Volume 12 - Epilogue

Gallard's clan was still there waiting for us.

They were all staring at the white armor with tears in their eyes.

It's hard to talk to them.

It's not like I'm particularly close to them, even if I care about them, and in fact, I think everyone but Gallard hates me.

Here's ...... I guess, it's just like me to say this.

「I've avenged him. The Dark Dragon has been defeated.」

「I-is that true!?」

「Aren't you just comforting us?」

「There's no way you can beat that thing.」

「If you think I'm lying, go in there and find out yourself. Well, It might decide it's another party and spawn again. If you raise your magic resistance, avoid the flames, and break the claws one by one, you can defeat it. The flames may not be straightforward, but ...... It's not one piece, it's a collection of parts. There is no body.」

「Ah! I see, that's why its legs and body are missing!」

The warrior noticed and slapped his armor.

「Hmm, If each of the parts is a monster, and the flames are magical creature monsters,...... there are ways to do it,...... but it looks like we can't do it.」

The mage laugh. He had given it his all and been easily defeated. Even if they knew who it was, they would have struggled.

We were able to raise our magic resistance by distributing my skill points, but a normal party would have to rely on equipment or magics.

If it was just one person, it would be difficult even for an A-rank party to have enough for everyone.

「The drops were scales and magic books.」

「I see. We're going to go back to the surface and mourn for Gallard and the others. I don't know what will happen in the future, but. ...... Well, I think we should all talk about it.」

「Yeah, that's probably a good idea. We're going back to surface too. If you don't mind, let's go together.」


They're missing a few members due to casualties. The current 【The Seeker of the Holy Grail】 will have a hard time fighting on the ninth layer. Even if the opponents are small fry. The traps in the Dark Zone are also going to be tough since they lack a Thief.

And there is no leader for them to rely on anymore.

The other side seemed to be grateful for my offer, and everyone nodded with a relieved expression.

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I gave the scales that the dark dragon had dropped to the weaponsmith, and while he was making me armor, I took a break from adventuring for a while.

As you can imagine, the ninth layer is harsh, so I'm not in the mood to dive right in.

I've been to the place where the first king gave up and went home, and I feel like I've reached a breaking point.

...... is the ostensible reason.

「Landlady, give me a breakfast.」

I grab a fork in the inn's dining room and demand that Ada to do it.

「It's already past noon, Alec, and since you call it breakfast, you should have it in the morning. I can reheat the rest of the soup if you like. Two gold for the labor.」

「Isn't that a rip-off? Well, that's fine. By the way, has anyone come to visit me?」

「No. You've been asking me that every day. Who are you waiting for?」

「That's a secret. You never know where information might leak out.」

「I'm a woman of my word.」

「Hmm. ...... It's Thalia.」

「Thalia? Ah, the archer who came all the way to you from the 【The Seeker of the Holy Grail】. She's a summer bug that flies into the fire, huh.」

「Yeah, a summer bug. I'm sure she'll come back to visit me.」

「I doubt it. Maybe she got fed up and went back to her old ways.」

「I don't think so.」

I assured her with certainty. She loved Gallard so much that she wouldn't have found it interesting to be a "The Seeker of the Holy Grail" without him, and if she was a girl who wanted Gallard, she wouldn't have gotten along with a girl who wanted has the same purpose.

I, on the other hand, remained a gentleman while Thalia was around. I had stripped her naked during the interview, but I thought that was safe. I made up a good reason, and she agreed with it. Fufu.

But she's not here yet. Would you normally leave a clan you joined without saying anything?

That's something you shouldn't do as an adventurer, or even as a person. I know she came to me to spy on me, but there should still be a formal greeting. I'm not supposed to find out.

Does she want to go preaching now?

No-no, wait, wait. I'm afraid that if she do that, she'll say that she's acting suspiciously and that she's actually a spy.

After pouring the tasteless onion soup into my stomach, I gave up playing card games with Murphy when he said there were no refills, and Thalia finally arrived.

「Um, Alec-san?」

The elf with the bow called out to me, looking dejected.

「Oooh, how have you been, Thalia? We were worried about you.」

「I'm sorry to have caused you worry. I'm not feeling well. ...... But I'm still planning to continue my adventure.」

「Ooh, that would be great. It's better to be doing something so you don't get depressed. Come on over to my place. They're all good guys.」

「Yes, actually, I'm up for that request.」

「All right, let's talk upstairs. Murphy, it's four card.」

「Aah!? Damn it! Not again!」

「Fufu, Alec-san, you're a strong card player, aren't you?」

Thalia laughed.

「Yeah, not so much, though」

I smiled at her like it was no big deal, but it's no surprise that I'm stronger than Murphy. I'm a resilient hero, so if even I don't cheat, I can usually beat him with my luck ability. Of course, I don't tell Murphy about this.

We goes into my room and lock the door.

「C'mon, sit down.」

Designate the bed with my hand.

「Yes, but first, I'm sorry!」

Thalia lowers her head vigorously.

Mmm, You can't keep me company, huh?

