"All right, that's it for today. We're going to surface."

""" Roger that """

Rounding up with a day's worth of food left. As usual.

The ninth layer has tough enemies and traps, but it's not impossible for us to conquer it.

I had such a good feeling.

We stood on top of the magic circle at the starting point and transferred back to the first layer.

The return trip would only take a moment. It was much easier.

But then I heard a voice from the other side of the passage.

"Hehe, I bet there's some great treasure up ahead!"

"But, Jack, I can't believe no one's found this place yet."

This is bad.

I was about to turn back, but before I could, the other party showed up.

They must have spotted us, too.

"We've been spotted..."

"Oh no, no, no, no!"

"W-w-w-w-w-what should we do?"


"Calm down. Nothing happened. Keep that look on your face."

I whispered. They don't know that this is the entrance to the ninth layer yet.

We just need to feign ignorance here, for those without the [Ring of Proof], this is just a dead end passage.


When I raised my hand and called out, the adventurer on the other side dropped their sword, pouted, and then regretted it.

"Damn it! Someone's been here before us! So, what's down the road?"

"You'll have to find out for yourself. If I told you it was a dead end, you wouldn't believe me anyway."

"Well, yeah."

"Hey, Jack, these are the Black Cats of the Wind."

The guy next to him noticed who we were.

"What? Those A-rank speeders they're talking about?"

"Yeah, definitely. They've got all the pretty girls. And they told us his name before. You forget, Jack."

"Hmm? Ah! That ghost bastard."

I had told them my name as a sign that I wasn't a PK or a monster when I passed over them in an emergency, and they seemed to remember that.

That's a nasty coincidence.

"That's rude. I'm human, you know. See you later."

But I said it plainly and walked on.

"Oh, yeah. But what's an A-rank doing in a place like this on the first layer? Is there a staircase there?"

"Let's go to the back and find out. Let's go, Jack."


We climb down from behind the warrior statue in silence. They must have used the rope to get up here.

"Alec, Alec."

Letty whispers to me.

"What is it? I'm going to have to dismiss it anyway, but just say the word."

"What's that? That pisses me off. If we just take them out quick enough, they'll never know."

"Don't even think about it. They're gonna find it someday anyway, and we're not gonna PK them. Am I right?"

I'll turn around and check with everyone.

"Of course."

"Of course it is."


Everyone nods. It's a good party.

"Siighhh, hey, guys, why don't you stop playing such a good person? You should be more honest with yourself."

"Letty, stop tempting me. If you persist in leading me down the wrong path, I'll expel you."

"Nuuu! O-Oh, no, of course I'm just joking. It's just part of the sting operation. Alec, this party will be fine! I can assure you that you won't be tempted in any way."

Letty gives a thumbs up with a crisp face.


The whole party looks at Letty with warmth in their eyes, but she's nailed it, so it should be okay.

"So, let's go up ......Hmm? What's up with Mare?"

I looked behind me and noticed that we were down one member.

The silent bowman was gone.

"Huhh? She was with us when we left the magic circle. Where did she go?"

"Are you sure, Jouga?"

"I'm sure. Because she was standing right in front of me just now."

"I saw her too."

Ione confirmed it too?

What do we do now?

Did Mare take Letty's temptation and go clean up Jack and the others?

No, she's not the type to go off on her own, you know.

She only says "Hmm", but she's still the kind of person who comes to me, the leader, for confirmation when she's going to do something.

It takes a lot of effort to communicate with her, though.

"Then, let's go back to look for her."

Serina said.

"No, wait, Serina. If we go back to where we were before, it'll look even more suspicious. We're on the first layer, so it won't be a problem if she's late."

It could simply be the bathroom.

"Hmm, I guess so. Let's go back to the inn first."

"If you come back, I'll scold her. Reporting, Contacting, and Consultation(Hourensou) is important." (TLN: Houkoku = Report, Renraku = Communicate, Soudan = Consult)

That's right, report, communicate, and consult.

"Do that, Saki."

Well, I'm sure Mare will be back soon. If this was the ninth layer, I'd be rushing around looking for her, but it's the first layer. At her level, she should be able to get through the goblins by herself.

I returned to the inn, took off my gear, and was playing a card game with Murphy and the others at a table on the first floor when Mare came back.

"Hey, Mare, where have you been?"


You really don't talk much, do you?

"I can't tell with that."


"Were you in the bathroom?"


Mare nodded, but .......

"You didn't hurt Jack and the others, did you?"


She shook her head this time.

Well, that's good. It looks like they are safe.

"All right, you can go now."


"You're in trouble, Alec. That thing looks like it could play some serious poker."

Murphy's sympathetic.

"Yeah. Murphy, forecard."

"What the hell!? You know what, Alec!? I was in jail the other day. I had a rough time."

"That's not the point now. Who do you think let you out of jail?"

I said, and Murphy nodded.

"It was you, Alec. I appreciate that, but did you hear? They're canceling the "Ren Hau" program."

"Well, I guess that's to be expected when you have so many dead people."

I hear there's been a couple more murders besides Murphy's case.

"Kkehh, let's get this over with before I get involved. Not my lucky day."

Murphy's grumbling, but he's certainly down on his luck.

"Just give me that silver."

"Damn, I shouldn't have bet so big. Take it, you robber!"

I took the silver coin and was collecting the cards for one more game when I felt a strange look on me.

I looked over and saw a man in a black robe walking towards me. It was a sharp-eyed man. And he looks like he's been working out a lot. He's not a magician, judging by his physique.

"Hey, Ada, looks like you got a visitor."

Murphy said, looking at the man in the robe.

"Wait. I'm not here to stay."

The man said.

"Then what is it?"

The man reached into his pocket, and both Murphy and I were alarmed, so we took our swords.

"Don't be hasty. I'm not going to fight you."

The man said, and put the bag down on the table. That sound, it must be gold coins.

"Uwoohh!? No, no, no, I can't play that big a game. I'm out of money."

Murphy was taken aback.

"Don't get me wrong. It's not a card game. But wouldn't you guys like to take the job and make some money?"

Says the man.

"No thanks."

I say immediately.

"Hey, Alec, it's a lot of money. You don't have to be so rude about it."

Murphy says, "It's a waste of money".

"But if you want to us go on a quest, you have to go through the adventurer's guild."

I'll give him the obvious reason.

"I'm a stranger. I don't trust the Adventurer's Guild here. I've heard rumors that it's run by a certain clan."

"If you're talking about White Dog, they're already been destroyed."

"But I have no way of confirming that information either."

"If you don't believe me, then you shouldn't be making requests of me."

"Then it's you."

The man looked at Murphy.

"Was that me? Well, I'm all ears. We're is a B-rank party, is that okay?"

"No problem."

Then the man stared at me. I guess he's trying to tell me that I'm an outsider and I'm in the way of his business meeting with Murphy.

"Fine. Murphy, if this is crazy talk, don't do it. There's life and there's property. You don't want to go back to jail."

"Hey, Alec! I just got thrown in there by mistake! The misunderstanding was quickly cleared up. Don't make it sound like I have a criminal record."

"All right, all right. Then do whatever you like."

I left my seat and walked up the stairs.

The man was still looking at me.

I shrugged my shoulders and went back to my room.