We easily defeated the Red Dragon in the deepest part of the seventh layer, but the back boss, Efreet, was a nuisance.


I use my [Instantaneous Movement] to dodge the Efreet's rush.

And then it turned into flames again and disappeared from the scene.

I see, so this guy also has [Instantaneous Movement].

If that's the case, the vanguard and rearguard don't make sense anymore.

All of us are in danger of being targeted in the back.

"Everyone should choose a partner and watch each other's back. My partner is you, Meena."

"Yes, Master! I'm honored! Master's back will not be given to anyone else!"

Well, at first I was going to say Serina, but that's the way it is.

"Then I'll make you my partner, Luka."

"Okay, Serina. Leave your back to me!"

"In that case, Ione, marry me."

"No, we're not getting married, we're partners."

"No, I know what you mean. It's just a mood, a mood."

"That's why I'm not in the mood for it, fufu."


Didn't Saki and Ione get along? Oh well.

Anyway, Serina and Luka, Jouga and Fianna, Letty and Nene, Ione and Saki, and Lily and Mare have all partnered up.

But Mare, you're completely silent, so you have no presence. (TLN: Damn I forgot about her too :D)

She is an archer with short black hair, but even with her loli attributes, she has too little presence to make it to bed.

"But if we can avoid it, what about the attack? Ione, did it come out behind?"

"Yeah, thank you. [Mind's Eyes!]"

Ione just barely managed to counter with a dodge and a slash, but the sword was overpowered and broke.

"Khh, I guess that means I'm still immature. ......"

No, it's the opponent's fault.

Ione is well prepared and has brought out a spare sword from item storage, but if it's no good for our top class swordsman, Ione's sword, it's going to be pretty tough.

"Serina, I'm counting on you."

"I know, but It doesn't come to me very often. ...... Luka! Over there!"

"Alright! Take this!"

I was afraid as Luka went to slash it head-on, but she twisted her body and successfully dodged the punch that Efreet had delivered.

"Luka, don't push yourself too hard."

"I know. But this one, this one, I have to defeat it!"

Hmm? I see... This thing defeated Luka's friends, didn't it? Hannah's revenge?

That's even worse.

"Luka, you're not allowed to attack. Go cover your friends."


"Because its attacks are too dangerous. Besides, the one who's going to finish it off is Serina. Don't tell me you're stronger than her?"

"Khh, I know what I'm doing, but...!"

"We're fighting as a party. Trust your friends."

"It's not that I don't trust them. All right, I'll take cover."

Luka was unusually calm and understanding, but I guess she's learned her lesson from the fake Erwin incident before.

"Nene, It's headed your way!"

"Ha, hawawa, Alright, I got it! I'm gonna blow the little girl away!"

You're really good at playing two roles, aren't you?

"Aaahhh, geez! What are you doing running right behind me!? Spell cancel! I command my lovely alter ego, Sylph, to gust!"

Letty created a crosswind and got Nene to avoid it well, but we can't get in on the attack with this.

"Saki, change partners with Nene. You take Letty's cover! Ione is with Nene."

I'll tell them what to do and they'll switch partners.

"Okay, I'm on it!"

"I'll support you, Nene-chan."

"Fianna, I'm right behind you!"


Fianna was the target this time, but she was able to move quickly since she had already healed Jouga.

The Efreet seemed to be randomly changing its position, but it would eventually hit Serina.

When it solidifies and rushes at her, that'll be the end of you.

"Meena, It's here."

"Yes, Master, I'm happy."

"Don't say anything else. I'll take good care of you later."

"Y-yes, Auuh!"


She lightly failed to avoid the attack and Meena was hit.

She was lucky that the damage was small, but her clothes were torn and her pure white pants were visible. But now is not the time to relax and admire.

"Hey, what are they doing that idiot couple?"

"No matter how you look at it, that was Alec's fault! Shoo shoo!"

"Shut up, Lily, you're on with me. Take Meena's cover."

"That's fine, but"

"No way, Master."

"Noisy. I don't like people who can't keep their cool in a fight, Meena."

"I-I understand, I'll do my best."

Normally, she's a calm, but when it comes to me, she can be a bit overzealous.

I'll have to figure out a way to deal with her later, but for now, It's an Efreet.


Mare suddenly raised her bow and arrow toward me.

Damn, it's this way!

"Kkhh! You should have said something with your mouth, Mare!"


After the Efreet's rush, I instructed Mare, Does she know what she's doing?

She has the same poker face as ever, and I don't even know what she's thinking.

I put her in the team because of her high level, but she's a little difficult to use.


"As I said, tell me with your mouth!"


I was targeted again.

"Hmmm, It's been playing with Alec since a while ago. Don't it like Alec's butt? Pfft."

"You're noisy, Lily. Uohh, not again."

The Efreet focused on me.

For me who can use [Instantaneous movement]  It's the most reliable way for me to avoid the Efreet, but if it keep coming, I'm going to get tired.

"Serina, get over here!"

"I got it!"

I tried to move Serina here, but this time, another person was targeted.

