Volume 13 - Epilogue

「Akira, Sensei is sad.」

「Who the hell are you ......」

Akira, or Zorome, stared at me with a half-hearted look of resignation.

She was wearing a blazer and a mini-skirt, the uniform of a high school girl, and was tied to a chair with her hands behind her back.

It would have been more natural to play kidnapper, but the combination of a delinquent girl and her homeroom teacher was hard to ignore.

「Sensei knows that you're a good-natured girl. But the fixing illegal gambling, and the kidnapping, that's a bit ......」

「Shut up」

「You can't behave like that, Akira, even if you're sorry to your teacher. What do you think will happen now?」

I slowly walked around the chair and put pressure on Akira.

As you can see, as a girl, she can sense the danger on her face, and a nervous Akira is looking at me.


「Akira, sensei is also a human being. I'm going to face you as a man.」

「You're not a teacher if you're rubbing my chest from behind while saying that.」

「I'm a man before I'm a teacher.」

「You're not even a teacher, you're a creeeep, Nnhh, So don't rub it, Aahnn!」

「What's the matter, you're not a virgin, right? Is this what you want?」

「No, I threatened you. And besides, if you rubbed me in such a obscene way, anyone would be ......」

「No, you're not. It's because you have unpleasant expectations. You want it here, don't you?」

When I slide my fingers down the inside of her thighs, Akira's whole body shakes with excitement.

Her sensitivity is high.

「Hyaaa, shit, who would want a dirty old man's dick?」

「Hey, hey, I didn't even say what I wanted specifically, but that's a huge leap. Sensei is sad.」

「Are you still going to playing that teacher game?」

「Of course I am. Now, tell the teacher to forgive you and let me in.」

「I'll never tell you.」

「You're stubborn, Akira. But how long will that stubbornness last?」

I gave Akira's earlobe a sweet bite from behind.

「Eekk! No, stop it, M-my ears are weak, uuhh.」

「That's good to know.」

I gave her another sweet bite and nudged her collarbone as well.

「Hyaaah, why are you touching my ...... breasts that way?」

It seems that she wants me to rub her breasts, but I keep poking her nipples with my fingers and touching her buttocks to hurry her along.

「Kkuhh, haah, haah......ughh, hey, that's enough right. Untie me. I'll give you a blowjob or whatever.」

「Then I'll untie you when you give me a good blowjob.」

I unbuckled my belt and stood in front of Akira.

「Remember this: ...... Mmm, chupa, chu, mmm.」

「Hou~ you're familiar with it, Akira. But you have to go deeper.」

I grab her head and push it in.


Akira, who seemed to be in pain and had tears in her eyes, glared up at me.

「That's a good look. I'm almost ready to let it out, so serve me well.」

「Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm! Mmm!」

She's protesting something, but I guess she's not satisfied with the definition of groveling.

「Just suck it. It's time for the last spurt.」

I ignore her protests and move my hips.

「Mmm, mmm, nnhhh, nnhh-, Nnhhh, kyaaaa!」

Plenty of it came out.

「Ugh, w-why is it so sweet? Is this condensed milk?」

「Yes, it is. I used my skills to change the flavor. Here, taste some more.」

「Stop it. I don't like sweet things.」

「I see. Then I'll put it directly in your mouth down there.」

I untied the rope, but Akira seemed to be happier to have her hands free and showed a relieved expression.

「Come on, Akira.」

I said, laying down on the sofa.

「Hmph, it's only one time.」

Akira's body seemed to be in the mood for it, and she straddled me without hesitation, still in her uniform.

Unbuttoned her blouse and let her bare her breasts. She has huge breasts that are just bursting at the seams.

I licked her nipples with my [Super Fast Tongue Lv5].

「Uuwaaaahhhh, w-what is this!? Eekk, I-It's amazing!」

The trembling Akira hugged me. I also use the 【Machine gun vibe】 in a controlled manner.

「Uwahh, Kkuhh, No, I can't take this!」

「Say 'Sensei, please do more!'」

「S-sensei, please do more, more!」

Akira, who was shaking her hips on her own, seemed to be having a lot of fun.

「How many guys have you been with in your life? You must have been in high school before you came to this world, right?」

「I haven't had that many relationships, so I've had three, maybe four.」

She can't even remember the number of boyfriends she've had, that's probably more than double digits.

She's such a lewd woman.

「Now, come on, let's make me cum.」

「Yeah, yeah, I'm cumming, I'm cumming! Aaahhhhhh!」

Akira screamed the loudest and seemed to have reached her climax.

Her abdominal muscles were twitching.

「All right, that's enough, we're done here.」

I tell someone who was waiting outside the room to be disciplined.

「You've noticed that, haven't you? Alec-san.」

A knight in full plate opens the door and walks in with a smiling face.

This is Gareth, the Guard Chief.

「I don't care what you say, but why are you here?」

I moved aside Akira, who was fainting with a happy smile on her face, and picked up my sword first.

Just the fact that a knight under the king's direct command is here is a warning.

「But don't worry. It's not like I'm an assassin.」

「What do you mean then?」

「I've come here on my own initiative to give you some advice.」

If it were the king's errand, He would have come on his own.

I was getting more and more cautious as I put on my clothes.

「So, what is your advice?」

「Yes, I've received information that a nobleman named Baron Stokes is gathering skilled mercenaries. The purpose is unknown, but a request that doesn't go through the adventurer's guild is sure to be considered dirty work.」

「I guess so. Can't we catch him before he does something?」

「As expected, that's impossible. It's not easy when it's a nobleman with backing. It's not even illegal.」

「It's tough being the king, huh. Well, I'm off.」

「Yes. I appreciate your help in apprehending Zorome. Hey, put a robe on that woman and take her away.」


Gareth's men roughly put a cloth over Zorome's head and pulled her up.

「W-What the hell!?」

Akira was also startled, seemingly unable to comprehend the situation.

「It's a soldier. Follow us quietly.」

「Kkuhh, Alec, since I let you do it, you should at least lose a little of my guilt.」

「You know, Akira, you can't bargain away your sins. You'll have to reflect on that in prison.」

「Remember what I said! He got down on his knees and asked me, "Please let me do it!".」

「All right, all right. I'll listen to your story in my office.」

The soldiers took her away without taking her seriously.

「Alec-san, I've talked to the people in the arena about the case. We're ready for you now.」

Gareth said as he left. That's what I asked the king for.

「I see, thank you. Let's go then.」

I told the other guy who was there and left the room.