Noel, a guy who looks striking but doesn't matter because his gender is male.

It seems he's taken an interest in my 【Instantaneous Movement】.

It's not uncommon for a young knight to be shown an amazing technique and want to use it too!

However, whether or not they can actually use it is a completely different story.

「You can't do it.」

I'll tell him exactly so that he doesn't get any strange dreams. Noel is not a child.

This is something I got from a monster with my otherworldly hero skill [Skill Copy].

This is why it is impossible for Noel, a local, to practice this technique for the rest of his life.

「I apologize for my rudeness earlier. I didn't realize that you were such a great warrior, and I am ashamed of my immorality. But, please!」

「If that's the case, you should join the Welbard Dojo and hone your skills.」

「Oooh, so that's where you're going to learn that skill, Alec-san?」

「No. I got it in a very specific way. But if you train hard enough, you can do something similar.」

「I'd like to know what that particular method is.」

「I told you ...... no, listen this.」

「Yes, sir.」

「I'm a hero summoned from another world. So I have this skill.」

I gave him an earful, but Noel freaked out and shrunk his neck. This reaction is like a girl. ......

「Hyaahh, Y-you are a hero, huh」

Well, in this world, a heroes are rather well known, aren't they? There's no need to hide it that well.

「Alec-san, you wanted someone who could use recovery magic, right?」

The mother who is still there said.

「Yes, I did. ......」

「Then take Noel with you. He can also use recovery magic.」

Mother winked at me.

「Hmm, well, I'd rather take you , his mother anyway.」

She has a charming wink. Above all, she's a woman. Glamour.

「No, not my mother. That's not what we're talking about about.」

Noel, who shakes his head with a straight face, is also an inflexible person.

In the meantime, the stinky priest came back with a young man.

「You kept me waiting! This is the guy!」

「Fuuh, if I hear that you're going to help people, my hot heart won't shut up, will it?」

Oh, I can't. A goosebump narcissist came out.

「Rejected. You can donate the that gold coin. Noel, let's go.」

「Sure! Okay, Mother, I'm off!」

「Be careful!」

「Mmm. May the gods bless you all with 10,000 gold!」

I don't want to come back to this temple again.

「So, Master, where are we going next?」

「Master? Whatever. We'll go to the tool shop next. Oh, Noel, do you know the high-end store?」

I know where the cheap tool shop is, but I'm rich now, and I don't want to be stingy with recovery items.

「Yes, I think the tool store used by the troops has a good selection.」

「All right, take me there.」

「Yes, sir.」

With Noel's guidance, we entered a well-built store on the main street. The items are kept in glass cases, and it's definitely a high-class store. The selection isn't bad either.

I've seen much better stuff in Grandsword, though.

「Shopkeepers, give me all of that unpetrification potion and instant death protection amulet.」

「All of them, sir?」

「That's right. If it's money you're after, you're in luck.」

I take the whole bag out of the item storage and put it on the counter. It's got to be about a million gold.

「Excuse me, I'd like to check it.」

The shopkeeper glanced at the gold coins, then placed them on the balance to check their authenticity.

When I saw the third one on the scale, I got fed up and said,

「They're all real. If they're fake, send the bill to the Welbard Dojo later. I'm a student there, and I'm sure Sensei will pay for it.」

「Excuse me, but what is your name?」

「I'm Alec from the A Rank Clan, “The Black Cat of the Wind”.」

「A-rank clan, sir? ...... I'm sorry, but I don't recognize that name, may I check with the guild?」

「Yeah, suit yourself.」

It was not going to be an immediate problem, so I decided to wait in the back room.

「However, that much money...... is a real thing, right?」

「Noel, are you treating the man you worship as your master as a fraud?」

「N-no, it's just that I've never seen that much money in my life.」

「I earned it in the Labyrinth of No Return. I've made a name for myself over there.」

I used to think that fame didn't matter, but in times like this, I guess they do.

「Is that so? If that's the case, I'm sure you'll be famous here soon. Since you can use so many techniques.」

「I guess so. By the way, Noel, you're a knight of the Kingdom of Vernia, aren't you?」

「Yes, I am.」

「It's good that you're following me, but this mission will take a week just to get there and back. Are you sure you want to do this without consulting your superiors?」

「Aah! I'm sorry, I'll go talk to the captain. ......」

「Yeah. The Adventurer's Guild has assigned me a quest to investigate Mox Village. Tell them that human lives are at stake.」

「I understand. I'll be right back.」

I thought I couldn't take Noel with me if he didn't come back, but the captain readily gave his permission, and he came back immediately.

After another ten minutes of waiting, the store finally seemed to have received confirmation from the guild, and we were able to buy the medicine.

「Phew, that took up a lot of my time. Let's go back to the inn.」

「Yes, I'll accompany you.」

Even though he said he would accompany me, Noel didn't enter the room, so there was no need to be so reserved.

Putting on my armor and gearing up, I left the room.

「Sorry to keep you waiting, Noel.」

「No, oooh, ...... that's great armor.」

「I knew you'd recognize it.」

「Yes, this shine, it's not iron, it's dragon scales?」

「Yes. Don't ask me what kind of dragon it is.」

「Yes, I won't ask, Master.」

While I was waiting on the first floor of the inn, drinking tea, all the members seemed to be ready and gathered.

「Uwahh, did you add more girls? Alec.」

When Serina saw Noel, she looked disgusted.

「If you have appraisal skills too, go ahead and appraise him.」

「Yeah? It's okay, but ......Hmm? Wh-wh-wh-what? A man?」

「Yes, Noel is a man.」

「「「 Eehhh!? 」」」

Well, you'd be surprised.

「I heard this guy can use recovery magic, so he's Fianna's backup. His level is 24, and he's on second team, so keep that in mind, everyone. He's a temporary mercenary this time.」

「Okay, I got it.」

「Then we're off. Get in the carriage.」

I would have asked Nick to be the leader, but he was headed to the country of Soltaire with Sarah and the others, so he couldn't make it this time. So it's another coachman.


Then a large man with full plate walked up to me.

「Hmm? What's up, "Mad King"?」

「Those people are scary, take me with you!」

Nene translated for me, but who are those people?

「Hmm? Oh, those guys from the second team.」

I was going to ask them to look after him. I'm going to send him to the dojo, too.

「No, dude, that's not gonna happen! You're way more scary than I am.」

「That's right! Everyone in the clan is too scared to go near you.」

As Jouga and Letty started to rant, I controlled them with my hand to silence them.

「It's okay to follow me, Mad King, but we're in some dangerous quest. Well, at your level, it's not a problem.」

He nodded, then don't be scared of the second team guys, either.

「Oh well, I'll take you with me.」



「Oi, don't scare the horses. Keep quiet or I won't take you」

The "Mad King" nodded his head in panic, but I hope he's okay. I don't need to worry too much about his own safety, but he'd better be careful not to panic and go out of control.

「Can't he speak?」

Noel seemed to be curious and asked me.

[Yeah, he can't. When he gets out of control, even I can't handle him, so keep away from him.」

「I understand. But he looks scary, but he seems like a quiet guy.」

If you hadn't seen his rampage in the arena, he might look like that.

「All right, let's go.」

With one team member and four carriages, the Clan "Black Cat of the Wind" left the royal city of Erland.

It's a quest.