「That beautiful girl over there. Hey, yes, it's you.」

I stop the woman in the white robe in front of the temple in the royal capital with my [Talking Skills].

「Eh! Are you talking to me?」

「Oh, yes, it is. It's you. What, you're not aware that you're beautiful?」

「No. ...... Sometimes people compliment me like that, but I'm also flattered.」

「Look, I don't say that to ugly people, even when I'm flattered. You should realize that you are beautiful when you are flattered, even sometimes. Hey, you know what pisses me off the most about ugly people?」

「No. ...... What is it?」

「The most annoying thing is when a beautiful person says to you in front of you, "I'm so ugly".」

「Ha, hah. I-I'm sorry.」

「Oh, I'm not mad. I'm sorry for staring at you. Even so you have beautiful blonde hair.」

I enjoy the touch of the light platinum blonde.

「Oh, um, please don't touch it.」

「I bet you look amazing when you take it off.」

「Huh? What?」

「I'm actually this kind of person.」

I quickly hand over the silver business card that I had made by Grandsword's craftsman.

「"Black Cat of the Wind"?」

「That's right. I'm an A-rank adventurer who knows the King of Grandsword.」

「Yeah? That's amazing. ......」

「Oh, not so much. It's just, we're in need of more priests right now. We're planning to go to Mox Village, but there could be a lot of injured people there.」

「Oh, that's terrible.」

「So I'd appreciate it if you'd follow me for a bit.」

「Uh, Mox Village, right?」

「That's right.」

「I'm sorry, I can't be away from home for days. ......」

「I'll take care of that. I'll only need it once. Just the tip, please.」

「Just the tip???」

「I'll give you 30,000 gold a week.」

「What? That's a lot of money.......but, hmmm.」

Oh, she's lost. I think I can push this one.

「How about 40,000?」

「I-I understand.」

「Okay! Then sign this contract.」

I quickly pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill from the item storage and handed them to her.

「Sure. Hmm? What is this "right to cum inside"?」

「"Right to cum inside" means, you know, to put it inside. It feels really good, you know?」

「Ehh? But that's ......」

「Well, you can get it fifty thousand. It can be for a week.」

「T-that much?」

Okay, I can do it. I can get one.


「Hyaahh, Ah, aah, Noel.」

Tsk, I was almost there, but then I saw that troublesome guy. It's a female knight with cold eyes.

She's about fifteen years old. ...... Now, she said "mother," didn't she?

The girl in front of me looks like she's about 20 years old. ......

「You hooked up with another shady guy. ...... Hey, I'm gonna need to see that contract.」

「Oh, you can't, Noel.」

「Just let me borrow it. Wha!? This letter says here that you will not complain about sharing a bedroom, but you are not the owner of the room, are you?」

「No, no, we have a lot of female members. ......」

「Hmm, I see. It says here that you are in absolute obedience to the leader, but who is the leader?」

「That's ...... me.」

「Haahnn! This job is not worth talking about. Mother, if you are at the mercy of such an impersonal man, you never know what he will do to you. In the first place, signing a contract on the street is out of the question.」

「Well, but, it was a relatively good part-time job. ......」


「Yes, yes, I understand. Noel, you don't have to yell at me so much. I'm sorry, Alec-san, but my son doesn't seem to agree with me, so I'm going to have to say no to this.」

「Yeah, it can't be helped then, but my son?」

I look at the knight again. Her back is straight and muscular, but no, no, no, she's probably her daughter.

Her eyelashes are long and her lips are adorable, and I want to flick them.

「Yes, but what is it?」

「You can't fooling my eyes. If you're lying, let me have sex with you.」

This is using [Appraisal], of course.

【Name】 Noel.

【Age】 15.

【Lv】 24

【Class】 Knight

【Race】 Human

【Gender】 Male

【H P】 251/251

【M P】 146/146

【Status】 Healthy


A low-ranking knight of the Kingdom of Vernia.

Born in Erland.

He is a serious non-active person.

Has the blessing of Frey, The God of Fertility.

A man!?

「T-That's ridiculous. ......」

I put my hands on the ground and groaned.

「Apparently, you've been accepted me as a man. Now, Mother, let's leave the fool alone and go home.」

「Yes, I'll be back as soon as I report to the priest, Noel, can you wait for a moment?」

「Yes, I'll wait.」

I looked at Noel again.

Huh, that's weird, isn't it? He looks like a woman. I can't tell about his breasts....... because of the armor.

Oh well, I'll be shocked if I take it off and it's really a man's body. Let's not do that.

There are many beautiful girls in this world.

I don't need to wake up to a man's daughter, and now is not the time to challenge myself.

I remembered my original purpose for coming here and tried to enter the temple.

Noel stands in front of me.

「You're in my way, Noel-kun the man.」

「It's no use trying to stalk my mother.」

「I won't. I'll get another priest to do it for me, so don't worry.」

「Are you trying to seduce the other priests into becoming your slaves?」

「No, I'm not. I'm just trying to get them to go along on a serious adventure. I'ts a job, a job. No sex.」

「I don't trust you so easily.」

「I don't need you to trust me. For the record, I'm officially on an appointed quest from the Adventurer's Guild. And it's an urgent mission with lives at stake. If you interfere, you'll find yourself in a bad position, or even worse, your mother's position.」

「Kkuh, you're coward. You're threatening me.」

「I'm not threatening you. I'm warning you. Anyway, I'm in a hurry.」


With all his strength, Noel tried to hold me, but hmph, he was no match for the hero level 41.

He's still chasing me and trying to catch me, so I used [Instantaneous Movement] to get through.

「What the hell, t-this guy ......! He can do that......!」


When I went to the back of the temple, I found that the mother from earlier was being courted by a strong-looking middle-aged man.

「Come on, Olivia, you can have a drink with me at least today. Boss and subordinate at work, let's get along. Okay? Okay?」


「Oi, you little harasser.」

「Mmm, you mean me? I don't know what's going on, but I think you're being very rude.」

「You're right. I need to hire someone urgently, and I need you to find me a suitable person. As long as they can use recovery magic, that's all that matters.」

I gave up searching with beautiful girl criteria.

「As you can see, I'm busy. You'll have to find someone else.」

「I'll pay you a fee.」

I'll show him a gold coin.

「Whoa! A gold coin! I got it!」


I was more surprised than he was, but the stinky priest was snatching the gold from me at great speed.

This guy is moving like he's over level 40.

「Gahahaha, that's naive, little boy. It seems that you have improved your skills a little, but you still need more training.」

「You remember me, don't you?」

「Of course I do. Now, get Meena out of here.」

I asked him to take care of Meena's illness before, but that was a mistake. I'm surprised he still remember me, you immortal priest.

「No, no, no. If you got the gold, you better do your job.」

「Very well. I'll go with you. Rejoice!」

It's the worst.

「I refuse」

「What did you say?! Turning down the temple's most experienced hyper-ace is just punitive.」

「Shut up. I'm the leader and I decide who to take. It's the leader's privillege. No one who can't be trusted.」

「You're so selfish. Then wait a minute. I'll bring you a handsome man who's in the way. You can use him all you want.」

「Make them a woman.」

「I refuse. I'm the priest and I decide who to bring. Ga-ha-ha.」

Damn, well, I don't care if it's a guy. ...... I feel like I lost something.

「Um, Alec-san. ...... 」


I've been waiting for a while, and Noel spoke to me.

「Can you teach me the technique you just used?」