The "Door" is located on an arched pillar near the ceiling of the tenth layer.

As I passed through it alone, I immediately experienced a state of incomprehension.


I thought I was walking horizontally, but my body was suddenly being pulled forward. And it wasn't the wind.

「What? Is this a fall?」

In the darkness, I could see the walls of a tunnel glowing faintly around me. It's a translucent cloud-like tunnel. The speed quickly gains momentum, but then I remembered that the erotic hat was also falling down the tunnel earlier.

The gravity is fixed on the front side, so the front side is the direction of the ground.

There is also air inside the tunnel. Outside is the universe where you can see the stars.

I understood and regained my composure, then remembered the purpose of entering this place.

「Tsk, I don't know where the starting planet anymore?」

I turned around and thought I'd screwed up, but I was going too fast for that. But this was still the naked eye. The tunnel is a thin line and I can see all the way to the other side, so if I follow it with my 【Clairvoyance Lv3】, I should be able to see the future of that planet.

That is, if the evil god is right.

I immediately used the 【Clairvoyance】.

As if I were looking through a telescope, the image zoomed in quickly. I think I'm going to get a little drunk, but I also have 【Anti-Sickness Lv5】. I'll be fine.

As I followed the thin line of the distant tunnel, I could see the planet where I was starting from.

It's a greenish planet. Unlike Earth, this planet seems to have a lot of land.

I zoomed in further. My vision was passing through the clouds, but I was clairvoyant.

Remembering the map, I determined the location of the Kingdom of Grandsword based on the coastline and mountain ranges, and zoomed in on Grandsword Castle.

I could see it.

It's approaching from the upper side of the castle, looking down on me.

「Next is the ...... inn.」

I move my viewpoint to the "Dragon's Dwelling Tree Residence" where we're currently staying, and land on the ground.

It's amazing, I can see the ground on the same scale at such a distance. The magnification of the clairvoyant is outrageous.

I have no idea how it can see horizontally.

However, perhaps because I was looking at the image with a telescope lens, the periphery of my vision was a little shaky and blurry.

I looked at the counter of the inn, but found Ada, the landlady, was as usual. She was moving in real time in front of me. There was a wooden tag hanging behind Ada, dated September 8th, today's date.

Murphy is also playing a card game with a stranger at the table, but He's like playing card, too.

He's got his armor on, so I guess it's just a game until his friends are ready.

I don't think he can even hear the sound with my clairvoyance. Murphy is laughing, as if he has a good hand of cards, but I can't hear anything.

But this Murphy was different from the Murphy I knew.

He was much better equipped. I see, this is what he looks like in the future.

If so, it would be exactly one year from now.

I went up the side stairs. Normally, I wouldn't be able to see through the roof or walls, but with my 【Clairvoyance Lv3】, I can easily move my perspective.

「Murhh, I guess it's not my room anymore: ......」

The room on the second floor that I was using was being used by a strange male adventurer. He's changing his clothes, but I don't want to see the bastard, and if I were alive, I wouldn't let him change in my room. And the luggage is different, too.

Just to be sure, I looked around for Serina and Luka's room, but they were no longer living here either.

Tsk, I've wasted enough time. I don't know how much longer I can keep my vision at this distance.

I need to hurry up and find me.

But how?

What came to my mind was the first country in the other world where I was first summoned by the magicians. It was the Kingdom of Vernia.

I'm planning to leave the Kingdom of Grandsword soon, so if I were there, I'd probably in one of the other countries.

There's a good chance I'll be striking out, but let's see what the Kingdom of Vernia will look like in a year.

Once I returned the telescope to the sky, I moved my viewpoint to the east.

I followed the road, and soon found the Kingdom of Vernia.

The five-day journey by horse-drawn carriage would only take a moment.

I zoomed back in.

The wheat in the fields around the kingdom was wheat-colored, probably just before harvest. The ears of wheat were hanging down, and they were full of fruit.

I think it was almost harvest time, but this was a year later.

A farmer's daughter was walking along the street, wearing an oddly short miniskirt.

I took an angle of her skirt from below――.

Oops, this was not the time to lock on to a beautiful girl.

