It's my first day of classes at the Royal Academy of Magic in Austin, and I've slept most of the morning, but of course breakfast is important.

I join the table where Serina and the others are sitting with a buffet-style tray.

「Huh? Alec, do you know someone in another class?」

Marilyn, who has a bit of stupid hair, asks curiously.

「Yeah. Some of them are members of my clan, you know. I'll introduce you. The white robed one over there is Serina, and the platinum blonde one is Noel. The little one is Meme, and the pink-haired elf is Thalia.」

「Thalia is in my class, so I already know her. Hee~, a clan of adventurers, huh? Nice to meet you! I'm Marilyn. I'm in the middle school sunflower class.」

「Nice to meet you. I'm Serina from the high school Star class.」


「Nice to meet you, I'm Noel from Lily class.」

「I thought Alec was a bit of a loner in class, but I see he's making friends.」

Serina said, looking at Marilyn.

「No, I'm not sure, but my classmates are rather disgusted with me. Even the teachers. Marilyn wants to make a hundred friends, so she's an exception.」

「Yeah! That's right! I'm aiming for 100 friend!」

「Oh, I see. Well, then, I'll be your friend, but you'd better not to friend this one, Marilyn.」

「Eh~, why not? Alec doesn't seem like a bad guy.」

「Well. ......」

「That's right. Don't be mean like that, Serina, I want to be friends with her.」

「Hey ...... I'm saying this with pure good intentions. Well, she's nice and all, but Marilyn, do you have a crush on anyone?」

「Fuehh? I-is it as a friend? O-or....」

「Oh, okay, I get it from that answer, that's enough.」

It seems that Serina has given up, and I can be friends with the virgin Marilyn without any worries. Thalia giggles, too.

「But I don't agree with the fact that I'm in the middle school and you're in the high school.」

「Well, based on your ability, I think Alec should be in the high school as well. ......」

「I'm convinced that I'm a primary student because of my ability, but I'm surrounded by little kids, and they make me do things like being a teacher's assistant!」

Noel shrugged his shoulders and complained, Well, I thought he was in the high school with Serina and the others, but this guy was assigned to the elementary school. He's basically a knight, not a magician.

「Meme, you're in the high school, right?」

「Y-yes. I could have been in the middle school, but.....」

「What are you talking about? You're a magician in our clan, and you're 14 years old, so you're not that different from us here.」

Serina said, well, if you have some knowledge as a magician, regardless of your age, you should be in the higher division.


I know you're not very confident, Meme, but it's not a problem in our clan if you fail here. I'll tell you about it later in bed.

「By the way, Alec. It's about Erwin. ......」

Serina lowered her voice and asked me.

「Yeah, Letty and I checked the list yesterday in the staff room. He's already graduated from this school. Finished the Guru program. That was last month, so he was a step behind」

He graduated in less than half a year when Letty took five years, so he was a prodigy. He was also the top student in his class.

「Yeah. I guess we switched.......But somehow, I'm little relieved.」

It is suspected that he summoned the black sea anemone. Because he came to this other world with us and even partied with Serina for a while.

「Who's Erwin?」

Marilyn poked her head in, but I think it's best not to say too much at this stage of suspicion.

「I used to know this guy.」

「You do too.」

「I've only met him once or twice. It's almost as if I don't know anything about him. I'd like to find out what he's been working on here, too.」

「That's right. Did you find out anything about the black slugs at the entrance exam?」

「No, no progress on that front. And as for the black magician, I've seen her feet, but no one here has.」

「But I'm pretty sure she's here.」

「That's right.」

「Do you think the black magician and Erwin are related in any way?」

「Who knows」

It's a situation we don't know anything about yet.

「Also, there's a woman in our class named Kaede von Craig who's Japanese. I haven't had any contact with her yet, but she's probably not an active person, so I can wait and see.」

「Yeah. But if she's Japanese, be careful with her skills.」


「Hey, what do you mean, Japanese?」

「We're talking ourselves, Marilyn, don't worry about it.」

We went back to normal chatting, ate some food, and broke up.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

I was shaken violently.

「Alec-san, wake up, you're going to be late!」

「Hmmm? Kuahh ...... Nicole?」

「I don't need your "Kuahh ...... Nicole"! I tried to invite you to breakfast, but you're sleeping like a dead man, and when did you come back yesterday?」

「At dawn.」

I have no plans to live in an abstinence dormitory.

I figured out that the curfew here was loose, so I went back to the inn last night and had a lot of flirting with Meena before coming back to this dorm.

That's why I'm sleepy.

「Ehh? Of course you're sleepy, but what was your errand?」

「Adult business. Well, now that I'm up, let's go to school.」

I'll get a private room when I move up to the Mage program, so I'll just have to be patient until then.

「You were in the middle school, weren't you, Alec-san? How were your classes?」

Nicole asked, as if that was what he wanted to hear.

「It was easy. Well, I was asleep most of the time, so some of the content might have been difficult.」

「Ehh? You've been sleeping since the first day. You're an amazing person. ......」

I left the dumbfounded Nicole and went to my classroom in the middle school, the Sunflower class. ...... Sunflower class?

「Fuhh, this plate makes me want to go home.」

Kaede came up behind me and said with a sigh, but I guess she'd feel the same way if she was in her second year of high school.

She was trying to find out if I was Japanese or not, but now that I've stopped here and looked up at the plate, it's too late to cover it up.

「I guess so.」

As I said this and walked into the classroom, the students all looked at me and quieted down. The chatter resumes when they realize I'm not the teacher.

「What the hell, Alec? You scared me.」

「I thought you were the teacher yesterday, too.」

「But hey, he slept in class yesterday, what's he doing in school? It's his first day, remember?」

「It's so unpleasant just to look at him. He's a rotten apple.」

「You should've scolded him properly.」

「A student like that doesn't belong in a prestigious school.」

Those kids in the kitchen.

Are you guys trying to fight with me or something? I think so, but I guess the fact that I fell asleep and the teacher didn't pay attention to me is working against me. It's because they feels it's unfair.

Well, I guess I'll try my best to stay awake today. I'm not so sure, though.

「Safe! I made it in time! Good morning, everyone!」

「Good morning, Marilyn.」

「Hey, Marilyn!」

Marilyn seemed to be well received by the class, with smiling greetings coming from all the boys and girls.

And then she came to my seat.

「Good morning, Alec!」


「You look a little sleepy today, don't you?」

「Well, yeah」

「Good. I'm so relieved that Alec is here.」

Marilyn clenched her fists in a gut-punch.

「Marilyn, I know you're looking down and feeling relieved, but your grades are all that count in school. And don't get me wrong, I'm better than you.」

「Huh? You're messing with me」

「Anyway, you should fix that stupid sleeping habit of yours, it's bothering me.」

「Ugh, this sleeping habit is pretty tough... I was almost late this morning and didn't have time.」

Marilyn stroked her hair as hard as she could, but it kept coming back.

「All right~, good morning, everyone!」

In the meantime, Caroline-sensei came in with a bright smile, just like yesterday.