The next day――as we were getting ready to leave again to explore the ninth layer, Murphy stopped me.

"Hey, Alec, hold on a second."

"What is it? Murphy."

"I need a little favor. As a fellow foodie."

"You're a free guest, though. So we're separate party, and we're separate clan."

I'm gonna make sure Murphy doesn't get the wrong idea about that.

"Well don't say that. We know each other."

"Yeah, but I'm keeping my people waiting. Keep it briefly."

"Yeah, my bad, Jouga, Serina. This will be done soon."

"No problem."

"So, Alec, you have a pass to the castle, don't you?"

Murphy whispered.


"Can I borrow that for a second?"

"No, you can't. I got it straight from the king, and it's for my use only."

"Don't say that."

"What are you going to use it for? Ha-haa. That's for your client, isn't it?"

I guessed as we were talking that Murphy got the job from that guy in the robe.

"Ugh, no, I mean, yeah."

He admitted it.

"That makes it even worse. He's suspicious."

"Please don't say that, brother. According to him, there's a possibility that his estranged sister is working in the castle."

"If that's the case, why don't he just say so, give us a normal quest, or go see the castle himself?"

"That's the thing, he's a wanted man in the Kingdom of Portiana. He's a wanted for stealing. Of course, he's framed."

Murphy said confidently, and I looked him in the eye sullenly.

"Did you really believe that nonsense?"

"No, I think it's a little suspicious too, but I got 50,000 gold in advance. There's no way I'm going to back out."

"Murphy, I don't think that's right. Serina! Today's adventure is canceled."

"Okay. Murphy, you're being fooled."

Serina also says

"Damn it, let me dream too. Fifty thousand, you know? Fifty thousand. Fifty thousand gold!"

"That's why it's strange. Would you pay 50,000 for a guide to seeing your sister?"

"If she's his estranged sister, it's not surprising."

"Your sister, yes. But you can always see her at the castle. There's no hurry."

"No, no, no. He's a wanted man. If we take our time, he'll get caught."

Well, that makes a certain amount of sense. But the money up front is too generous.

"Murphy, don't tell anyone about this, but I'll give you good piece of information"

"What is it?"

"The king is being targeted by assassins. And on top of that, Portiana has a terrible relationship with Grandsword."

"No, no matter how much it is, that true?"

"Yeah. I heard it straight from the king. He's a snobbish king who can't resist going on an adventure. It's a lot more believable than your client's story."

"I wonder... ......"

"Did you get the sister's name?"

"I did. Of course I did. You probably think I'm an idiot without even trying, Alec."

"Well, yeah."

"Damn it. I'm the leader of a B-ranked party, you know. I made sure of that. Her name's Annie, brown hair, twin tails, 14 years old, from Portiana."


Very specific. Murphy's story has some credibility now.

"But is she real?"

"That's what I'm trying to find out. That's why I'm asking you for a pass."

"So you're not going to lend it to that client?"

"I was going to come in with you, but now that you mention it, that's not going to happen. I don't want to be a part of assassinating the king either."

"That's probably a good idea. Can you get in touch with the client?"

"No. But I haven't told him about the plan yet either. So while you're at it, why don't I go to the castle myself?"

"Okay, I'll go with you."

"Hey, Alec, I'm not paying you to come along."

"I don't care. If there's nothing wrong with that, Murphy, you can take all the money you want. I'll bet you don't."

"Damn, you're such a dick."

Murphy says, shaking his head and frowning.

"I'm going with you."

"Tsk, a nasty woman."

I say with a frown.

"What does that mean, Alec."

It means that if Annie were real, she'd be in the way of me getting to know her.

"Nothing. Let's go now."


I'm heading to the castle with Murphy, taking Serina and Meena with me.

"Security is tighter than before."

Serina said when she saw the castle gates, and indeed, the number of guards has doubled.

"Apparently, Alec's story is true. Good grief. ......"

Murphy shook his head and said, but we still don't know what happened to Annie.

"It's Alec from Black Cat of the Wind. Can we go inside?"

I showed the gate guard my pass.

"Yes, Alec-sama, please come through. I just need the name of your companion, please."

"This is B-rank Murphy, the "Gray Wolf Fang". I can vouch for his identity. No danger."

"Very well. Go ahead, sir."

A soldier opened the gate for me.

"Whoa, Alec-sama he said. That's awesome, Alec."

