"Then, I'll introduce her to all of you. This is Meme, our new member."

I'll take Meme downstairs to the inn for dinner and introduce her to the rest of the Clan.

Meme grabs her robe and fidgets with it.


"A magician."

"She's a cute girl."

"Nice to meet you, little one!"

I'm glad to see they're smiling and in a welcoming mood.

"What's your level?"

Zeed from the army asked, but a fidgety Meme wouldn't answer, so I asked her again.

"What's your level, Meme?"

"Y-yes, I'm level 26."

A nervous-looking Meme clutched her blue pointy hat with both hands, hiding her face as she answered.



"Hmm, that's pretty high. Don't worry, you're my slave. No one's going to bully you or touch you, you know?"

"Except for Alec, that is!"

Lily says it in a mischievous way, but well, it's true.


She's who runs one step back from me.

"Don't worry, Meme-chan. I'll protect you."

Serina says with a gentle smile.

"Oh, God, please bless this one. Please protect her from the hands of the wicked."

Fianna also prayed earnestly, but who the hell was the wicked one? Oh, well.

"That's all I have to say. I'm going to assign you to a party after I've had a chance to see you in the army."

"Oh, then, come to group 5, Meme-chan!"

The leader of group 5, Zeed, immediately invited her with a smile.


Well, Meme had never met him before, and she seemed uncomfortable because she was at a rough party with all men.

"No solicitation allowed. I'll decide it. I'm going to put her in a party that can protect the rear guard, so be aware of that on a regular basis."

I gave the members a nudge so that Meme wouldn't get in trouble, and we sat down at the table to eat.

"Now, Meme sat down, too. Come here, come here."

Saki took Meme next to Serina and sat her down. I'm sure Meme will be fine next to a girl.

"So, what about you, what was your previous master's like? I had a lot of trouble with Zenon, a nasty guy who used me a lot."

"Huh, well, I........ used to work at Count Bon Voyage's mansion before――"

Meme was asked and started to talk about herself, but well, if Saki can take care of her, she'll fit in quickly.

"Okay, Meena, let's go back to my room."

"Yes, Master."

After finishing the meal, I took Meena back to my room. I let Meena sit on the side of the bed, hugged her, and relaxed.

"Um, Master."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Lately, there's been a black figure in the castle town――"

Meena was about to say something when there was a knock at the door.

"It's open."

"Excuse me."

It was Ione who came in. Come to think of it, it's Ione's day tonight.

"Ah, then, I'll rest in the other room."

Meena got up and left the bed.

"Am I a little early? I'm sorry, Meena."

"No, it's Ione's day after all."

It is now customary for the girls to take turns coming to my room, with a rotation of who gets to be with me.

Of course, this is not an absolute rule, as it depends on the mood of the day. There are times when I skip or switch the order.

Sometimes I skip Letty and Serina, because their reactions are interesting.

"What shall we do today?"

"Let's see. Let's give me a blowjobs."

"I understand."

Ione bends down in front of me and undoes the belt of my pants.

It's kind of erotic when Ione, who basically has a poker face, looks up and starts doing things.

"Okay, that's enough. Take off you clothes."

"Ah ...... yes."

I was going to do it lightly, but when I heard Ione's charming voice, I got excited and did five rounds.

"Hmm, It's morning."

I was a little over-excited and it was a lazy morning.

Ione was still asleep in bed, and even the early bird couldn't seem to wake up.

As I reached out to gently stroke her long blond hair, Ione suddenly woke up and picked up her sword.

"H-hey, calm down, it's me."

"No, it's outside."

Ione pulled out her sword toward the door, and just as she took her stance, the door opened with a bang.

"You outcast! Prepare yourself――huh?"

Serina opened the door herself, but she's still flabbergasted.

"You, what are you harassing me for?"

"Aah, yeah, no, I mean, Meme-chan not here, right?"

"You'll know it when you see it. I fucked Ione yesterday."

"I see. But that's weird. That girl doesn't seem to be at the inn, you know?"


Did she just run off yesterday?

No, that's not right.

No matter how much she hate me, Meme has a slave crest, so she shouldn't be able to run away.

"" ...... then, someone took her out? ""

Me and Serina come to that conclusion.

"Ah, it can't be..."

Ione looked at us as if she had an idea.

"What is it? Ione."

"It's Fianna."


I don't understand what's going on, so I parrot the question back to her.