「To tell you the truth, the reason I joined this clan was to scout out the Gallard rival clan.」

Yeah, I knew that.

「Did Gallard send you?」

「No, he asked me if I had any information on your clan, so I offered myself to go check it out. He seemed reluctant because he said, "I don't hear too many good things about his relationships with women, so..." but I was like, "I'm not sexy and I have small breasts", so it's okay.」

「Aah, I see.」

「I'm sorry for deceiving you. If you still want to――」

「I don't mind. I know you were trying to help your clan ,weren't you. You did it a little wrong, but information is important.」

「Yes, sir. I'm glad you said that.」

「How's it going over there now?」

「【The Seeker of the Holy Grail】 are on par with the first king, and there are a lot of retirees. It was decided that the remaining two team would do their best with Arnett as their leader. ...... To tell you the truth, I don't really like that guy.」

Well, she was a woman. Arnett must have been after Gallard, too.

「Is that okay with you?」

「Ah, yes, Alec-san is quite all right. You avenged him.」

That was a high point, after all. I don't really care if Gallard is alive or dead, I would have done the confrontation with the boss.

「But it must have been hard for you, too.」

「Yes, I did. But I decided to stay positive. I know I'll never be as good as Gallard-san, but I've decided to become an adventurer in my own right.」

「There's no need to push yourself too hard.」

I hugged Thalia gently, pretending to be a gentleman. It's a father's position. But I keep my hands firmly on her hips.

「Ah, yes, thank you very much. But I'm not pushing myself too hard.」

「When you're lonely, the warmth of a person is the best. I'm sure you'll be satisfied with my technique.」

「Yes? No, um, for now, please don't touch my butt. Hyaaa! H-hey, please don't put your hand under my skirt. W-wh-wh-wh-what are you doing!?」

「Thalia, let's be more honest. You would have jumped for joy the day Gallard did this to you, wouldn't you?」

「Huh!? No, he wouldn't do that.」

「If he did, that is.」

「No, well, there were times when we talked alone, so I was a little nervous and wary. ......Kyaaa! Y-you can't touch me.」

「Look, I bet you masturbated in bed imagining these perverted things. As long as you and I are adventurers, we don't know when we'll die, right? It's much better to have sex and have fun before you die. You missed out on that happiness because you didn't choose to come on to Gallard yourself.」

I'll also fold it up using 【Talking】.

「Ehh? No, but I'm very....」

「I'll train you in that area.」

「Hyaaahnn, Y-you don't have to train it!」

She's confused, but she doesn't hate it that much. I'm not getting slapped, and most importantly, she's not trying to run away.

「But have you ever wished you could have kissed Gallard at least once?」

I say and bring my lips close to her.

「That's ...... well ...... hmmm, hmmm? Mmm! Mmm!」

Yes, first kiss, I got it.

「W-w-w-w-why did you suddenly ki-ki-ki-kiss me!?」

All right, she's freaking out just fine. Now, if I can just get things moving at a pace faster than Thalia's thinking speed, I can get there.

「That way, when a nice guy like Gallard shows up again, you can kiss him right away.」

「No, I didn't say anything about wanting you to train me――Mmm, mmm, Nnhh, Ahnnn ♪」

I slipped my tongue in and used the [Super Fast Tongue Technique]. *Lick*, *roll roll**roll roll**roll roll*, *slurp*, *roll roll* ♪.

Of course, both of my hands are using [Stroking Lv5] skill and I've been stroking her little butt since earlier.

「But you've got to take your chances. Thalia, I'm sure you've anticipated this kind of danger since you're an undercover spy.」

「*gasp!*, I was a little worried, but no, no, no, no, I though all I got was a quick pat on the butt.」

「How naive, how naive of you, a female spy. Here's what happens when you get found out」

【Strip Lv5】


「Besides, doesn't it feel good to be touched? Just think if Gallard touched you.」

「It's absolutely impossible. Um, and I don't really want to think about Gallard-san right now. ......」

「Oh, okay. Then I'll make you forget about him for now. With my skills.」

「Ehh? Really?」

「Yeah. You won't be able to think about anything else, with sex.」

I say, wringing my hands.

「Ugh. T-that's what you mean. ......」

「You don't like it?」

「No, um, can you touch my butt just one more time?」

「What, you like it, huh? Thalia-kun, you've got some real talent, you know that?」

「W-What talents!? It's not like that. I'm an adult now, and I'm just a little ...... curious.」

Thalia stammered and turned away.

「Of course it's good. That's healthy too.」

I gently hug her and pat her buttocks from underneath in a genlte manner.


Thalia's whole body trembled and she let out a bouncy moan.

「Do you want to know more, Thalia-kun?」


The blushing girl replied honestly, moving her gaze restlessly from side to side.

「Then lie on your back on the bed. It's a frog pose.」

「Ehh? Naked like this?」

「Of course. The more embarrassed you are, the more pleasure you'll get.」

「P-pleasure......gulp. Uuhh.....I think it might have been a mistake to come here .......」

Muttering this, Thalia turned on her back as I had instructed.