Volume 14 - Epilogue

After further searching on Mount Tyrmidt, we found a magic circle set up in the shade of an inconspicuous rock on the mountain.

Unfortunately, the magic circle had already been scraped away by feet, and we could only make out traces of it. But Letty could tell that it was some kind of summoning magic.

The most likely explanation was that the black magician had summoned that vicious white bird.

That's the most plausible.

But what the hell was he doing in such a remote place?

I have no idea.

If he was capable of summoning such a high level of power, I would think he must have had some sort of purpose.

Once we returned to Mox Village, I was pondering when there was a knock at the door.

「Come in.」

「Excuse me.」

It's Hannah.

She usually wears a silver breastplate, which makes her look more interesting, but right now she's wearing a very sexy pink negligee. 

I, of course, was completely naked.

I had killed the goblin and the white bird, and saved the village.

I guess I deserve it.

「Oh my, you've got a pretty good body, fufu」

「Hannah, are you drunk?」

「I'm sorry, I'm not very brave when I'm sober.」

「That's okay. Next time you're in my bedroom, you can always come in dressed like that.」

「I'm afraid of that too. Will you be as gentle as you can?」

「Of course.」

I cupped Hannah's cheeks in my hands and smoothed my hands down her neck as she came to me.


She's a virgin, after all. Her expression was tense, and she was scared, even though she suggested it herself.

「Don't exert yourself so much. I'm not going to hurt you.」

「Y-yess......Ah, hmmm」

I brush her medium blonde hair and take her lips.

I put my tongue in, and she licked it in defeat.

My hands ravage her slender body in every direction. Hannah must have lost her strength with that, because she immediately gave in.

「I-I'm sorry, I can't stand up anymore.」

「All right, all right, then, I'll lay you down.」

I grinned as I took off Hannah's negligee and placed her on the bed in a princess position.

I grabbed Hannah's wrist, who was quickly trying to hide her breasts.

「Don't hide it」

「B-But I'm embarrassed.」

「I know. It's better that way.」

「Geez ......Ahh」

I continued to suck on her nipple. When I made a sucking sound, Hannah's face blushed and she became even more embarrassed.

「N-No, don't do that. There's no milk coming out.」

「I know. I just want to lick it.」

「Are you making fun of me?」

「I'm not. No, I mean, a little bit. I just like doing this to a woman's body.」

「I-is that so. Aahnn, Aaahhhhh!」

When I flicked her nipples with my super-fast tongue, Hannah couldn't stand it and pushed my head against her breasts herself.

It was a pretty good reaction.

She didn't seem to have much of a sexual appetite, but she's quite a loves it, isn't she?

「Next, is the bottom」

「Ehh ......? A-Are you serious?」

「You already know, by asking Luka, right?」

「I didn't hear that much. Ahh, n-no way, wait, kkuhh, stop, Aaahhhhhh!」

When I licked Hannah's secret places, a lot of erotic honey came out.

「It's about time, isn't it?」

「Uuhhh, make it quick.」

「What, you're not enjoying it?」

「No, that's not what I meant, but I'm afraid I might be addicted.」

「Don't worry. You'll get hooked. We're going to have a threesome with Luka, and I'm going to make her so horny that she'll be stunned.」

「N-No, I don't want to do that, Ahh, Ahh, Ahh, Noooo!」

I was going to be gentle at first, but Hannah's reaction was so amusing that I couldn't resist teasing her.

The next morning, I didn't want to ask the clear-faced Hannah, so I whispered to Serina.

「Didn't Hannah say something to you, Serina?」

「Yes, she told me this morning. She said that from now on, She should be included the rotation. You brute.」

「Oh, well, that's okay.」

I grinned.

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Four days later, we returned to the royal capital of Erland.

We stayed overnight to recover from the fatigue of the trip, and I headed for the temple in the capital.

I didn't enter the temple, but leaned against a pillar and waited.

「Oh my, Alec-san.」

「Hello, Olivia.」

She's Noel's mother, but she looks a lot younger. She is 20 years old. She's a platinum blonde like her son, but she has a fluffy hairstyle and her hair looks different.

「It seems that you successfully defeated the demons in Mox Village. Thank you for taking care of my son.」

「No, no, no, I'm grateful to Noel for helping us too. When you're young, it's important to gain experience.」

Noel didn't do anything in particular, but as I'm in front of his mother, I'll praise him.

「Fufu, he said you were a great adventurer and praised you a lot, even though he hated you at first.」


It doesn't make me happy at all to be praised by a man, but if Olivia hears about it and it raises her liking on me, then good for me, Nice Noel.

「Olivia, do you have a moment right now?」

「Yes, I do. I'm on my way back from a house call.」

「And while you're at it, can you take care of one more emergency?」

「Oh my, this is bad. Where it is?」

「Well, there's no rush. I'm the one with the emergency.」

「Ehh? What's wrong with you?」

「I've got a little ...... pain in my lower abdomen.」

「Is it a sexually transmitted disease?」

「No, no, no, that's not what I mean. It's a disease that makes some parts of you hard, and it's a disease that can be quickly cured if someone, some kind woman, would teach me how to do it.」

「Oh, dear. By the way, how much would you be willing to pay for the cure?」

「One gold coin.」

「One more word.」

「Then I'll give you two gold coins.」

「Yes, it's settled then. Now, let's go to an inn I know.」


Noel has confirmed that her husband died of illness a long time ago.

I can fuck her without any worries.

We entered the inn and Olivia immediately began to undress.

「Do you always do this?」

I asked her.

「No way. Noel is annoying, and I think I raised him wrong, or he's a bit fastidious. I didn't have to force him to join the Order, but he wanted to follow in his father's footsteps, so I supported him. Now that he's safely joined the Order, I'll be able to do what I want as a bachelor.」

「I see. That would be good.」

「Yeah. Well, I'm going to heal you, so please take it out.」


I unbuckled my belt and pulled out my vicious, bulging thing.

「Oh dear, this is bad, I can't believe how swollen it is... and how big it is, gulp」

「It's painful, so hurry up.」

「I'm sorry. Now, if you'll excuse me, nchu, *slurp-slurp*, *lick-lick*」

As expected of a married woman, she is quite experienced.

「If you have any requests, please don't hesitate to ask.」

Olivia and I smiled at each other.