On the bed in my room, Luka blushes and takes off her clothes.

We are going to have sex now.

After all, I've saved Luka's best friend and party leader, Hannah.

Of course, she has to show her gratitude to me with her body.

"Alec, can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah, say it."

"Hannah is not the kind of person who would go out with a guy, so please don't push her too hard. I know you're going to get mad at me for saying this, In return, I'll do whatever it takes, even if it means putting my body on the line.

"That's a good point. I promise you. I won't force my way into her."

Of course, I'll take my time to woo her, and I'll definitely fuck her later.

"Thank you! Also, Hannah said she want to join the Black Cat of the Wind, so I want you to let her in."

"That's a small price to pay. Hannah's welcome here, too."

"Thank you. Really ....... Alec: ......"

Luka looked at me and seemed to be deeply impressed, which made me feel good too.

"Oh, then, uhh, shall I do something for you?"

"No, Luka, you don't have to do anything. But today, at Hannah's request, I'm going to ask you to watch how you're playing."


"Hannah, that's enough."

I turned around and said that, Hannah, come out of the closet where she've been hiding.

"Well, I wanted to sneak a peek without letting you know if possible. ......"

"Eh, Ehh!"

Luka's face is red and she's flustered, but fufu, she has nice face.

"You can't see very well in there. Keep a close eye on Luka to make sure she's not being forced to do anything."

"I will. Sorry, Luka."


"Then let's do it, Luka."

"W-wait, hey, I said no, Hannah is.."

Luka should be used to having sex by now, but the idea of being seen by Hannah seemed unacceptable to her.

"Just do it."

If I can make Luka squirm here, both Hannah and I may find ourselves wanting ...... and so on.

I go behind Luka and start to take off her clothes. I've also acquired the [Take Off Lv5] skill, so even if she resists, it's a piece of cake.

"Aahhh, Hey, quit, Anh"

I rubs Luka's chest as if to show off to Hannah, who has her arms folded and a poker face to spare. I pinch her nipples and squeeze them.

"Nnnhh, Aaahnnn! You can't do thaaaat!"

Luka, who was already fully trained, squealed sweetly and reacted sensitively, even though Hannah was watching.

I had her spread her legs and teased her genitals from behind.

Nnahh! Kkuhhh, Aahhh, d-don't look at me, Hannah, no. ......!"

Luka flails about with quite a bit of force, but I hold her back with force as well, and relentlessly tease her genitals. Luka, who was twitching and jerking, seems to have lost her strength immediately, and she's soaking wet.

"Alright, it's done now. That's one minute."

Hannah just shrugged her shoulders lightly.

I insert myself into Luka from behind and start moving back and forth.

"Nnnhaa, haa, haahnn, I can't believe, Kkuhh, I'm being watched like this, Aaahhh!"

"Luka, I've never forced myself on you before, right?"

I'm going to ask her something that Hannah might want to know.

"N-No, you haven't. You asked me to come, and I wanted to try it, Nnnhh, Aahnnn!"

"Luka is a good swordsman. She's a regular in my party even if she doesn't have to do this. But, well, she also wants to do it."

"Y-Yeah, keep thrusting, Alec. Kkuhh, I'm gonna cum."

Luka demanded of herself, even though Hannah was watching her.

"That's fine. Come on, cum."

"Aaaahhhhh! I'm cumming!"

Luka came faster than usual, and in no time at all.

"What do you think?"

I look at Hannah, who is watching our sex.

"Yes, everything looks fine. Thank you, Alec."

"Oh, hey."

She's gone. Damn, I should've played this more carefully. Oh well. I'll try to invite her to watch our sex again next time.

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I've added Hannah to my party, and we're continuing to conquer the eighth layer.

I haven't been able to get Hannah down yet, but it's only a matter of time.

It's been almost two weeks since then, but it's not time to panic yet.

"Here it is, Alec!"

Sarah smiled and pointed ahead. I just happened to run into her earlier, so I'm learning about this layer from my senior, Sarah.

"So this is the Infinite Corridor. ......"

You can see the entrance at the end of the hall.

According to the rumor, no matter how straight you go, you'll loop back to the same place and can't go any further.

"I'm tired of this place, too. Why don't we go somewhere else, Lunette?"

Sarah said, looking at her fellow magicians.

"No, we can't. I'm sure this is the entrance to the ninth layer. I'm going to try a different pattern today, so you'll have to accompany me."

Lunette said. Sometimes she comes to my room to take a bath, so we can socialize in peace.

Today, she's being curt in front of her friends.

"I don't think we'll get anywhere anyway."

