Volume 15 - Epilogue

Austin Magic Guild Headquarters.

I've shown the highest amount of magic power ever released, but I've been treated as a suspicious person due to a slight misstep.

However, I was invisible when I touched Ariel and the others' buttocks, so I'm sure they didn't find out that I was molesting them.

「You guys are done here.」

The guild leader said in the office.

「But, Guild Chief, it might be dangerous if we leave him alone with you」

「I don't care. I'm not someone who can beaten by an amateurs. Besides, Alec is a member of this guild. He's a promising newcomer. He's not suspicious.」

「Ha, excuse me, sir.」

I waited for the staff to close the door, then I opened my mouth.

「Have you decided on the sacrificial woman?」

「Well, the fact that it was going to be an ugly middle-aged man made everyone reluctant. It would have been better if you were a nobleman or a famous Magician」

「You would have told them that he was a cool guy in his own right. Aesthetic sense varies from person to person」

「Then, would you be okay with an ugly woman with my sense of beauty? Then I have a few guesses.」

「No, I take back what I said. I don't mind if my face is ugly, but I want a beautiful woman. I'll trust your aesthetic sense」

「Well, I guess you're right. So, how about this! I have an idea. I'll use my magic to transform myself into a beautiful woman and take care of you」


「I'm also an employee here. That'll take care of it.」

「No, I'll kill you, old man. I told you I want "Female employee." What's so sad that I have to hold an old man in my embrace?」

「I'll look like a woman. It's just a little different there.」

No, you can't.

「Rejected. That's disgusting. Then why don't you cast a spell of illusion on me and turn me into a beautiful man?」

「Well, that sounds a little mean, but if it's just for a night, then fine.」

「It's deal」

I immediately asked the guild leader to cast an illusion spell and call Ariel, whom I liked.

She's a sixteen-year-old blonde Loli elf with bangs and a sharp tongue.

「Excuse me, sir. You wanted to see me, sir? Ah」

As soon as Ariel saw me, her cheeks turned red with surprise. I can go with this.

「Mm, this man is from Vernia, his name is A.......」

「I'm Urban. Nice to meet you, Ariel.」

「Y-yes, it's nice to meet you too ......」

I love it. I've never had anyone look at me like I'm crazy before in my life, so this is refreshing.

「Urban is an important guest of mine, but I have some business to attend to. Ariel, I would appreciate it if you could entertain him while I'm gone.」

「Sure! Of course, I'd be delighted to entertain him」

You're very enthusiastic. You were looking at me like I was a piece of garbage in the hallway earlier, but now you must think I'm a very handsome man.

「Well then, I've made a reservation at this restaurant, so there you go. You can drop it on your expenses.」

The guild leader handed Ariel a note.

「Yes, I understand.」

「Alec, the effect of my illusion magic is only about thirty minutes」

The guild leader said in a whisper.

「What? That's a little too short.」

「If it's just one shot, it should be enough. I hope you don't want me to get sued」

「Tsk, a promise is a promise, right? Oh, well, I'll make it work.」

If we do it in a darkened room, Ariel won't even notice.

As soon as we left the magic guild, we boarded a carriage and headed for our destination, a rest stop.

「Excuse me, Urban-sama, are you a nobleman?」

Ariel seemed to be interested in me and immediately asked me a question.

If I'm a nobleman in Vernia, she probably doesn't know about it. ...... No, she'll probably look it up later, so it's best not to lie to her.

「No, I'm an adventurer.」

「Oh dear, you're an adventurer? Yeah, that white armor looks really good on you!」

It's black armor, but now that I look at it, it's white armor. It's all thanks to illusion magic.

「Thank you, Ariel.」

「No, you don't need to thank me like that. ......kyaa」

I'm starting to feel a little sorry for Ariel, who's holding her cheeks with both hands and is embarrassed, but I know where she's coming from.

Don't be fooled, she's just wearing a cat suit.

