The goblins that had entered the Mox Village were monsters that originally inhabited a place called Mount Tyrmidt.

It seems that the goblins had been chased by something new that had appeared there, and had fled here.

「Hmmm, I see, that explains why the warding didn't work. A monster that runs off in a half-crazed frenzy will run into you even if there is a bonfire there.」

Lancelot, the captain of the knights of the Kingdom of Vernia, nodded after hearing the story.

「But that's strange. That mountain has been called Mount Tyrmidt for a long time, but there shouldn't be any strong monsters there.」

The village chief cocked his head.

「But, in fact, a swarm of Kamadouma had escaped from the mountain. The same goes for the other monsters. There's definitely something in that mountain.」

I assured myself.

「Then we should investigate the mountain, and if there are any dangerous monsters, we should kill them.」

Lancelot responded nonchalantly.

「I'll leave that matter to you. As an adventurer, I can't overlook the fact that this village is in trouble.」

I say.

Of course, it's because I have the right to pick up the virgins in the village.

「Look who's talking, the village chief offered you an erotic reward, and you just jumped at it.」

I was trying to be cool about it, but then Serina broke it up.

「Serina, I'll admit that I'm a pervert person, and I was moved by the reward. However, this small village can only offer a limited reward. Don't mock the best efforts of the people of Mox Village.」

「Eh, ahh, yeah, ....... that's not what I meant. I'm sorry, kkuh, why do I look like the bad guy here ......」

「If that's the case, don't worry about it, we knights will take care of everything else. No reward is necessary.」

Lancelot has stepped out. That's a problem, too

「No, no, no, no. Once you've accepted a request, it's the way of the adventurer to fulfill it to the end. You should stay out of this.」

「Uwahh, not cool. I knew it wasn't for erotic purpose.」

「It's Alec, isn't it? I knew it.」

「Oh, my God, ......, put the hammer down on this pervert.」

「Fuh, you can't think of anything else but porn.」

「「 Eroticism are not cool 」」

My friends are saying that.

「What's wrong with that?」

「Ehh ......?」

「What's wrong?」

I'll do my best to break it down, no matter what kind of noble reason Serina comes up with.

「Alec, that is indeed too much of a rumor for an A rank clan. Give me your ear.」

Hannah says, so I'm going to listen to her idea.

「The reward would be a beautiful virgin, right?」


「Then I'll be your sacrifice. Not just any pick-up rights, but having sex right away.」

Hannah whispering in my ear.

「Hou ......, that's fine. Chief, I'll take the job with no reward. Are you okay with that?」

「Of course. The name of the adventurer Alec and the legend of the Black Cat of the Wind will be passed down for a long time in this village. You have my thanks.」

「Hey, Hannah, what did you say to Alec?」

「Well, I wonder what it is.」


「Well, we'll be leaving soon.」

「Wait a minute. If you go up the mountain now, it will be night. Mount Tyrmidt is so high that even in summer there is snow on the summit. You'd better prepare yourself properly.」

As the village chief said, don't underestimate the mountain, or you'll get hurt.

「I understand. Saki, can you go to the inn town and get our climbing gear ready? You can go back to the capital if you need to.」

「Don't worry about that. We have climbing gear here in the village. Of course, I'll lend it to you for free.」

The village chief said. The village is surrounded by mountain passes, so I guess they have all the equipment they need.

「I'll be grateful for the loan. We'll leave tomorrow morning.」

「「「 All right! 」」」

The next morning, we climbed Mt. Tyrmidt with the first party members and a party of Captain Lancelot, Noel, and Sky who wanted to accompany me.

「The monsters don't look like they're going to show up.」

Serina said in a disappointed voice, but we hadn't come across a single monster so far.

「I'm glad it's easy, but the guy at the top is a little creepy.」

Saki said, looking at the top of the mountain.

「Well, no matter what comes out, we should be able to defeat it. If not, we'll retreat immediately.」

There is no change in our strategy of valuing our lives. That's the plan all along. We'll take it easy.

We'll take a break and take our time, considering that we'll be spending the night in the mountains.

「Alec-san, if we keep going like this, we might lose daylight on the way back. Shouldn't we hurry up a bit?」

Sky said, sounding concerned.

「Don't worry. We've brought plenty of food and water, and we'll even stay overnight. If you have a reason to hurry, you can go home.」

「No, if that's the case, I understand. You are more cautious than I thought.」

Unless you want to die, of course.

We came to a steep path, but no, this was more of a rocky area than a path.

We all started to climb, gripping the rocks with both hands.

「Wait, Alec. you can go ahead!」

Suddenly, Serina pushed down her white miniskirt, turned around and said angrily.

