After defeating the back boss of the seventh layer, Efreet, we went down the stairs that led directly to the bottom.

"This is ......"

"The atmosphere has changed again."

While the sixth and seventh layers were more like natural caves, this eighth layer seems to have returned to stone walls.

But the color has changed from gray to purple, and the atmosphere is different from the upper layers.

There is a heavy silence.

"So this is the area that only A rank parties have ever stepped into. ......Gulp"

Letty peeked at the end of the corridor and was nervous.



"You forgot. We're already A-ranked, too. Well, let's just take it easy."

"Oh, hey, ......, Huuhh?"

"Huh? It's different from usual, isn't it, brother? You usually threaten us with 'You're gonna die'."

This is because Letty was nervous.

"You're going to die, Jouga."

"Damn, man, that's what I'm talking about. I know, you want me to pull myself together, right?"

The smirking Jouga seemed to be getting the idea.

"But we've also become an A-ranked clan, haven't we? I miss the days when we were just starting out. Oh no, I'm starting to cry a little. Someone please, watch the surrounding for me."

Saki is really crying, but even though she's talking about us, you're the one who joined in the middle.

I don't know what happened to Saki when she was just starting out.

Well, I'm sure she had her moments when she was just starting out, so I guess it's okay.

"Hmmm, I don't mind being in the second team. This is a very dangerous place, isn't it?"

Lily said.

"Don't worry, Lily. You have the ability to do it. But now that we have more people, we'll have to switch to the second team next time. I'll put you in the second team next time."

"Make sure do it properly okay?."

"I got it."

She's forgetful, so if you tell her to go, she'll follow you. She's a someone who's been working hard to acquire evasion skills, and she evades her enemies thoroughly, which makes her rather easy to use.

I'd rather have Lily than someone who's going to die soon after forcing themself into a fight.

I'm going to use her properly.

"Hey, you're in my way. Get out of the way!"

I heard a voice from behind me, and when I turned around, I saw a blond man in jet-black heavy armor.

I knew this guy.

Armor with a fluffy fur collar. His all-blond hair.

He was the leader of the A-ranked party that fought the Immortal King of Shadows when we were on the fourth layer.

I'd heard rumors that his alias was Esclados, the Dark Sword Master.

The atmosphere wafting through the air was that of the end of the century.

"Make way for him."

As we cleared the way, Esclados, accompanied by his slave warriors and magicianss, sniffed and threw me a disdainful glance before passing on by.

"Ah, yeah, Esclados."

I call out to Esclados as he passes.

"It's Esclados-sama."

He says as he turns around.

"Why should I call you that? You and I are both A-ranked adventurers, and I'm pretty sure there's nothing noble about us adventurers."

"Oh, is that so? My bad. I didn't know you'd risen to A rank, Rookie."

Esclados says with a grin.

I've been diving in this dungeon for more than half a year now, and I still can't believe someone called me a rookie.

Moreover, if they really didn't know, they would have first questioned whether we were really A-ranked or not.

Oh well.

"Well, just remember this. Also, have you seen any solo PKs on this floor?"

I heard about the example.

Partly because the king asked me to, but more importantly, for our own safety. I have to be careful not to neglect to collect information.

"Well, you know. I've heard the stories, but I'm sure the PK's got a point."


"Heh, The PKs probably playing PK to avoid the strong me. Then it's none of my business.

Esclados' definition of "understanding" apparently means "discernment".

This guy is also a narcissist or arrogant.

So, he doesn't have much information.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you. You should go."

"Hey! Listen here Rookie? Alec the Black Dog or Black Cat whatever! I don't take orders from people. Don't forget that."

Esclados gave me a quick glare and walked down the aisle.

"What's with that pompous guy?"

"He really pisses me off."

"I wonder what's wrong with him."

"He's such a jerk."

"If I ever see him again, I'll PK him for mocking Master."

"Meena, leave him alone. He's not our enemy."

"I understand."

I'll get myself together and start exploring the map.

"Hold on a second! Meena!"

We were on the right side of the road that split into two, going in the opposite direction of the path that Esclados and the others had taken, when Saki stopped us with a loud voice. Meena is walking in the lead, but .......

"What is it? Saki-san."

"The wall there, there's a row of small holes, right?"

"That's right."

"I don't know, I have a bad feeling about this. Darling, try walking there."

"Yeah, like this? Ouch!?"

There's an arrow piercing my neck.

"You see? It's a trap."

"You're very good, Saki-san."

"How did you find it?"

"That was a close one!"

"That's good, That's good."

"Hey, wait, you guys. What if this arrow stuck in my neck?"

"Darling won't die from an arrow or two, you'll recover from the wound if we leave you alone."

"Besides, we're not safe with poisoned arrows."

"Okay, then someone step forward. I'll give you skill points for poison resistance and healing."

No one stepped forward.

After seeing that, Meena stepped forward, but something doesn't add up.

"Well, okay, then. Meena, make sure your poison resistance is maxed out."

"Yes, Master. Also, I found [Lick and Heal], so I'll go with that.."

"Hmm, well, if there's no recovery system that looks better than that, that's fine."

"Yes, sir. There doesn't seem to be anything else."

I don't think Meena was aiming for the erotic skills either. The other erotic skills I gave her points for, and Meena took this and that.

The other day, she got an [Anal sex] skill that I didn't think much of, but Meena was pretty happy with it.

"Master, there's something at the end of the aisle. That ...... really stinks, or something."

"All right, we'll proceed without breaking formation. But we'll be led by Serina."

"Is that an insinuation against me?"

"It's not. The idea is to put the one with the most offensive power in front, so that if a bad enemy comes out, you can take it out quickly."

"Hmm, okay."

As you can imagine, 90% of this was aimed at Serina.

But there's a good reason for that, too, as I just mentioned.

As we turned down the aisle, we saw a humanoid monster with bat wings, a demon.

"Hyahhaa, look who's here! I'm going to give you all anal sex!"

The deafening voice came not from Nene, but from the demon.

A talking monster.

Well, he's a typical bad guy, so it doesn't matter.

"Prepare the battle!"

I didn't hesitate to give the signal, and everyone pulled out their swords and slashed at it.