I was led to a store that seemed to be reserved for nobles, and came to a private room with a bed.

「Urban-sama, would you like something to drink?」

「Sure, I'm in the mood to get a little drunk, so I'll have a strong drink. I'd like a lady killer」

「I-I understand.」

The clerk, a maid in a mini skirt with cat ears, brought me a bottle of liquor, which I poured into a glass and made a toast.

「Uhm, I'm not that strong of a drinker.」

「Don't worry, you can rest here.」

「Y-yeah. Then I'll take your word for it. ......」

The blushing Ariel was a virgin in the [Appraisal], but she seems to be quite the playgirl.

「Come on, Ariel, you can have another one.」

「S-sure, but I'm too drunk.」

「It's okay」

I hold her close.

「Ah. N-no you can't, I'm not that easy woman」

「Really? Then let's have another drink.」

「No, I don't want another drink. By the way, what's your father's business, Urban-sama?」

「Unfortunately, but my father is already dead. ......」

I've flown to another world, so I might as well say so.

「Ah, I'm sorry to have asked you such an unnecessary question. Was your house big?」

「Hmm? Yeah, I had a small house before, but now I'm living in a high-class inn like nobles use.」

「Wow. I've never lived in an inn before, so I yearn for it」

Ariel's eyes were becoming heart-shaped, but she seemed to like the idea of a rich man.

「I make a lot of fortune on from my adventures. Here, these are the gold coins I got.」

I scatter the gold coins that I kept in the item storage on the bed.

「Oh my! T-that's amazing. ......」

「I've heard you're a nobleman, but haven't you seen this kind of money before?」

「No, my grandfather failed in business when I was young, and I had to work in the guild. ...... I'm ashamed to say that.」

「Really? I'm sorry to hear that. It's not your fault.」

「Yes, but I was thinking maybe I could get a permanent job as a rich adventurer's wife.」

「That's a good idea. But when it comes to marriage, it's important to know each other's interests, right?」

「Yes, that's true. What are your hobbies, Urban-sama?」

「Hmmm... womanizing, I guess」

「Ah, N-no, Aahnn」

When I kissed her, Ariel responded without any resistance. She also seems to be very motivated.

I've got a lot of money, so there's a chance I could seduce her with my bare face, but it would be too much trouble if I failed, so I'll just eat her up with Urban.

I licked around her still young body, and when I saw that she was ready, I inserted her in the missionary position.

「Kkuhh, uuhhh ......」

「Does it hurt?」

「No, not at all.」

She looks like she's in pain, but she's got a lot of guts.

I'm not going to let her get to the point where she hates men, so I'm going to be gentle with her.

I slowly move my hips and pinch the tip of Ariel's almost deflated breast.

「Aahhh! Y-you can't, Urban-sama, Ahnn! Please don't pinch my nipples, no!」

「Fufu, It must feel good. Tell me the truth.」

「I-I can't tell you that, Kkuhh!」

Her bottom tightens and she wriggles, but she's definitely feeling it.

This makes her like men.

「You're so cute, Ariel. You're sexy, and you're attractive, too」

「N-No way, nooo, please don't l-look at me, aaaahhhhhhhhh!」

She was a virgin and had a good taste in spite of her tongue.

「Now, the next step is to use the Doggy Style position,......Hmm?」

When I looked in the mirror, I saw that my face was back to normal. Thirty minutes seemed to have already passed.

I can continue to darken the room, but Ariel was a virgin and in pain, and now that she's passed out, it's probably best not to take any chances.

There's no way I'm going to be able to find Urban after this, so if Alec can hit on her when he's heartbroken, Fufu, I can go with this. (?)

I scribbled down some sweet and rude parting words in memo pad. I also put three gold coins on the desk with as pocket money, and left the store as Ariel asleep.

Adieu, Ariel. Until we meet again――――Shinofesakon (?), I can't hear you, Finosemon(?) (TLN: I can't find these reference)