"That's okay. But Alec and the others will have to go separately."

"Why? Why we can't together?"

"Because we've worked so hard to get where we are, and it would be unbearable if you just took the best part."

It's a competition.

"All right. Okay, Sarah, you go ahead."


"No, it's good enough for me that you brought me here."

"Oh, and Alec, there lot of enemies in here, so don't let your guard down."

Lunette turns to me and says, but she seems to be worried about us in her own way.

"I understand."

As soon as Sarah's party entered the infinite corridor, they disappeared. It was only for a moment.

"This looks like a warp after all."

Serina folded her arms and put her hand on her little chin, making a bitter face.

"Yes, it does."

But we have auto-mapping, so it shouldn't be that hard.

And while we're at it, what, let's get a good skill.

Like [Prediction], which can tell the correct route in one shot.

I thought of the candidates on my skill list.

【Premonition Lv5】 New!

【Insight Lv5】New!

Unfortunately, 【Prediction】 didn't appear as a candidate. It was there in that first browser game, but if it's not good enough for the Sage job, I'll have to change my job to Fortune Teller.

Well, since there's no time limit, I'll just take it easy here.

"Let's go."

We proceeded in our usual formation with Meena, the scout, in the lead.

At the end of the corridor, which is about 5 meters wide and 20 meters deep, there is another doorless entrance waiting for us.

There were entrances on both sides of the corridor, and we probably had to turn right and left in a certain order to reach the goal.

It was an endless corridor.

I looked carefully at the floor and saw that someone had carved "Start point ↑" into the floor.

There were other signs that said, "Jake, come in, night and day!" "I love you, Sarah." There is graffiti on the walls, but only A-ranked people can come here, right?

There seems to be a lot of dumb people.

"Hey, brother, can I write something too?"

Jouga immediately wanted to write something, but...

"No, you can't. This is public property, a place for everyone to use. If someone were to add more graffiti without permission, important landmarks like this "starting point" would disappear. Even if it doesn't disappear, there are people who find it offensive."

"That's true, too. If it belongs to everyone, I can't mess it up."

Letty, who had brought out a chisel and a hammer, seemed to be satisfied with that and gave up and put them in her pocket, but do you always carry that around with you? Well, okay.

"So, Alec, which way do you want to go first?"

"Let's go straight first."

I tried to get a feel for it first, so I went straight ahead.

"Wha? We've come to the same place again. I mean, Oi! It says "starting point" on it!?"

Jouga was surprised to see the floor, but I guess he didn't listen to Sarah's explanation at all until now.

"Well, let's get out of here."

This time, instead of going to the back, we went back to the entrance marked as the starting point, and soon found ourselves in the same hall as before. This is the entrance to the Infinite Corridor.

"This should make the return trip easier."

"You're right."

I checked the auto-mapping, but only one room was occupied.

I guess I was wrong about this one. It looks like a complete loop room.

I thought I could make it if I had the auto-mapping skill.

"So, next time, should we try going from the right?"

"No, we're going straight."

I had a hunch, and said so.

"Then, right there this time."

"No, straight ahead."

"Eeh? You mean we should get used to the enemy?"

"Well, you can keep thinking that.........but you can end up in the boss room, so don't get distracted."


The other members didn't seem to have any objections, so they followed me.

"...... Hey, I feel like I'm getting a different feeling from earlier."

Serina said at the second starting point.

"Is that so? It all looks the same to me."

Indeed, they look exactly the same. On the wall on the right, there's a scribble that says, "Jake, come in, night and day!" and a carved inscription that says "I love you, Sarah".

But there was something different about the quiet corridor.

"Is the next one straight?"

"No, Nene, crawl on all fours there."

I say to Nene.

"Okay, I understand. Like this?"

"That's right."

I approached Nene on all fours and stroked her ...... little ass.


Nene jolts and makes a good noise.

"Hey. Does doing that make sense?"

Although Serina gives me a sharp look.

"I don't know. But you, too, fee the gaze, don't you?"

"Yeah, ......, but I don't see the point. If they're a monster, it's not like you're doing that. ......"

"I don't know. I'm not sure. The monsters on this layer are demons. They have a certain amount of intelligence."

"Well, yeah, but ......"

"That's enough, Nene."

I said to Nene, who was still on all fours.

"Ah, yes."

"What's next? Do you want to split up and go into two separate entrances?"

"No, that's a definite no-no. If one of us runs into a boss or a powerful enemy, we'll be in danger."

I shook my head quickly.

It would be too dangerous to disperse.

"Right. ......"

"Let's go right."

I decide to head in the direction I feel the gaze.