We were kept waiting in another room for quite a long time, and just when I was starting to think about sexually harassing one of the girls who worked there, the attendant finally came out. He seemed to have been assigned to another man, but I didn't care who it was.

「Thank you for your patience. As a result of our discussion, we've decided that Alec's magic value cannot be measured」

「What? So you're not going to give me a shot like you promised the old man? I don't agree with that.」

I don't care about the title of the most powerful Magician in history, but what about my hopes of getting laid by a staff member here?

「No, ...... it's only that it won't be an official record. As far as I know, no Magician has ever blown up a special room, and I have no doubt that you're the strongest Magician in history. However, it is a rule that we keep a numerical record on our membership cards」

「What do you do then?」

「Yes, we usually measure it with a simple appraisal. ...... Excuse me, but what is your level?」

「It's 43」

「I see. Hmm? If you're at that level, ...... ah, well, you seem to have the rare skill of obstructing views」

「Hmm? Rare? I don't have any such thing ...... Ahh, this armor?」

The dark dragon has the property of blocking the viewing of skills, and the scales seem to have inherited it. 

「Therefore, although it is unorthodox, I have the permission of the guild leader, so I will use the form of Alec's self-assessment. Can you tell me your base magic value and MP?」

「Sure. Magic power is 23 and MP is 789」

「23 and 789」

The person in charge makes a note.

「More importantly, what's the deal with the new record of one shot?」

「Regarding that, since it was promised to him. I'm sure the guild leader himself will take responsibility for this matter, since he just gathered all the unmarried young female staff members and interviewed them one by one.」

「That's good. I see, he's the head of the guild here.」

If it's the head of a magic guild, Letty can't be too proud of him. In addition, it seems that this is an organization where the orders of superiors are absolute, so this must be a beautiful loli virgin crying out to be taken out. I'm really looking forward to it.

「Letty's a member of this guild, and a bad one at that」

Serina dismissed it, but you'll be joining the members soon.

「Well then, I've already got the membership cards for everyone except Alec-san, so I'll give them to you first」

The person in charge of the event lightly brushed off the criticism and handed out everyone's membership cards.

「So this is Austin's card. Ehehe...」

Nene looked at the card, holding it in both hands, and seemed to be happy about it.

「Maybe I should train as a Magician, too.」

Thalia also looks at the card and says that, Speaking of which, I thought she's is from here.

It seems that she had not yet registered with the magic guild,.......but only registered as an adventurer archer.

「A-Austin's guild card ......, I'd better not lose it, uuuhhh ......」

Meme's holding a card in her trembling hand, If you lose your card, you can just get it reissued. It's not something that should be treasured for a long time.

It's an ID card, not an status itself.

「Well then, Alec, we'll stop by the Adventurer's Guild first and get our card made, too」

「Yeah, do that.」

Serina took everyone out, and I stayed behind.

「Alec-san, your card is ready.」

「Okay. How's the woman?」

「It seems to be a bit difficult」

A male staff member said something unexpected.

「Whaat, if it's the guild leader's order, you don't have a shot?]

「No, it would have been a long time ago, but as you can imagine, sexual harassment is becoming more and more prevalent in this day and age. And there are many noblemen who work here. This is the headquarters of Austin's magic guild, after all」

「I guess the times are changing.」

「That's true.」

Not wanting to wait too long to have sex, I decided to tell the person in charge and go check on the guild leader.

I'm going to wait a little longer, if it's time for another push to drop.

「That's the guild leader's office.」

I came to the front of the office, but a blonde elf was just coming out from inside the office.

「Now if you'll excuse me. Whew, I'm in a mess, don't be silly, who would do a sharing pillow with a middle aged human adventurer, it's impossible, that old bastard.」

The blond-haired elf with the bangs is my favorite because she's a bit of a sassy loli. I'm sure she's the type who's only good on the outside.


The male staff member who had been showing me around seemed to have decided that this was a bit of a bad idea and coughed to let her know that I was here.

「Ah, chief, He, he-llo!」

The blond-haired elf who bowed with a tight smile didn't seem to know that I was the one she was talking to, and she gave me a friendly smile before disappearing down the hallway.

「Who's that girl now?」

「She's Ariel. She's a newcomer who joined us last year, and she's the second daughter of the prestigious Jackal family. Well, as you can see, she has a difficult personality and is troublesome because she bullies the other common staff, but she's not a problem in terms of ability. She's still a decent person.」

In other words, a number of people with insufficient abilities have been brought in through connections. It's not easy being a member of a magic guild.

「Then, this is far enough for a tour」

「All right. If you need anything, just ask any of the staff around here.」

I didn't go into the guild leader's office, but headed in the direction Ariel had left.

It's tailing.

It's definitely not stalking.

It's not for any particular reason, but it's another way of gathering information as an adventurer.

「So, Marie, you should volunteer.」

「Ehh? But I'm not very ......」

「You have a sick mother, don't you? I'm sure the guild leader will give you some good medicine. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't hesitate. Besides, do you think you'd be safe going against the Jackal family?」

In the back of the corridor, the Ariel from earlier seems to be quickly threatening her peers.

「No way. ......」

I used 【Optical Camouflage】, 【Distraction】 and 【Levitation】 to close in on the two of them unnoticed.

「Well, what are you going to do?」

「I'm sorry, I still can't do it.」

「HaaaHHH? What do you mean you can't?」

I touched Ariel's buttocks.

「Kyaaa! Hey, Marie, what are you doing?」


Oops, I don't want Marie to get suspicious. I'm going to be equal here and touch Marie's butt too.

It's for a good reason.

「Hyaaa! Ehh? Right now, something touched my butt」

「Don't play games with me, kyaaa! Kkuhh, t-there's something in there!」

Ariel brought out a rod, so I left the scene, released the 【Optical Camouflage】, and walked back to the scene.

「I heard a scream, but are you all right?」

Here comes the gentleman, Alec.

「Yes, I'm fine, but ......」

「Who the hell are you? This place is off-limits to civilians.」

「My name is Alec, and I'm a A-rank adventurer. I've been chasing an invisible monster for years」

「Alec? Ah! That's the guy the guild leader was talking about!」

「*Ahem* I've been chasing an invisible monster for years」

Listem to me

「There's suspicious person! Somebody! Help me!」

Tsk, I'm sure Ariel saw me with the chief. She's a pain in the ass.

I'll explain it to the staff who came to the scene.

「It was a misunderstanding. I'm just looking for the bathroom」

「This way, then.」

After using the restroom, I was flanked by two male staff members and led to the guild leader's office in a tightly guarded posture.

This makes me look like a suspicious person, doesn't it?

Don't you think it's rude to a Magician with the strongest potential in history?