My vision was getting blurry at times, and the blurriness was slowly increasing.

I think I'm about to reach my limit.

It's not going to be easy to find the future me.

But that's okay.

In a year's time, I'll go to the Kingdom of Vernia and pick up this miniskirt-wearing girl and make her take off her clothes. She has a really cute face.

Then, the girl suddenly falls on her buttocks and starts to feel uneasy.

The ground goes dark.

What was that?

I looked behind.

There was a huge black sea anemone. It must have been more than 20 meters long.

What the hell is this thing?

It looked strangely bossy for a monster that appears in the field.

Its wriggling form was the first thing that struck me as disgusting. It's a shiny black monster with an uncanny appearance.

Perhaps because it was right next to the castle town, the castle soldiers were quick to rush in, spearing and slashing at the anemone with their swords.

However, they didn't seem to be doing any damage.

In the meantime, the anemone shook its body and smashed the soldiers together with its tentacles, crushing them.

「Murhg... Serina and Saki?」

I recognized them as soon as I saw them. A swordsman in a white cloak and a twin-sword thief in leather armor rushed to the scene and started fighting.

Behind them were Fianna, Jouga, Ione, Letty, Nene, Lily, Mea, and Hannah. Sarah's party is also there.

Then there's me and Meena, who was ...... there!

I'm wearing a gold circlet on my head and a gorgeous cape.

What the heck is that?

Well, it may look subtle, but it's probably equipment with high defense and magic defense.

「What the hell!?」

The future me unleashed the Ice Javelin spell, but the sea anemone seemed to have absorbed it.

It seems to have taken no damage and is continuing to move towards the castle.

「Oi, why don't you retreat? Idiot, stop! Take it easy!」

My stomach turned cold, but they were all fighting like they had no choice. If our attacks don't work, we should just retreat and reassess our strategy.

If we don't, someone's going to die.

Sure enough, Jouga was the first to fall. Saki carried him on her back and tried to run away, but a tentacle swung down on her as if to catch her up.

Both of them were beaten.

Serina slashed the tentacles with her [Starlight Attack], but instead of disappearing or dying, the tentacles she cut off grew larger.

So this is a split. ......!

I see, it seems that we in the future have had a battle with this thing once and know who it is.

I can see the impatience on everyone's face instead of surprise.

However, if Serina's [Starlight Attack] and my [Ice Javelin] don't work, it's going to be ...... tough fighting this monster.

Letty summoned a golem and hit it, but it was sizzling back under its power.

Ione made a profound move, but it seemed to have little effect. Immediately after, Ione was hit by a tentacle. That would have killed her instantly.

Serina and the others were still down and not moving.

Then, Sarah was beaten. Nene and Meena also collapsed.

My friends were dying one by one.

*ngh!* I was surprised to hear a sound near my ear, but it was the sound of my teeth grinding.

「Hmm? Is that Keiji and Erwin?」

Why are they here?

The junior high school hero, Keiji, comes towards the them with a bright smile that seems out of place, drawing his sword.

Erwin also smiled, then produced a magic circle and started chanting a spell on the spot.

The surgeon, Kojima-sensei, also rushed in and desperately held the bleeding belly of the fallen Meena with his hand, but there seemed to be nothing else he could do.

There, the electric shock spell that Erwin had cast fell and struck. On top of Meena's body.

In addition, Keiji swung at the unconscious Meena, who was blasted by the electric shock――

「Stop it! You little shit!」

I reached out my hand, but it cut through the air. I then tried to do the [Instantaneous Movement], and remembered that this scene was a year in the future.  

If I deviated from this tunnel, I would never be able to return to my original location.

「Damn, I can't see anymore.」

I seemed to have reached the limit of my distance, and my vision quickly faded away, the planet shrinking to nothing but dark space.

What the hell was that?

I know it's a scene from a year from now.

I also know that a powerful monster has appeared right in front of Vernia Castle.

However, it looked like Keiji and Erwin were covering for that monster, and were even more hostile to us.

No, that's what it looked like.

They were attacking Meena, trying to cut her down.

Could that black anemone have been summoned by Erwin?