Volume 16 - Prologue

I have successfully obtained IDs of the Magic Guild and the Adventurer's Guild, and I was enjoying sex every day at a fine inn.

「Aahnn, Alec-san, kkuh, I, can't take it anymore, I-I'm going to cum, hurry up, please!」

「Good, Fianna, you can cum whenever you want」

「Y-yes, aahhh, I'm going to cum, I'm cumming!」

Phew! I love it when the normally modest Fianna gets wild.

「Darling, may I have a moment?」

There was a knock on the door. It's Saki?

「Come in」

Nene came in with her.

「Nene wants to talk serious to you」

「I see. Then can I go change first?」

「S-sure. Awuu-awuu, I feel like I'm in heaven. I love sex! I love you, Alec-san!」

She seems to share Fianna's feelings, but I'll let her hear it later and tease her.

「Fufu, harem at its best」

The laughing Saki was also very understanding, which was good.

Serina is not particularly opposed to the rotation, so I can do whatever I want.

「So, Nene, what do you want to talk about?」

I ask as I scoop up my soup with a wooden spoon in the inn's dining room.

「R-right, umm, I was hoping to be of more help to Alec-san」

Nene, sitting across from me, said with a frown

「You're doing a great job. You should be more confident.」

Nene was doing a good job in bed, her blowjob was getting better, and her use of her hips in the cowgirl position was becoming more erotic.

Most of the time, though, she can't move on her own and ends up climaxing with me thrusting all over her. She's a cute loli.

「No, but I'm far behind Letty-sensei in the magic. ......」

「Don't worry about that. She's a genius with proven abilities. I heard she's one of the most elite in the Magic Kingdom」

「Yes, sir. I heard that Letty-sensei learned a lot of magic at the Royal Academy of Magic in this country」

「I heard that. ――Ahh」

I know what Nene is trying to say.

「S-so... ......you know」

「That's fine. You want to enter the Royal Academy of Magic, right?」

「Y-yes! That's right!

「See? I told you that Alec would give you the permission right away.」

Saki also says with a grin.

「Yes, Saki-san. I'm glad ...... phew.」

「Mostly, now that you're here, you can afford the tuition, can't you? Is it expensive?」

「Let's see」

「The tuition is 5,000 gold per month for the regular elementary course, Nene can pay it, but well, it's a bit expensive school」

Saki seemed to have done her research and explained the price in detail.

「Yeah, well, I can get you that much, but. ......Wait, the receptionist at the magic guild in Vernia recommended Austin's school before, but it's not even close.」

Even if we could afford it now, there's no way we could afford to pay 5,000 gold a month for a party of novice adventurers.

「No, that's the thing, darling, they have a scholarship program. If you get in, you can get a discount on your tuition. On top of that, there's also a special scholarship that gives you free tuition and entrance fees, a dormitory, and even pocket money.」

「Hou. They have a dormitory?」

It's a women's school where young girls live. A women's dormitory.

The secret garden would be a place that any male adventurer would want to challenge.

「All right! Nene, you'll do your best to get a scholarship to the girls' dormitory.」

「Y-yes, I'll do my best!」

「I mean, maybe I'll enroll too.」

「Ehh? Well, it looks like there's no age limit, so why not?」

I immediately called up all the magicians and wannabe magicians except for Hoshirina, and challenged them to the entrance exam of Austin Royal Academy of Magic.


「Why are you here: ......」

On the day of the exam, I groaned when I saw the white swordswoman with long red hair.

「That's my line, though. I didn't think you wanted to enrolled too, Alec.」

Serina looks at me with a dumbfounded expression and says that.

It's going to be difficult to sneak into the girls' dormitory with her around. No, she goes to inn, so can I go?

「And by the way, Serina, you, of course, commute to school from the inn, right?」

「Hmm, if possible, I'd like to get in as a special student. So if that happens, I'll be living in the girls' dormitory.」

「Whaat? Why do you want to be a special student?」

「Because you're exempt from the entrance fee and tuition, and if you have the ability, it's better.」

「Hmmm, that kind of thing is for the poor and talented. If you, a rich, take away those slots, then what's the point of the system?」


「But, anyone can get a scholarship slot, and it's funny that Alec-san, who is aiming for a scholarship slot, would say that」

Thalia said something unnecessary.

「Ehh? Ah, I think I know now. You want to sneak into the girls' dorm, Alec」

「What are you talking about? Don't raise any suspicions」

「Geez, you're already talking out of your ass and you're a pervert old man. If you get expelled, Nene and the others might get involved too」

「I'll think about it when the time comes. If Letty is your teacher, she can teach you magic」


Of course, I'm not going to make a mistake that would involve Nene.

「Well, then, it's time to start the entrance exam」

A blue-robed magician stepped forward and used his loudspeaker magic to say.

This is a soldier training ground on the outskirts of Austin.

They don't do the exam on the grounds of the Academy of Magic.

I looked around, but again, the overwhelming majority of people were children and young adults. Some of them looked at me and laughed, but when I stared back at them with a straight face, they turned their heads away in fear.

However, there seemed to be a large number of warrior-type adventurers as well, with armor and swords everywhere.

「Damn, there are so many people here this time, too. ...... There must be about a thousand people here」

「Right. Well, the number doesn't matter, because admission itself is rejected for everyone who doesn't meet the criteria」

「But I thought the scholarship quota was only for the top students.」

「I guess so」

A couple of magicians nearby were talking with a reluctant look on their faces.

「S-Sensei, I'm starting to get nervous...!」

「Don't worry, Nicole. You graduated at the top of your class at Ufa Academy of Magic. You have the ability. Have confidence in yourself.」

A rather old magician was talking to a young apprentice, but what the heck, he's just a chaperone. It makes me look more and more like a chaperone.

「Let's start with the first test, the 'sifting'. Before that, chaperones and guardians, please step outside the line」

When the examiner said this, a good number of adults shouted encouragement to the children before moving off in droves.

「Oi, look, that guy looks like a student, not a parent」

「For real? He's older than my dad. Pfft」

A kid of elementary school age points at me and laughing.

「Alec, I think you should go over there and give Nene a pep talk.」

Serina says.

「That's none of your business.」

「Weell, that warrior in the black armor over there, can you please hurry up and get out?」

Even the examiner is talking to me.

「I'm a student」

「I-I see. My apologies. Well, I guess they're all out. ――All right! Now, everyone, stay where you are. We will now do the first test, the "Sifting".」

The examining magicians began chanting spells in unison.

I don't know what they're going to do, but they're telling us not to move, so let's just sit tight.