
「Master! I'm glad you're safe!」

Meena jumped at me, and I realized that I was back in the tenth layer.

「How much time has passed since then?」

That's the first thing I ask.

「Fufu, you ask a strange question. It's been a moment. You walk in and walk out. I've lost my mind worrying about you.」

Serina replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

「That's exactly what I was thinking. If you hadn't come back in an hour, I was going to go look for brother!」

「I'm with you.」

「I believed you, you know? Of course my darling would come back.」

「Phew, I'm glad.」


「Well, I'm sorry for worrying you. Let's go.」

「Wait. Alec, what did you see over there?」

Hannah asked me.

「...... No, nothing. My clairvoyance failed me.」


「Well, as long as you're safe, right?」

「Yeah. It's better not to see the future, I guess.」

『Actually, ......, I saw you all die.』

If I tell them, some of them will be scared to death for the next year.

I'll tell them when the time is right, but it doesn't have to be now. There's still time.

We don't need to talk about it now.


「Letty, what color and shape will this evil god take when it materializes?」

I asked something else.

「Well, it's a very cute little white rabbit.」

「Are you sure about that?」


「I'm sure. I can't wait to build up my erotic power and show you guys how pretty this one. I can see myself rubbing on your chest and saying, "Oohh, You're so cute!」

The hat says proudly.

「I see. Letty, give me that hat.」

「Yeah. Sure.」

I took the hat and burned it with [Fireball Lv5].

In an instant, the hat turned into charcoal and stopped talking.

「Hey! W-w-w-w-what are you doing, you idiot!!!?」

Letty froze and grabbed her hat to take it back, but the charcoal shattered in her hands.

「Eeekkkk! Evil god-samaaa! Look, panties, it's panties! Cheer up! Uwaahhh, Oh, no, he's completely dead!」

I ask Letty, who is crying on all fours.

「Letty, how much magic can you do in that state?」

「How much is 30% less, 30% less! Uwahh, now I can't summon the golem in a short time, and I'm not sure if I can use the instant death spell, and I can't use slime magic.」

「Hmm, I'm relatively okay without it.」


「Well, I'll give you 10,000 points for this apology later.」

「Oh. Hmm, that might be a better deal.」

All right, I've buried the suspicious one for now. Next time I see a black anemone, I'll bury it as fast as I can.

「And don't try to find any new evil gods, Letty.」

「You don't have to worry about that, it was super rare. It took me three years to decipher it after I accidentally found it in the underground storage of a magic guild I snuck into, and I had a hard time finding the place where it was sealed.」

If it's super rare and I finally found it by stealing it from the magic guild, the next evil god won't be so easy to find. Then good.

「Hey, Letty, I just heard something I don't want to hear... Did you steal it?」

Serina put her hands on her hips and asked with a difficult face.

「Eh? No, ...... I did return the old document properly. I didn't steal it. I just borrowed it. It's just borrowed. No one even noticed. It's back there!」

「Letty, ....... I'll lecture you later.」

「Question, sir. Because it was Alec who killed the evil god, so why should I get lecture?」

「No, it's your fault, Letty. You should reflect on yourself.」

「Hey, hey.」

「You know....」

「That's enough, Serina. The evil god is gone. If it's a god of some sort, it might come back again, but not in our lifetime.」

That "Immortal King" will take three hundred years to heal from the injuries he got slashed by Serina. If it's an evil god that was turned into charcoal and hadn't fully recovered, it will take more than that.

「That's right. The next time I see a talking hat, I'll slay it without question. Okay.」

I'm going to warn her, though.

「You might end up as a PK bounty hunter, so don't do it out of the blue.」

「Oh, I see.」

「But is this the last place? This is the tenth layer. I don't see a boss either.」

Saki said, looking around.

「There might be one if we look for it, but we're done here. Let's go back to the surface. We're done exploring the Labyrinth of No Return.」

「「「 Okay! 」」」

Everyone who responded with a spirited voice must have thought that this labyrinth was indeed enough.

I don't want any more traps that are too difficult for me either.

I don't feel like doing the tenth layer or the tenth layer bosses. I've had my fill of dark dragons.

It's too much trouble to ride the moving floor again, so I trust Letty's levitation magic and fall straight down.

It was a reasonably long flight time, but we were able to land on the bottom floor without any problems. It wasn't so great that my body spun around while I was falling, though.

「Now, it's the job of an adventurer to return home. Let's go with caution.」

Saki said, and everyone paid attention to their surroundings.

We climbed up the long, slow stairs, and then the stairs to the ninth layer.

「Phew, I thought something would definitely come out, but there was nothing.」

「Yeah. That was a strange floor.」

Well, it's best if there's nothing.

We left the labyrinth, went up to the surface, and returned to the inn.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

After removing my gear and relaxing with dinner, I got up from Meena's lap pillow.

「Meena, I'm sorry, but I need you to invite five people to this room: Serina, Ione, Saki, Mare, and Hannah. Just them and no one else.」

I've chosen the six people I need to talk to about the future. Meena is a little nervous about talking, but she trusts me a lot, so she should be fine.

「I understand. Let's see. Finally, the seven of us are finally going to have a 7P? Gulp.」

「No, it's not. I mean, Hannah's not my girl yet.」

「I thought you'd force her to do it.」

「No, I can't. Hannah is the type of girl who would definitely leave me if I raped her. She's not like the pervert Serina.」

「Is that so? Yeah, I guess you could say that. Well, I'll go get them.」

「Yeah, please do.」

While Meena goes to call everyone, I think about how I'm going to say.

「Well, I guess I'll just tell it like it is.」

It's also difficult to decide if what I saw was a definite fate or if it can be changed.

I wanted to discuss this and other issues with everyone.

「Oh, come on, Alec, you called all of us. You're not planning to have a 7P with all of us, are you」

As soon as she came in, Serina said that.

「You're also thinking about eroticism, aren't you? I'm not talking about sex. I'm talking about serious strategy.」

「Ah, yeah, I get it.」

I told them exactly what I saw at the "Door" at the tenth layer today.

「Ehh? I see. You were acting a little strange, so I suspected that you might have seen something in the future.」

After all, you have a keen intuition, Serina.

「But it's a good thing that Darling didn't tell us right then and there. Lily and Nene would have been scared, and Letty would have escaped.」

Saki said.

Well, not many people would want to go to a place where they know they're going to die.

I can't blame Letty for escaping.

Of course, I'll have her join the battle without telling her. She's a genius magician, right? She's got skills.

「I don't know if my skills are good enough for a black anemone. ...... Return to the kingdom of Vernia. ...... Ahem, you are going?」

Ione has rephrased "return" and changed it to "go", but Vernia is her birthplace.

「Don't be weird about it, Ione, of course we're going back.」

「Is that so? Then I guess I'll just have to train.」

「Yeah. I want each of you to think of a countermeasure based on what I've just said.」

「Yes, Master!」

「Yes, I understand.」

「「 Yes 」」


「Leave it to me! A little bit of anemone, is easy」

I'm glad I talked to these guys. They all seem to have a positive attitude and will come up with something good to do.

I guess it's the role of a leader to rely on his friends.