Today is another day of classes at the Academy of Magic.

Caroline is wearing a bright pink fluffy robe, but I don't think it suits her. More mature clothes would suit her better.

Maybe it's because she's the teacher of the Sunflower class. Hmph... I feel like sighing.

「Okay, I'll give you back yesterday's quiz.」



「*thump* *ba-dump*......」

「Actually, to my surprise, there was only one person who got a perfect score out of all of them!」


「Well, Sensei was also surprised. In order to measure everyone's level, I had mixed in some pretty difficult problems...」

「Who is it? Who got a perfect score?」

「It must be Melissa-sama」

「Fufu, Well, I'm not so sure」

Melissa is also smiling, as if she's confident.

「Then, I'm going to call out the names of the people with the highest scores in order, so please come to the front to get them.」

「What, in order of grade!?」

「Ew, seriously!」

「No way!」

It's a pretty terrible school to have your grades open to the public. First place is fine, but last place would be embarrassing and hard.

It's important to know one's relative rank, but exposing it is a punishment, not an education.

「Well then, number one, perfect score, Alec-san.」




Most of the class shouted in surprise, as if they hadn't expected it.

As for me, I was confident in my performance on the test, so I stepped forward and received the test paper with ease.

I received a score of one hundred points and a flower circle saying "You did very well!”. This brings back memories. I mean, this place is like a middle school on Earth, right? Good grief...

「I think Sensei will be happy if you listen to the lesson well. ......」

Caroline looks away and says. You can say that right there.


I just replied lightly and went back to my seat.

「That's a lie! That guy must have cheated or done something!」

「N-Nene-chan!? You can't say something like that without proof. Besides, you can't cheat. There were three questions that only Alec-san answered correctly, and sensei was watching the written test with my own eyes.」

「A-auhh, I'm sorry, I just...」

I felt like I was going to get killed as people looked at Nene and me, I shudderen and the classroom became tense and the atmosphere was strange.

I had no choice but to start to fix the situation.

「Haha, Nene, you're joking too hard. And you're really slip it out, aren't you?」 (TLN: sorry bit hard to translated this line, this line is basically Nene, make a slip of the tongue)

「Auhh, auhhh」

「Y-yeah, she's slipping up. Okay, next one, Lumina-san.」

The atmosphere is still strange, but Caroline has pulled herself together, so that's good.


「You traitor!」

Class is over and we have a short break, but when Marilyn comes to my seat, she glares at me with tears in her eyes.

「You idiot. I didn't betray anyone. It's your own fault that your grades are so bad.」

「I'm not denying that, but a delinquent who's been sleeping on the desk since day one and getting good grades is a foul play~」

「I don't care about such rules. Anyway, I'm trying to be an honor student.」

「Wow, an honor student. Nene-chan, let's be best friends forever~. I love how fluffy your ears are!」

「Hawawa, M-my ears are weaak~ auhhh」

Marilyn seems to be underestimating Nene, but I'll give her some advice.

「I'll tell you what, Letty has been teaching Nene mainly practical skills, and she just hasn't been able to keep up with the writing. She's a serious, and I'm going to teach her, and she's going to come right up to the top」

「Ehh? T-that's a problem」

「I don't care. I'll teach you what you don't know, so you should study hard first」

「I'm not good at studying. I hate it.」

「Well, you're on your own. I'm not your guardian, you know. Anyway, it's time to go to class. Next is the practicals.」

「Ah, Caroline-sensei said we'll meet at the schoolyard, this is bad」

It's a big school, so I got lost searching the schoolyard, and when I finally found it, the class had already started.

The teacher was not Caroline, but another teacher with cold eyes, and a woman in black robes.

「Fuh, oh my, oh my, well. It's the first day of class, and there are three late students, so I guess Caroline-sensei class is full of bums」

The elf teacher with the bangs twisted her eyebrows as if she was looking at filth. Her hair is a dark wine ride.

「I'm so sorry! I got a little lost.」

Marilyn bowed her head and apologized.

「No need to make excuses! If you're a student here, you're familiar with the [Mapping] spell. That's enough. You're not even worthy of taking my class, so just skip it.」


「Will you give me credit for that?」

I'll ask.

「No way! Please don't talk in your sleep with your eyes open.」

「Well, since I'm so motivated, why don't I take the class? I'm paying you, so take it seriously.」

「Wha .........!」

「Uehh, A-Alec, you're out of line! You can't do that to a teacher」

「Don't freak out, Marilyn. This school is all about magic, and your attitude towards teachers is secondary. That Letty got to graduate, you know.」

I've had Saki do some research and she's done a lot of research on this school.

As I mingled behind the other students, Kaede whispered to me.

「You'd better be careful, Alec. You may be right about the supremacy of magic, but this damn teacher is one of the two most important people in this school.」

「How do you know that?」

「Because my brother told me. My brother's a student here too.」

「Oh, He's the head of the boys' dormitory? I've met him. Well, thanks for the advice, Kaede.」

「It's not like I was trying to help you, so there's no need to thank me. I just don't want to be a part of it.」

「Oh my god! I knew there were a lot of scum with black hair. You two there! If you think I can't hear you talking, you're wrong. Letty, the "class crusher", had black hair, but this is the most abominable black hair I've seen since her!」

So that's where the name "crusher" comes from.

「Tsk, come to think of it, I've heard that there was a monster student who broke the school record for suspensions and fines two years ago, but that had black hair too......Good grief!」

Kaede says, you're still talking even though you're being warned about your private conversations, you're quite a gem too.

「Fine. ...... If you're going to act so unprofessional in this class of mine, Vanilla-von-Jackal, then I have an idea. I'm going to give you a test now.」


「Hmph, isn't it obvious? It's because you have that much confidence in yourself that you're showing so much leeway. So, if even one of you fails the exam, the entire class will receive no credit, which means you all will repeat a year together」

With a smile of disdain in her crimson eyes, the black-robed female teacher said that.