexy black dress, came out from the back.

She's an intriguing woman, with ornaments on her thighs that I'm not sure if they're underwear or decorations.

But her price is high, isn't it? I can't bring myself to pay a million gold for one night.

"I've come to see your goods."

"Sure. It's ready for you. And I hear you're certified as an A-rank party now. Congratulations."

"I don't really care about that. Do you change your prices?"

"No, because I set the prices based on my customers. It doesn't change based on rank. Of course, the higher the rank, the lower the mortality rate and the more trustworthy you are, so I'll use that as a factor in my decision."

"Even more so, then."

"Is Nene doing well, before you bring in the new girl?"

Nene straightened her back nervously at her words, but I'd better give her a proper assessment of me.

"Yeah, no problem at all. She's doing great. It was a good buy."

"Phew. I'm glad she's plumped up and her ears look nicer than before. I'd be tempted to negotiate a repurchase if she came to me in tatters."

"I wouldn't treat her like that."

"No. Well, I'll go get you a new one. It's not cat ears. ...... Meme-chan."


The petite magician replied, fixing her blue pointy hat as it slipped off.

Hmm, a loli?

Not bad.



"This girl is ......"

Serina, Lily and Ione reacted when they saw the loli magician.

"What, you guys know each other?"

"No, no, no, Alec, did you forget? She's the girl from Shin's party."

Serina said.


"Ha! Y-you guys are ......"

The other side seems to have remembered too. By the way, after I defeated the PK hero Shin, Meme said she didn't want to join my party, so I sold her off to another slaver along with a cat-eared slave.

I completely forgot about that. Well, it looks like she's still alive, which is good. ......

"P-please don't bully me."

The loli magician shrank back and hid behind the manager.

"Wait, that's not the right reaction."

"Oh, so you know each other? That's a problem."

"Hmm, darling, can you tell me what's going on?"

"I'm curious too."

Saki and Luka were concerned, but let's just clear up the misunderstanding.

"Master has done nothing wrong."

Meena says confidently, but that's not enough to make anyone who doesn't know understand it.

"There was a party that tried to PK me before. The leader of the party was judged as a felony in the kingdom of Vernia, but this slave was just doing what he was ordered to do, so I sold her to a slaver and let her go before I handed him (Shin) over to the castle. She said she didn't want to stay with me. Isn't that right? Meme."

"Y-yees, I'm sorry about that time!"

At any rate, everyone seemed to be satisfied. Shin was originally a hero who was summoned to this world along with me and Serina, but I don't think I need to tell them about that.

Speaking of which, I did verbally abuse Meme during the battle to scare her, but I did it because I had to. I'll keep my mouth shut about that too. Serina would tell everyone about it in detail anyway.

"All right. How much is she?'

"How about 150,000? She's a magician, obedient, and her level isn't that high, but I think she can be used as a rear guard, you know?"

Maria also seems to have the organization of our clan's party in mind.

"Meme, what do you want to do? If you don't like my place, I won't force it to buy you."

"No, it's better than being sold to a very strange person, so I'll just go with Alec-san place."

That's kind of a desperate reason, isn't it? Well, it's easier for us if we know each other.

"All right, I bought her."

"Good luck, Meme-chan."

"Yes, Maria-san, thank you very much for your help."

Maria seemed to have taken good care of her, and Meme bowed her head.

"Then, let's go to our inn."

"Hauu, y-you're asking me to serving you out of the blue!?"

"No, I'm just assigning your luggage and your room. Where on earth do you think you're going to live?"

"Oh, that's right."

She's a loli girl who seems a bit out of it, but since there are few members who can use magic, she'll be useful as the rear guard of the second team.

Of course, She'll have to serve me on the bed.

I returned to the inn in a good mood, whistling to myself that I had made a good purchase.