A dark hall on the ninth level.

We're dealing with an enemy that will kill us if we make one wrong move. An enemy that even level 49 couldn't stand up to.

「Alec! Up there!」

I didn't think there was anything nearby yet, but Serina shouted sharply.

Suddenly, a presence appeared.

I see, a magical body.

I'd better assume this guy is like a fog.

I caught the claws swinging down from above my head with my sword.


It was heavy.

I intentionally lost my balance and fell to the side to save my life, but if I had taken it seriously, my body would have been crushed.

「Don't take the claws seriously! It's heavy.」


The member's reply was delayed by a scream from behind.

「It's a lie, n- no way, this is must be dream, noo, AAaahhhhhh!!!」

It's Thalia.

Well, that was to be expected, but it seems that Gallard had already passed away.

Saki yells at her.

「Thalia! What are you doing here? You came here to bring Gallard home! If you have time to scream, you should take the mementos to your friends. That's what you're supposed to do, isn't it?」

「Kkuhh! I understand. Ugh...」

Thalia cried as she ran, carrying Gallard's sword and armor. The armor seemed to be completely empty.

The flames of magic have burned it all away.

I didn't like some of the things he did, but he died protecting his friends.

He was a good clan leader.

「Avoid direct contact with the flames. Whoa!」

Black flames attacked me from the side I mentioned. I quickly dodged to the right, but even though I was hit by the flames, the damage was not as severe as the first time.

I can still go.



「I'm fine. I can withstand a direct hit for 20 seconds. But not you. Avoid them.」


「There it is! Kkuhh!」

Ione slashed at it, but it seems to have missed.

「This here! What?」

Serina also slashed at it, but still missed.

「No, that's not right! If the claws are there and the head was there earlier, then of course the body should be here! What's going on!?」

「Jouga, forget about the dragon's body for now. All we have here are flames and claws. He doesn't have a body.」

I said, knowing exactly what this dragon was.


「Well, think of it as two separate enemies, claws and flames.」

Serina also said.

「Which mean, the only target we can aim is claws.」

Hannah said, but the flames will be tough. That's good decision.

「All right, aim the claws it is!」

Luka's avoided attacking claws by a paper-thin margin and slashed at it in the opposite direction.

I heard a nice crunching sound, but that was it.

「Tsk, it's hard!」

「Don't push yourself. Leave it to Serina.」

「Yeah, I'd ...... do this! 【Starlight Attack!】」

Serina slashes at the claws head-on without avoiding them from the start.

It was a close call, but a stardust effect was applied and one of the claws disappeared.

「I did it!」

「Nice work, Serina!」

However, the second claw grazed her body, and she seemed to be surprised.

「Kyaaahh! What?」

「Don't let your guard down. The enemy is not one. You said it yourself, they are separate entities.」

「I-I see. Claws, too. So there's three of them.」

「I thought they were big, but they're not. Then there's no need to be scared. Oraa! [Helmet-split!」

Jouga swung his broadsword down with all his might, but that shattered the second claw.

「Oooh, you're good, Jouga!」

「Good job, Jouga.」

「Heh, I guess I'll have to play a part in this one!」

「Not yet, It still have one claw left. And the flame.」

Hannah warned us to be careful, but I think we can handle the claws, but the flames are tricky.

If I inhale it, ...... it's going to be a bit of a mess.

How do I beat it?

「Fufufu, haven't you all forgotten? That there's a super genius magician here!」

「Do you have a plan, Letty?」

「I do! I'll take care of that fire. I can take care of it in no time at all――Gyaaaa!」

Letty suddenly collapsed.

「「「 Letty! 」」」

She got attacked from behind by a claw. You, you're flagging too much every time.

「Saki, how deep is her wound?」

I've already confirmed in the window that she have some HP left, but there are some wounds that can be recovered quickly and some that can't.

「She's fainting, she' got pretty serious wound. I'll take her back to Fianna.」

「Then we'll take out the claws first.」

「「「 I understand 」」」


Mare shot the claw with an arrow and shattered it, but it seems she used some kind of skill. I have no idea what it's called because she doesn't talk.

「Not bad! Mare.」


「Now all that's left is the flames!」

「Priority evade the flames! We wait for Letty.」

「「「 All right 」」」

Perhaps because the claws had been annihilated, the dark flames attacked in rapid succession as if in a rage, but with our magic resistance raised by our skills, it wasn't that much of a threat.

It's not that difficult to avoid them.

「S-sorry to keep you waiting...」

「Are you all right, Letty? You look a little dizzy, like you've just woken up from a nap. Do you think you can cast a magic?」

Serina asks.

「Somehow. Well, I'll cast the magic, and then let the flame shoot right at me.」

「A direct hit? And you'll be okay with that?」

「I'll be fine, I'll be fine. I wouldn't use a spell that would kill me even if I were dead.」

I guess so

「How much time do you need?」

「Three seconds. Evil God-sama~ Evil God-sama~, I'm offering you delicious magic power now! Please eat it!」

Is it okay with you, Serina? I've been looking at her like she's the one who's going to defeat the Dark Flame.

「No problem. Guide the flames to Letty.」

「「「 Okay 」」」


Meena guided her backwards, successfully avoiding the flames that were attacking her.

As the flames engulfed Letty, she became a pillar of fire, burning even more flamboyantly.

「A-are you sure you're okay with that?」

「Don't ask me. If it doesn't work, we'll retreat for now.」


「Aahh~, it's delicious, this spicy stuff, it's revitalizing!」

That's Nene talking.

「Nene, is Letty alive?」

「Ah, yes, Letty-sensei seems to think so, so It's okay.」


The flames sizzled out, and there stood Letty in her usual purple-blue robe.

「Phew, success success!」

Letty, who dusted off her clothes with a plop, seemed to be fine.

「Serina, any sign of the enemy?」

「Zero. We're clear.」

「Drops are perfect, too. Scales and magic books.」

「All right. Let's head back, in case they're worried about us.」

「Yeah, sure.」

We started walking towards the light coming through the door.