I thought for sure that Hannah was Solo PK.

Esclados came in and chased after the green-robed swordsman, not paying attention to the fallen Hannah.

From the looks of it, it looks like this guy was the real culprit.

"Damn it, there's still someone else. Combat start! It's not Hannah, it's the green swordsman!"

I know I've got the wrong guy, so I give the order.

"Fufu, I didn't know there were so many delicious looking piglets here. And they're all beautiful. Aahh, how lucky I am!"

The vampire, the real culprit, says in an exuberant voice.

"But it would have been perfect if it wasn't for that bad-looking guy over there. Get out of my way, baldy."

"Shut up. I'm not bald! [Shine Flash!]"

I put the fingers of both hands on my head and used a holy magic skill, but damn, that's some nasty skill.

Anyway, I'm not bald. My forehead is just a little wider than it was when I was younger, and my hair lacks volume, but that's it.

The top of my head is perfectly safe.

"Gyaaahh! Kkhh, what is this light, it's like, like, on the ground, Aaahhh! It burns!"

Well it's because, It's a level 5 Max.

It's like a sunlight level effect.

The vampire woman hurriedly hid herself in her robe as smoke rose from her skin and she screamed.

"Got her!"

When her face was hidden and her vision was blocked, Ione's blow was cleanly dealt.

"Gguuhh! You didn't get me aaaaaaaa!"


The vampire woman had been slashed in the side, but she fought back with all her might and returned the damage to Ione.

"It's my turn next!"

At a good timing, Jouga made the next blow. It prevented his opponent from following up, and it was also an attack.

That's good.

"You're a just weak human being!"


Jouga should have successfully caught his opponent's attack with his broadsword, but he was blown backwards.

What power.

"Don't take it so badly! Our opponent's power is not human level."

I give the order.

I knew this, but when a person looks human, I seem to unconsciously assume their level of power.

"Take this! Kkhh, you're fast!"

Serina slashed at the Vampire, but she avoided Serina.

"Get out of the way, you scum! If you're going to get in my way, I'll take care of you first!"

The Esclados that had been chasing the Vampire also intervened, but they seemed to have zero intention of fighting in cooperation, which was troublesome.

"Vanguard, get back!"

I thought I'd just take care of the Esclados as well, but they're A-ranked, and if the Vampire turn them into vampires, we're going to suffer a lot of damage and even death.

"Brother, that was definitely our prey, wasn't it?"

"Just give it to them, Jouga. But in return, you'd better get this over with, Esclados."

"Who are you talking to? [Dark Catastrophe!]"

More black light gushed out from Esclados' black-bladed sword, slicing through the vampire woman in a heap.


"Hmph, what a joke."

Esclados put the sword back in its sheath without looking at the vampire woman on the floor, though.

"Not yet! Esclados!"

"What? Gghhh!"

The rapier thrust up from below pierced into Esclados' stomach.

"Aaa-hahahahahaha, you let down your guard, human. Did you forget that we're undead?"

"Damn it, even if you're undead, it's the same thing if I erase your body! [Dark Catastrophe!]"


The vampire woman escaped a fatal wound once again, even though He erased her arm.

What are you doing, Esclados?

That technique is powerful, but it doesn't have much range, does it?

"There you go, Serina."

"Leave it to me. [Starlight Attack!]"

"Gyaa, But a scratch like this, hmmm!?"

The vampire woman, who ducked and got a wound on her right wrist, held her arm and made a funny face.

Now, will the one-hit kill skill of the holy attribute work on this guy?

"Aaahhhhh, It can't be, it's spreading, no, it's collapsing!? Kkuhh!"

Just as the wound was about to spread, she ripped her own wrist off and threw it away.

The special effect of the Starlight Attack stopped when the discarded wrist was erased.

She's got big, stupid tits, but she's also quick-witted.

But now she's lost both her hands.

She can't use her twin swords anymore.

"Don't let her get away! Ione, Serina, secure the back door."

"" Okay! ""

There are only two entrances and exits in this small room, the front and the back.

We've got her cornered now.

The rest is just a matter of time.

"You fool!"

The vampire woman jumped.


"Watch out, master!"

"Fool! Stop it, Meena!"

Meena stepped in between us, probably trying to protect me from the vampire who jumped and bit me.

I have a high resistance, so a few bites won't be a problem. I should have told her first, damn it.


Tsk, you got bit.

"I'll deal with her. Everyone else, stand back."

Hannah was down, but she's still alive. No, she's a vampire, undead too.

I guess it's safer to let Hannah take care of her.

"Shut up! Get out of my way!"

"Eehhh!? Hey, Kkuhh!"

The enraged Esclados is attacking Hannah without a care in the world. You're attacking the wrong opponent!

"Ahahaha, Good, that's good, there's an opening!"

The vampire who took Esclados' back bit Esclados' leg.

This guy has already given up on winning and escaping, and is aiming for a destructive infection?

"She's going for vampirization! Hannah and I will deal with her. The rest of you, stay back."

""" Okay! """

I made the others stay back, and on the contrary, I stepped forward.

"Look, you're a vampire too, starting today!"

The vampire woman bites my arm.

"What's wrong? Come on, suck on it some more."

But I calmly tell the vampire girl who bit my arm.

"Kkhh, What's with this vibrant taste? I've never had anything like this! And it's juicy and voluptuous. ......!

"Good for you. Then die."

I plunged my sword deep into the vampire woman's heart.

And more.

"Hannah, go hide behind Luka."

I'll get a blanket out of item storage and give it to her.

"I understand"

That's enough for Hannah to know what I'm going to do, she's smart.

"It's over.. [ShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShiShi, Shine Flash]

A series of spells with [Super-Fast Tongues], stacked on top of each other. It's even faster because I'm also using skill acceleration. The light is shining ten times a second.

And when the blinding light disappeared, the vampire woman also disappeared without a trace.

"Well, it's done. You've got nothing to complain about now, right. Esclados."

I turn around with the intention of negotiating with a troublesome person.


Only a jet-black sword and jet-black armor had fallen there, and he was gone.

"Hey, where's Esclados?"

"Uh, ......"

"Boss! Where are you, boss!"

Esclados's party was also puzzled and searched the surroundings.

"Hey, I was guarding the door here, and maybe, you know, ......"

Serina says with difficulty.

"What is it? I don't care, just say it."

"Yeah. Esclados was bitten by a vampire earlier, right?"

"Yeah, that's right."

So that means the whole vampirized Esclados is gone.

Oh,.....Maybe I was doing PK'd. Well, whatever.

He became a vampire and attacked me, let's just say that.

"The boss is gone: ......"

The slaves of Esclados looked at each other and then at me.

"Uh, that's the thing, just so you know, I didn't do it on purpose, okay?"

I hold up one hand to try to calm them down.

They're probably not as good as Esclados, but they're still A-rank party members.

If we were to fight them here, it would be a tough fight.

""" Thank you very much! """

However, the slaves bowed their heads in unison.

"Hm? I see."

Esclados must have been very bitter at me for rubbing his minions the wrong way, well, now they'll be able to talk their way out of it.

"Hey! Meena was bitten earlier, too!?"

But then, Serina raised her voice sharply.