That's a perfect reason.

The clan leader is responsible for killing Zorome and does it in secret.

And she had some pretty nice boobs.

「I can't let you do that.」

「The same goes for me.」

But if it's just Serina, even Ione refused.

「Her level is low. If you're worried about me, don't be.」

「Yeah, I'm not worried about Alec winning or losing at all, but the fact that you're facing a young girl is a bit much. That type doesn't belong at our party.」

「That's okay. I'll just give her a little spanking and take her back to the castle. I won't allowed her to join the party.」

「Can you promise me that?」

「Yeah, I promise.」

「All right, then. I'll leave it to you Alec. But we're leaving tonight as planned, so don't be late.」

Serina says.

「Yeah. That's fine with Ione, too.」

「Yes, if you say so, I'm fine with it too.」

「Hmm, if Alec says so, we'll wait in the carriage.」

Sarah, you've been very thoughtful, and now we're all set.

「He's a disgusting, pervert old man who likes that woman.」

Lunette said with a dumbfounded look on her face, but who said that Zorome was a good woman?

Don't make the mistake of thinking that.

Well, I'm going to fuck her, aren't I?

That's simply payback for messing with our party members.

Perhaps the loli girl who even showed her nipples in the audience during the match was a ploy by Zorome to get the Mad King to win.

It was an exhibition match, so it didn't affect the official betting, but there was no doubt that Zorome and her team were placing bets behind the scenes.

Now it was time for the fun part.

I headed for the room where Zorome was.

「Oh, you're late, aren't you?」

Zorome seemed to have mistaken me for one of her subordinates, but she soon realized that I wasn't and changed her complexion.

「Alec! Why are you here!」

「You've done some interesting things to our members, Zorome.」

「Tsk, I can't believe you noticed it. ......」

「Listen, if you don't do any more kidnapping or any other illegal activities, I'll let you off with just jail time. I'll even give you a decent lawyer.」

「Ha, I don't know what you're talking about.」

「There's no point in telling me the truth, Hidaka Akira.」

「H-How do you know my real name?」

「It's a [Appraisal] skill. And since Sarah and the others from the A-rank party said they checked you out, the charges are clear.」


The impudent Akira looked at me with a 'so what' look.

I can't believe she's not feeling remorseful or even awkward. ......


「Then, let's get started. Change into this.」

I took out a uniform from the item storage.

It's a Japanese high school girl's uniform that I secretly acquired at an auction.

I don't know if it was made by a curious person from this world who heard about clothes from another world, but I don't know the details either.

But the quality is quite good.

I tried it on Meena, but it didn't fit her and she refused to wear it, so it was left in the item storage, but now it's finally time to see the light of day.

「Huh? Alec, you think you've won, don't you?」

「Of course I am. I'm an A-ranked party, a high-level hero who cleared the Labyrinth of No Return and came back. You're only level 25 and much lower than me」

「Fuh. Then bow down to me!」

Zorome threw two small stones on the floor.

I took a step back in alarm, but they were just dice. They didn't even hit me, they just rolled around on the floor.

But then the number 1 came up.


It's heavy.

My body.

It felt as if I was being weighed down by iron balls, and I couldn't stand it any longer, so I dropped to my knees and thrust my hands forward.

「Hahaha, It's funny to see an A-rank getting down on his knees, serves you right!」

「Damn, is that some kind of mental skill? No, it's not.」

I don't think I'm going to be easily beaten by a lower level opponent, as I have 【Mental Resistance Lv5】. And my thoughts are still clear.

But it must be some kind of skill.

I was caught off guard.

I was confident that I wouldn't get hit by anything, be it poison or a knife, but skills are really tricky.

There are even special skills like Serina's Starlight Attack that can bury an opponent with a single blow, no matter how tough they are.

「My skill is skill of "luck". It doesn't matter what level you are, as long as the dice doublets, I can force my opponent to do whatever I want, even if it's cheating. That's where the name Zorome comes from.」 (TLN: as long as the dice doublets, = Saikoro ga zoro-me ni nari sae sureba, that's where she get name of Zorome)

The victorious Zorome told me the secret of her skills, but people who are victorious can easily let their guard down. Me, too.

However, it's a foul skill that works even with cheating dice, and always produces Doublets, isn't it?

「Now, Alec, you'll be a slave to me for the rest of your life. I'll let you fight in the arena as the new champ, yeah, I'd like that!」

Zorome smirks, but she's just bluffing.

I've seen that she can't give orders that complicated.

Because, bow down to me , Zorome said, but what I'm doing now is not worship, but just a motion with my hands there.

I don't feel the slightest bit afraid or anything like that.

I'm also curious about the duration of the order, but I guess I'll have to find out the acceptable range of the order first.

「I'm sorry for my rudeness, Akira-sama. Now, let's start with a foot lick or something.」

I put my right hand out in front of me, but it move.

--I've won.

「N-no, you don't have to do anything gross like that. So don't touch me. Ah, shit.」

Akira tried to pick up the dice on the floor, but she couldn't reach them because I was holding one of her legs with both hands.

I'm sure she has other dice anyway, so I quickly tied her up with a [Tortoise Shell Bondage].

「D-damn it, what the hell is this?」

「It's the Tortoise Shell Bondage.」

「No, I didn't ask you to tie me up! Untie me!」

「I can't do that, Akira-sama. I'm going to bow down to you and treat you like a queen.」

「If you're going to treat me like a queen, why are you tying me up? Ah, It's SM!? It's SM, Isn't it!?」

「That's right, Akira-sama. And for M, you're the masochist one.」

「Kkuhh, that's messed up. There's no way you can grovel like that!」

「But if I'm going to grovel to a young woman, this is the only way.」

「As if I'd know! O-Okay, I'll ....... I'll apologize, and I'll let your friends go. If you want money, you can have it. A million gold. That's a lot of money, okay?」

「Not so much for me now, is it? Well, Akira-sama, if you want to make a deal, I'll take you up on it.」


「However, you turned down my offer once. So the terms will be worse than before.」

「...... What do you mean?」

「Put these clothes on. Then we'll talk.」

「This is a high school uniform, right? I don't even know what that means. I mean, what the hell are you gonna do with it?」

「I'll tell you when you put it on.」

「Damn it. Who's gonna wear it!? Hurry up and untie me!」

「Huh. You're so dumb. Can you get through the rope with anything other than your dice skills?」

「I've got some level one rope-loop skills, but, kkuh, no, I can't use them in this kind of straitjacket.」

「Then it's impossible. You know I can leave you alone, right?」

「Wha! You're not groveling.」

「No, I'm groveling. You told me to grovel, and that's what turned on my SM mind. I'm going all out here.」

「I don't get it. Oh, shit.」

「If you struggle too much, you'll tighten up even more, and you've probably heard of economy class syndrome1 . People are in danger when their blood stops pumping.」

「H-help me.」

「Promise me that you'll wear the uniform.」

「O-okay! I'll wear it. Just get me out of this!」

We have a deal.

I took a position in front of the only door, folded my arms and waited.

Akira, who had been looking for an opening, finally gave up and instructed me to turn around and change herself.

「I don't know why these socks are so loose. Is loose socks is trend nowadays?」

「Don't worry about it. It's my taste.」

「Ughh....... Hmph, Is this okay?」

Akira, who looked at me with a disgruntled look on her face with her hands on her hips, is unmistakably a delinquent type of girl in uniform.

「Okay, let's get started.」

I approached her.