「What is it?」

「You saw it, didn't you?」

「Saw what?」

「Inside my skirt. You pervert!」

「That's not what you're showing. Before you call people perverts, think it's funny to dress in a way that you can see your underwear from a slightly lower angle.」

「That's ...... no, it's your fault for peeking. It's not like I'm showing you this.」

「All right, all right. You walk behind me.」

I'm not trying to peek at her at all, but it's true that I caught a glimpse of her panties, so I switched positions to avoid a messy argument.

「Look, there's still snow on the ground.」

When I looked in the direction Luka pointed, I saw that the accumulated snow had covered half of the mountain face.

「It's nice and cool, but I think I'm getting a little cold.」

Lily said.

「Okay, Meena, you're on watch. We'll set up camp here for now. Everyone get an extra jacket.」

「「「 Understood 」」」

I put on a layer of armor underneath, and equipped my armor again.

Luka, an Amazoness with a belly button, also wore a black undershirt to cover her belly button. It's strange that this is so erotic.

「What is it, Alec?」

Luka seemed to sense the question in my boring gaze.

「Good one, Luka.」

「Hmm? What?」

「You're really pervert.」

Serina sees through my thoughts at once, but it's up to me to decide how I want to dress.

I'm not going to fuck her, though, because there's an outsider in the room right now, and I can expect that we're about to fight a strong enemy.

As we resumed our movement, I heard something roar from the top of the mountain.


「What could it be? A bird's call?」

「It sounds like it, but it's louder.」

「Keep your eyes above your head. Let's go.」

As I was hurrying up the mountain path with caution, I felt something's eyes on me.

「Be wary of the surrounding! It is coming!」

Right after I shouted, a white bird-like monster glided down from the sky and attacked us.


「Kkuhh, it's this guy?」

With both wings spread out, it was a huge bird that looked to be 20 meters tall.

Even though it's a bird, its head looks like a seahorse, and its lack of facial expression makes it all the more eerie.

What can I say, it's a very unnatural monster.

「Hmmm, I've never seen a monster like that before. Alec, do you know what it is?」

Lancelot asked me, but I've never seen one before either.

「No. Has anyone ever seen one?」

I asked, but none of the party members had seen it either.

「I wonder if it's a new species. ......」

Hannah said, but I have no idea.

「For now, just focus on defeating it. It's coming!」

The white bird flew into the sky again and attacked in a big arc. It's going to be tough to retreat because the enemies isi flying.

Of course, we can't just sit back and let them get us.

「Photon laser!」

「Jajaja Jajaja Javelin!」

Letty's laser magic and my high-speed shooting ice javelin explode.

But the result was different from what we expected.


「Ha, did it bounce back?!」

Although the ice javelin hit, it did not freeze the opponent, and Letty's laser was reflected by the bird's body and exploded another mountain.

Magic doesn't work, huh?

「I'll handle this!」

Serina leaped upwards using the rocky ground as a foothold and took the top of the white bird.

「Starlight Attack!」

Glittering, rainbow-colored stars spilled from her sword and slashed the bird.


The white bird turned into smoke, leaving a decisive message.


「Phew, that was a bit of a rush, magic not working.」

After landing nicely, Serina looks at me and smiles.

「Oh, good job, Serina. Just in case, I'm going to look around this neighborhood to see if any birds have laid eggs.」

I don't know the level of the bird, since I defeated it before I could appraise it, but I have no doubt that it was of a very high level.

At any rate, my level has gone up by two.

It's the same level as the boss in the deepest part of the Labyrinth of No Return.

I'm sure the villagers of Mox Village won't be able to get out of the house if those monsters are mass-produced in the field.

The battle ended in a quick victory, but I was still feeling the adrenaline pumping through my body.

「Aah! Waait!」

Saki seemed to have found something, raised her voice, and ran off in that direction at a glance.

「A bird? Let's go after it!」

We followed her.

「Oh no, it's getting away!」

Saki said, stopping on the cliff.

「Saki, was there a bird?」

「No, it's not a bird. It was a human. He had a black robe and a wand, so he must be a magician.」

「A magician. ...... Sky! He's not one of yours, is he?」

I'm just making sure.

「No, sir! The only magician here is Tonnura.」

「Tonnura? His godfather's a demon, too. ...... Oh well. He ran away after we killed the bird. Something fishy going on here.」

「That's right, there's no way is Tonnura.....」

Serina frowned.

「No, that's enough, forget that one. It's the magician we're talking about. Yeah, okay, he's got a price on his head for looking at Serina panties.」

I've come up with a way to frame the magician.

「What? We're better off just asking for information.」

「But if I labeled him a pervert, he might come out on his own in protest. If that bird is related to him and he ran away when he saw the result of the battle between us and the bird. I mean, I'm pretty sure he saw your panties during the battle.」

「Kkuhh, no, that's....」

「You didn't show that outfit or jump on purpose, it's the one who saw it, right? Serina.」

「...... Umm, I don't like the way you say it, but okay.」


「I understand! Don't go reporting it to the guild in the inn town right away. Until the pervert is found!」

We've taken care of that for now.