It was good until I defeated the PK solo and vampire woman who attacked me.

I even erased the adventurer who's turned into vampire.

Moreover, Meena had been bitten as well.

The blood drained from my veins and I looked around.


She's gone.

"Y-yes, Master, I'm here!"

Meena came out, pulling off the blanket. It seems that Hannah had been hiding her with her.

She's a really talented guy.

"Thank goodness ......!"


I hugged her tightly.

She was my first companion, my first sexual partner.

The love of my life.

"I'm kind of jealous."

"You're right."

"Ohh, what it is, Alec. You cared about Meena that much."

"Of course I am. Of course, you guys are just as important."

I'll tell them with a straight face.

"H-hey. ......"

"Uwaa, you say things like that."

The embarrassed women are quite cute.

"Now then, let's set up camp."

Clean up the mess.

I gave Esclados' belongings to his party.

I don't know what the rest of the party would think if I kept his gear or sold it.

Of course, I made sure to tell them that "My good friend Esclados died a horrible death defending me after being attacked by a vicious PK solo vampire".

Dead men tell no tales.

The vampire woman didn't drop anything.

She must have been a human originally.

Her equipment was also half-destroyed, so it was unlikely that she would be able to use it, but I'm counting on you Professor Skill Copy.

And before that.

"Meena, check your status."

"Yes, sir."

【Name】 Meena

【Age】 17

【 L v】 35

【Class】 Swordman

【 Race 】 Dog-Ear Race

【 Gender 】 Female

【 H P 】 753/753

【Condition】 Vampire


A dog-eared girl from Vernia.

Her personality is loyal and hardworking, but she is inactive.

She belongs to the clan "Black Cat of the Wind".

She's Alec's slave.

Her HP is full, but her condition is still "Vampire", and her MaxHP has nearly doubled.

The question is whether or not this is due to a skill, and whether or not that skill is rare.

If it is a normal skill [Vampire], it can be removed by [Reset Party Skills].

I looked at the skill column, hoping for that possibility, but...

【Vampire☆ Lv3】New!

It's not that easy.

"It seems to be a rare skill. ......"

Serina also said regretfully.

"U-um, master."

Meena is sweating like crazy and looks at me with frightened eyes.

"You idiot. No matter what situation you're in, I won't throw you away, so don't worry."

"Master ...... uugh, thank you very much!"

"But hey, now that she've been immortalized, what are you going to do about her sunlight protection?"

Letty asks me without hesitation. Well, that's important.

"If she can handle it with skills, go for it."

Clothes, hats, and masks can be dangerous when they come off.

It seems that Hannah doesn't like such risks and stays underground, but this will be hard too.

"Meena, are there any skills that come to mind?"

The skills that come to mind are different for each individual, so I have to leave it up to her.

I don't care if it's a common skill, but something like sun resistance, it seems rare. ......

"[Sunscreen] and [Holy Attribute Resistance] were available."

"Okay, take it. I can give you the points."

"Thank you very much. But if it's just [Sunscreen], I can use my points."

"Just take everything you can get and make it to the highest level. That's an order."

If I miss out on something here and Meena disappears later, it'll be more than regret.

"I understand, master. I promise I'll pay you back later."

"Don't worry about it, Meena. Hannah, I'll give you some points."

"By points, do you mean skill points?"

"Yes. First, 10,000. If you have a skill that looks good, tell me."

"This is ....... How did you gain this much points?"

You'd be surprised if you don't know about copying and resetting reductions, indeed.

"Those are result of my skills."

"I see. I'm in your debt."

"Don't worry about it. Share your bed with me and I'll give you a free pass."

"No, that's bad too, so I'll have to use money."

Hanna said with a smiling face.

Tsk, she's a solid guy, after all, she's the leader of the party.

"Then, let's go back to the surface."

I'm sure Luka, who is crying in Hannah's arms, has a lot to say, and besides, I need to check first if the skills she've acquired are safe for exposure to sunlight.

We spent the night in a log cabin on the fourth layer and reached the first layer the next day. According to my clock skills, it was nine in the morning, just in time for the sun to shine.

"Okay then, see if you can handle a little sun. If there is a problem, Serina, Ione, put the blanket on them right away."

"I know."

Meena and Hannah walked hesitantly up to the entrance stairs of the first layer.

Meena gently reaches for the sunlight streaming down the aisle.

A moment of tension.

Then Meena's hand touched the sunlight.

"...... How it is?"

"So far, I'm fine."

"I'm fine too."

"There's no tingling or pain?"

"No, sir."


"Then touch sunlight some more. Don't let your guard down, Serina."

"I know."

This time, Meena exposes her body to the sunlight.

She closes her eyes and spreads her hands as if she were taking a shower.

...... Nothing happens.

"Master, I think I'm okay."


"Alec, what can I say to thank you ......"

"Don't worry about it. If you share bed with me, that's good enough for me."

"I'll pay you back in money."

Hannah smiled and said without any guilt.

She's a flawless woman.

Well, let's take our time. There's always a chance. We haven't know each other yet.

That day, I took a bath and relaxed, but the next day, I received a call from the royal castle.

"Damn, that king has very good intuition."

When I went to the bleak parlor, I found the king smiling triumphantly. Again, he was alone.

"Alec, I knew you could do it."

"It just happened to go well. Besides, it was quite a close call, and the A-ranked party member, Esclados, lost his life."

"Umu, I'm sorry to hear about him. I heard he was bitten."


I see. You heard about it from Esclados' slave.

"I've been wanting to try my hand at him, but I never got the chance. In my opinion, he was good enough to win the arena, but ...... that dungeon is not to be underestimated, huh. Vampires?"

"Yeah, ......"

I don't want to get too deep into this story. Hannah and Meena have become vampires, and if the king says they should be exterminated, it will be a problem.

"Well, I guess there will be fewer dangerous PKs now. Well done, my friend. I'll give you a reward."

I received 500,000 gold. The king is very wealthy after all.

"Let me tell you, I finally got the money I needed after Xenon balked at me. I'm running out of money too, so you can expect no more quests from me for a while."

No king's quest for the time being, huh?

"That's good news."

"You son of a bitch."

The king made a clenched fist, but it was only a pose.

"So, Alec, I'll wish you luck. If it's you ...... no, it's nothing."

The king was about to say something, but I think he was saying that "If it's you can clear all layers of the Labyrinth of No Return". But if we're too conscious of it, we might get our foot in the door.

The dungeon will continue to go as usual.

I nodded, bowed, and left the castle.