Murphy says excitedly as we pass by.

"It's no big deal. Anyway, do you know where Annie is?"

"No, but I heard she's a maid. I know her name. It'll be easy enough to ask."

"That's true, too."

"I'll go ask someone."

Serina grabbed that maid who was in the castle and asked her about Annie.

"She is here. The maid said she'd go get her."

"That would be great. Serina, I'll buy you a drink later."

"You don't need, Murphy, for something like that."

Serina smiles.

"Anyway Murphy, when she gets here, don't talk about your client right away, okay?"

I'll be careful.

"Why, Alec?"

"Because if they're really brother and sister, that's fine, but if they're not, Annie's in danger."

"I see what you mean. If she's just being used by the assassins, then maybe."

Murphy put his hand on his chin and agreed, but he had to talk to Annie first.

If that means she doesn't have an older brother, so be it.

"Um, sorry to keep you waiting. Do you need something for me?"

A girl came in, looking exactly as I had heard. She was 14 years old, with twin-tailed brown hair, freckles, and a simple look.

She was quite a beautiful girl. It's also good that she looks healthy and honest.

Serina looked troubled for a moment, but she's definitely in my strike zone.

"Oh, yeah. ......"

Murphy seemed unsure of how to start.

"We're on a quest to find people. Annie, I wonder if you have an older brother."

Serina cut in instead.

"No, I don't."

"Damn it! Goddamn it!"

Murphy held his head when he heard that.


"It's nothing. He's just talking himself. I heard you're from Portiana."

"Y-yeah, I am. ...... But when I was a kid, and I don't remember much about the other side. I grew up in Grandsword."

"Is that so? You moved here with your family?"

"Yes, with my mother. My father was a peddler, but he was robbed and that was it. I don't even remember his face."

"So you were a family of three?"

"Ah, no, we were a family of four at that time. I had one older brother, but he disappeared when my father were robbed, and he's probably not alive anymore."


"Alright! My time has come! He's got to be her older brother!"

"Shut up, Murphy. How old is this brother of yours?"

"Uh, two years older than me, I think."


Murphy was surprised, but I guess that eliminates the possibility that the client was her brother. No matter how you look at it, he didn't look sixteen.

I'd say he was over thirty.

"Thank you, Annie. It looks like you're not the person I was looking for. I'm sorry for calling you."

"No, if there's anything I can do to help, please let me know."

Annie is a good girl, she says with a smile. I'll ask for her help later. Fufu.

Of course, in front of Serina, I'll keep my mouth shut like I'm not interested in her anymore.

"Then, from now on,"

"I'll talk to the castle's guard."


"No, there's a line about him looking old, right? Alec."

"Give it up, Murphy. He's not that young and you already know it. Did he say he's two years younger than his sister?"

"No. ......"

He didn't say his age? That's natural. That's because he'd know he was lying.

And the fact that he was able to identify Annie's hair as twin-tailed only makes it more suspicious. It's no wonder that women have changed their hairstyle since they were little.

That assassin must have been looking into Annie, recently.

"I need to speak to someone from the Guard. It's about the king's bodyguard. I have important information."

I said in a hushed voice to the soldier there.

"I'll get him right away."

The soldier ran with a nervous look on his face, and several knights came over. One of them was familiar to me.

What was his name, I wondered. I'm pretty sure it was Ha, Ha, ...... I remember. Hawk-Dasim.

He was the burly captain of the guard who was in charge when the bard Frenian was arrested.

"Oh, Alec-sama, I heard you had some information for me."

"Yeah, I do. Can we talk in the other room?"

"Of course. This way, please."

I'll be taken to a small room where I'll tell him what happened.

"I see, that's suspicious. How could he impersonate Annie's brother?"

"I don't know if he's an assassin or not, but the atmosphere and this lie make me think it's possible."

"Yeah, we need to investigate it. Do you have a contact for the man?"


"He told me he'd be in touch again, but he didn't tell me where he was staying. But, you know, we're staying at the "Dragon's Dwelling Tree Residence", so I'm sure he'll be back there."

Murphy replied.

"Fumu, fumu, that's a good chance. I've got an idea. Can you help me?"

"Well, if it's a request from Grandsword's head guard, I can't refuse."

"Very well. Then, Murphy-sama, pretend to be on board with his story and lure him to this castle."