"Is this guy even aware of Serina's special move?"

"Geh! Because her special move is pretty scary, you know?"

Nene reacted, but damn, of course the Efreet had intelligence.

No wonder it didn't go after Serina, it only went after me. Did the Efreet see the end of the Red Dragon?

"Kkhh, what are we gonna do?"

"Don't be upset about that. You're not the only one with special moves, here!"

I dodge the Efreet's tackle and immediately jump at the Efreet. 



My clothes start to burn, but it's just a little hot, I'm not burned.

My body is unharmed because I have [Fire Resistance Lv5].


"I knew it would come!"

The Efreet turns into flames again, and starts to disappear.

I aimed for that moment and sucked in the flames as hard as it could.

That flame is a part of the Efreet's body.

What would happen to the Efreet if it was split apart?

It was worth to try.

"Y-you musn't do that Alec, if you do that――"

Letty is upset, but I don't have to worry about inhaling flames.

It's a little hot, though.

"Hmm!? Guohhh!?"

I felt a strange sensation in my lungs, which then turned into pain.

No way, could it be, you bastard, you're moving the body to this side?

"This is bad! Just spit it out!"

I was going to do that, but before I could, the Efreet materialized its body.

In my body.


Blood splattered all over the place.

"" Alec! """

"Noooooooo! Masteeeeeer!"

Damn, what the hell is this splatter movie?

I'm not a big fan of this kind of stuff.

And it hurts.

"Uwahh, he's still alive. Fianna, heal him quickly!"

"I-I understand!"

"How dare you, you dare do this to brother! I'll become your opponent."

"I'll avenge my Master! Apologize to Master in hell!"

Don't kill me off Meena, Wait, I'm still going to hell, aren't I? Also I'm still alive, you know.

"Cough, Aghh!"

"S-Stay with me, please.――Goddess Eir, grant my wish. Heal! Ehh? It's not supposed to heal like this."

"It's my skill work. Don't worry about it."

【Regrowth Lv5】

【Inexhaustible Strength Lv5】

【Flame Resistance Lv5】

【Guro Resistance Lv5】

This was still too tough, so I took a few other skills.

【Pain Block Lv5】New!

【Choking Resistance Lv5】New!

【Regeneration Speed Up Lv5】New!

"Sigh, Alec-san are you really human?"

And Fianna is getting suspicious.

"I'm definitely human. You know that, don't you?"

"T-that's okay for now. Next time, please don't be reckless."


The suction splitting strategy was a complete failure.

No, why did I think I could go with that thing?

In the case of the Efreet, it's a magical flame, so it would continue to burn even if the oxygen was cut off.

But now I knew exactly how to defeat the Efreet.

"We'll have to defeat the Efreet when solid and materialized."

"Yeah, I get it."

"That means, ha! It's an earth spell!"

Letty seemed to have an idea, and immediately began to cast the spell.

"Okay, we'll buy her some time!"

""" Okay! """

We'll have to be brave enough to cut in and keep the Efreet from targeting Letty.

I picked up Letty, who was about to be targeted, and we fled through the air using Instantaneous Movement.

"Alec, the spell is already complete."

Letty says.

"Okay, we're going down."

"Yeah. ――It's hard, better than diamond and adamantite, but it's unchanging. It is in the flow of all things. That is the meaning of the material world. Everything that has form will break someday! So don't scold me, Unlucky (Hoonde) Giant's Foot (Crusher)!"

As soon as Letty's spell was complete, a giant foot appeared directly above Efreet, who was close behind.

Efreet looked up at it and tried to catch it with both arms, but the giant's foot seemed to be far more powerful and was quickly crushed the Efreet.

Orange smoke *puff* curled up from beneath the giant's legs.

"Alright! We defeated it!"

""" We did it! """

While Lily was picking up the drops, I called out to Luka, who was sitting there as if she had lost her mind.

"It's over, Luka. You've survived."

Against the avenger of your comrades.

"Yeah. Thank you, Alec. This finally takes a load off my shoulders. It's been bothering me for so long, Uuhh"

"Come on, you're not the one who should be crying."

"Hahaha, you're right. If Hannah saw me, she'd laugh at me."

Luka shrugged and wiped her own tears away.

"Besides, we've got the next floor waiting for us."

"You're right."

Luka tried to stand up, so I pulled her by the hand.

She giggled a little and looked straight at me with clear eyes――.

"Hey, Alec."

When I turned around to see Letty calling behind me, she was holding out her hand to me as if it were natural.

The sight of her hand makes me want to flick it, but I can't do that this time.

She's the one who defeated the Efreet.

"Well done, Letty. You're the last one to kill it, and it's like you did it alone. There's a special reward this time. Take it."

"Hmph, Even if you flatter me so much, you'll only give me one point anyway.......What!? T-ten thousand points!?"

"I'll give you a fair reward for a fair job."

I've been able to copy some high priced skills in the last two rounds boss. It's a great way to get points back.

"Hahaha! Alec, My Lord!"

I know she's exaggerating, but this attitude is only for a few minutes.

I'll let her grovel as she pleases.