"Yes. She had her childhood friend, Dyrmud, who's killed by Shin's party, right? That Shin's party also had Meme, so ......"

"Hmm? That's true, but I don't think those two had a direct confrontation. Didn't Saki tell her about that situation?

"Saki didn't talk about it. Because she's a recent member, right? Besides, Fianna wasn't there yesterday at Maria's store."

Serina said, but then you should be the one to tell her that.

"I see. I guess I messed up a little. Fianna was offering Meme some food, so I didn't think it would be a problem."

"I guess I didn't realize it at the time. Geez, Alec."

"What the hell?"

"Noo. Anyway, let's find these two before things get crazy."

"Yeah, right. I'll be there as soon as I get dressed."

"Yeah, I'm going first."

I got dressed and looked around the inn, but I still couldn't find Meme or Fianna.

"No good, they're nowhere to be found, brother."

I told Jouga and the rest of the clan to look for them, but they didn't seem to be at the inn.

"Then, let's search them out the town."

"All right!"

"But still, Fianna is ......"

In her case, even if the avenger of her childhood friend was right in front of her, she would not be able to immediately avenge him,.......

I think it's just a matter of listening to what she have to say and telling her not to kill in vain.

"Hey, it's a fight! There's a fight between a Priest and a Magician! I heard the house is on fire."

One of the passersby pointed across the street, and sure enough, there was a fire.

"Damn it!"

I should have talked to Fianna about this.

I headed towards the burning house to stop them anyway.

There were onlookers gathered around the house, but I pushed past them and intervened.

"Get out of the way!"


"Yoー! You've got to be kidding me."

"Shut up, this one is reserved. You're the bad guy."

"Hey, you guys, yeah?"

Sure, there was a woman in a white robe and a magician fighting loudly, but it wasn't Fianna and Meme.

And the magician is a big guy.

"That's enough! Hurry up and put out the fire!"

The soldiers rushed in and began to put out the fire, spraying buckets of water on the fire in a bucket relay. It's a good, well-trained move.

"Witness, that's you. Let's hear what you have to say."

A soldier grabs my arm.

"No, no, no, I just got here. I don't know what's going on."

"Don't lie to me. You've got a prime seat right in front of this, and you didn't see anything? Don't think you can get away with that."

"No, I thought it was someone I knew, and I tried to stop them, but it turned out to be someone else entirely."

"So you're just going to keep it white? All right. I'll have you come down to soldier quarters. If you continue to lie, you can go to jail."

Oh, come on. Not again. I don't want to be a regular in jail.

Just as I was about to use my skill of [Speaking] or [Instantaneous Movement] to do something about it, a voice came from the side.

"Wait a minute, mister. This person is Alec from the Black Cat of the Wind, a good friend of the king."

"What? You!?"

The soldier had never seen my face before. He seemed to know my name, though. I've become famous, haven't I?

I've been through a lot.


I nodded.

"I-I'm sorry about that! I didn't know you were Alec."

"Oh, come on, we're looking for witnesses. Does anyone know what happened?"

I asked the onlookers on his behalf.

"Yeah, I know. I heard the magician guy booked a sleepover at the priest's house."

A love affair?

"But it seems that the woman got the date wrong and said she couldn't stay over today."

"Because, I'm only renting it for the time I'm in the dungeon, but this means I can't sleep at home."

No matter how you look at it, it's this woman's fault.

"The rental house system? Since you made a promise, it's only right that you stay at the inn and let this guest stay."

I said something to her.

"Haah? It's not my fault that the date was changed due to the party."

You're a pain in the ass.

"If you're taking money to make a reservation, you can't use that excuse. At the very least, you should explain the situation to the person and ask him or her to accept it. You should at least tell them what's going on and convince them to pay for the room."

"That's right, that's right!"

The magician guy nodded and said loudly, but he looks like he has a lot of blood on his hands too.

"What is that? It's kind of annoying."

You're the one who's pissing me off.

"That seems to be the situation."

I stopped dealing with them and said to the soldier.

"Ha! Thank you for your cooperation! So, which one of you guys started the fire?"

"That one! I slapped him lightly, and he suddenly used magic."

"You're the one who made the first move! And it was an all-out goofy punch!"

Well, I guess they'll just have to talk it over in the back room.

"Now, where are Fianna and Meme go...?"

I scratched my head and left the place.